Research Committee

The objective of the research committee is to foster research among the SET membership and help facilitate the results of the research to the membership. An important aspect of this is in the solicitation and review of papers for the annual meeting. The committee is responsible for the review of the manuscripts and the subsequent recommendation for presentation at the annual meeting.

The Chair of the research committee serves as Program Liaison for the Annual AAA Meeting and attends the meeting for all section liaisons held during the annual meeting. The role of the liaison to the annual meeting is critical for the section; the liaison helps ensure that the section is able to obtain adequate sessions for paper presentations and panels.

Current members of this committee

Chair: Chair & 2018 Annual Meeting Coordinator: Daniel O'Leary
University of Southern California

William McCarthy
Michigan State University

Stewart Leecn
University of Melbourne

Kevin Moffitt
Rutgers University


Do please feel free to contact us with any queries or questions you have about anything you find on these pages - the section's webmanager, Hussein Issa, can be contacted on

Research Committee

The objective of the research committee is to foster research among the SET membership and help facilitate the results of the research to the membership. An important aspect of this is in the solicitation and review of papers for the annual meeting. The committee is responsible for the review of the manuscripts and the subsequent recommendation for presentation at the annual meeting.

The Chair of the research committee serves as Program Liaison for the Annual AAA Meeting and attends the meeting for all section liaisons held during the annual meeting. The role of the liaison to the annual meeting is critical for the section; the liaison helps ensure that the section is able to obtain adequate sessions for paper presentations and panels.

Current members of this committee

Chair: Chair & 2018 Annual Meeting Coordinator: Daniel O'Leary
University of Southern California

William McCarthy
Michigan State University

Stewart Leecn
University of Melbourne

Kevin Moffitt
Rutgers University


Do please feel free to contact us with any queries or questions you have about anything you find on these pages - the section's webmanager, Hussein Issa, can be contacted on


The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA) is the academic journal of the Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section of the American Accounting Association. The purpose of this section is to improve and facilitate the research, education, and practice of advanced information systems, cutting-edge technologies, and artificial intelligence in the fields of accounting, information technology and management advisory systems. JETA’s Mission is to encourage, support and disseminate the production of a stream of high-quality research focused on emerging technologies and artificial intelligence applied or applicable to a wide set of accounting related problems.

SET Newsletter

Hello SET Section members! 
I am currently gathering items for the Summer Section Newsletter, so please let me know if you have any contributions. I would like to share information on:

  • Stories and Pictures from the Midyear Meeting
  • Calls for Papers
  • Teaching Tips or Resources
  • Member Profiles (remember I want to emphasize fun items more than CV items)
  • Any other topics you think would be interesting to fellow SET members.

Please send your contributions to Jagdish Pathak at

A Special Thank You to Our Section Sponsors MMBA & Wiley!