Teaching Related Links
Teaching SET in Accounting
This page provides details of course outlines related to emerging technologies and artificial intelligence in accounting, auditing and taxation taught by, or otherwise belonging to section members.
For general links to materials that could be related to teching SET topics more generally see our Education Links page here.
This page is managed for the section by the current members of the Education Committee. For this year these are :
Giudo Geerts, Chair
Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics
University of Delaware
Email: geerts@udel.edu
Barbara Lamberton
Accounting & Taxation Department
University of Hartford
Email: lamberton@hartford.edu
C. Janie Chang
The Charles W. Lamden School of Accountancy
San Diego State University
Email: jchang@mail.sdsu.edu
Robyn Raschke
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Mailto: robyn.raschke@unlv.edu
Content Suggestions:
If you'd like to have your course linked or listed here please email the section's webmanager with your details to be considered by the Education Committee for inclusion here. Please help develop teaching in our area of interest by offering to add your syllabus, or other relevant teaching materials, here.
SET Education related links
The following education related links are provided by section members.
Are we missing links you know of that other section members might be interested in? Send your suggestions for SET related education links to the section's webmaster for consideration to be included here.
- REA Ontology
- Fraud Applications
- Continuous Auditing
- Data Mining
- University Research Centers
- Computer Security & Assurance
- Other
- XBRL.org home page
- XBRL Educational Resource Center at Bryant College
- Eric Cohen's home page
- The XBRL Canada Blog
- Skip White's XBRL Educational Resources
- Bill McCarthy's (REA Ontology) home page
- Bill McCarthy's (REA Ontology) Teaching Materials
- REA Wikipedia page
- Resource Event Agent Enterprise Ontology version 2 Wiki page
- Picalo (Open source data analysis and fraud detection software)
- Conan Albrecht's (Picalo creator) home page
- Data mining resources
- Data Warehouse, Data Mart, Data Mining, and Decision Support Resources
- DMReview
Big Data Joins Finance Research Centers Papers
- CERIAS at Purdue University (Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security)
- CSPRI at George Washington University (Cyber Security Policy Research Institute)
- GIIA at Georgetown University (Georgetown Institute for Information Assurance)
- GTISC at Georgia Tech (Georgia Tech Information Security Center)
- Iowa State University Information Assurance Center
- Queensland University of Technology's Information Security Institute
- Air Force Institute of Technology Center for Cyberspace Research
- University at Albany (SUNY) College of Computing and Information
- Florida State University's Security and Assurance in Information Technology (SAIT) Laboratory
- National Information Assurance Training and Education Center (NIATEC) - a consortium of academic, industry, and government organizations to improve the literacy, awareness, training and education standards in Information Assurance.
- SecurityFocus
- LinusSecurity.com
- WindowSecurity.com
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
- SANS Institute
- AccountingEducation.com - global online community for anyone involved in accounting education - as teachers or as students, University based or Professional studies.
- Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Teradata University Network - materials for your data warehousing, DSS/BI or database class, access knowledge and training materials from subject matter experts, and connect with colleagues in the academic and business communities.

The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA) is the academic journal of the Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section of the American Accounting Association. The purpose of this section is to improve and facilitate the research, education, and practice of advanced information systems, cutting-edge technologies, and artificial intelligence in the fields of accounting, information technology and management advisory systems. JETA’s Mission is to encourage, support and disseminate the production of a stream of high-quality research focused on emerging technologies and artificial intelligence applied or applicable to a wide set of accounting related problems.
SET Newsletter
Hello SET Section members!
I am currently gathering items for the Summer Section Newsletter, so please let me know if you have any contributions. I would like to share information on:
- Stories and Pictures from the Midyear Meeting
- Calls for Papers
- Teaching Tips or Resources
- Member Profiles (remember I want to emphasize fun items more than CV items)
- Any other topics you think would be interesting to fellow SET members.
Please send your contributions to Jagdish Pathak at jagdish@uwindsor.ca.
A Special Thank You to Our Section Sponsors MMBA & Wiley!