The Forensic Accounting Section is dedicated to the continual improvement of forensic accounting research and education, through the encouragement, development, and sharing of:
- The promotion and dissemination of forensic and investigative academic and practitioner research.
- The relevant and innovative curricula with an emphasis on effective and efficient instruction.
- The exploration of knowledge-organization issues related to forensic accounting programs.
- The creation and presentation of CPE courses to members and professionals.
Forensic Accounting often intersects with other professions including those of the law, criminology, sociology, psychology, intelligence, information technology (open sourcing, cyber-crime, digital evidence, data mining, and IT systems and control), computer forensics, and other forensic sciences.
Specific objectives include, but are not limited to those of:
A. Research:
- To initiate, encourage, and sponsor research in the field of forensic accounting.
- To stimulate discussion, promotion and dissemination of research means, methods, resources, and findings resulting from forensic accounting research.
- To raise questions and to share knowledge about forensic accounting and fraud research, including theory, application, and practice.
- To provide guidance and opportunities for members to test and to improve their forensic accounting research skills, tools, and techniques.
- To investigate and share various means of evaluating research by using scientific research methodologies, forensic accounting practice methods, policies, techniques, and research tools.
B. Education:
- To encourage a broad definition of scholarship with a high priority on teaching, learning, and curricular development.
- To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and findings about developments related to instruction, learning, and curricular issues in forensic accounting education.
- To work with other organizations (especially fraud and litigation support practitioners) pursuing similar goals.
- To encourage qualified individuals to consider opportunities in forensic accounting education by providing appropriate guidance and information about such careers.
- To unite forensic professors and practitioners by co-creating and sharing educational materials and training.
C. Teaching:
- To initiate, encourage, and sponsor research in methods of teaching, learning, and their applications to the field of forensic accounting instruction.
- To stimulate discussion and experimentation in instructional means, methods, and materials in the field of forensic accounting in general.
- To raise questions and to share knowledge about forensic accounting and fraud-related materials.
- To provide guidance and opportunities for members to test and to improve their forensic teaching and research skills and instructional materials.
- To investigate and share various means of evaluating forensic accounting instruction, instructional methods and materials, and forensic accounting research.
D. Curricula:
- To encourage continued consideration of and experimentation in all facets of curricular developments for forensic accounting programs.
- To communicate interests, intentions, and information about curricular developments in forensic accounting programs.
President Cindy Durtschi DePaul University School of Accountancy & MIS 1 East Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60404 Phone: 312-362-8789 cdurtsch@depaul.edu | President Elect Lester Heitger Missouri State University School of Accountancy 901 South National Ave Springfield, MO 65897 Phone: 417-836-5164 LesHeitger@missouristate.edu |
Immediate Past President Timothy J. Louwers College of Business James Madison University School of Accounting MSC 0203 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Phone: 540-568-3084 louwertj@jmu.edu | Vice President — Practice Toby Bishop Independent Anti-Fraud Strategist fraudmeister@aol.com |
Treasurer Carl Pacini University of South Florida College of Business, PNM 107 Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 Phone: 727-873-4268 cpacini@mail.usf.edu | Secretary Ronald Daigle Sam Houston State University College of Business 1821 Avenue I Huntsville, TX 77340 Phone: 936-294-1479 daigle@shsu.edu |
Council Representative Timothy J. Louwers College of Business James Madison University School of Accounting MSC 0203 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Phone: 540-568-3084 louwertj@jmu.edu | |
Newsletter D. Larry Crumbley Louisiana State University Phone: 225-578-6231 dcrumbl@lsu.edu | AAACommons Editorial Board Member TBD |
Webmaster Patricia Johnson Canisius College Phone: 716-888-5947 johnsonp@canisius.edu | |
Committee Chairpersons
Membership Acquisition and Retention Lynn Clements Florida Southern College Phone: 863-680-4288 lclements@flsouthern.edu | Bylaw Review/Strategic Planning Priscilla Burnaby Bentley University Phone: 781-891-2519 pburnaby@bentley.edu |
Nominating Committee D. Larry Crumbley Louisiana State University Phone: 225-578-6231 dcrumbl@lsu.edu | IFRS & Fraud Norbert Tschakert Salem State University Phone: 619-200-9852 ntschakert@salemstate.edu |
Electronic Evidence & Fraud Salem Boumediene Montana State University – Billings Phone: 406-657-1605 salem.boumediene@msubillings.edu | Litigation Support Bill Barrett Barrett PC Phone: 804-355-3555 bill.barrett@barrettPC.com |
Tax Fraud/Underground Economy Carl Pacini University of South Florida Phone: 727-873-4268 cpacini@mail.usf.edu | Fraud in Governmental/NFP Entities Oscar Harvin Florida Atlantic University oharvin@my.fau.edu |
Publications Chih-Chen Lee Northern Illinois University Phone: 815-753-6205 cclee@niu.edu | Awards Diane Matson University of St. Thomas Phone: 651-962-5149 dmmatson@stthomas.edu |
Syllabus Exchange Helen Pruitt University of Maryland-University College Phone: 301-956-4610 helen_pruitt@yahoo.com | Education Debbie Sinclair University of South Florida – St. Petersburg Phone: 727-873-4815 dsinclair@mail.usf.edu |
Professional Association Liaison Helen Pruitt University of Maryland-University College Phone: 301-956-4610 helen_pruitt@yahoo.com | Midyear Research Conference Program Chair Chris Skousen Utah State University Phone: 435-797-2429 chris.skousen@usu.edu |
2015 Annual Meeting Program Advisory Committee Liaison Siew Chan Nova Southeastern University Phone: 954-262-5354 schan1@nova.edu | 2015 Annual Meeting Program Advisory Committee Liaison (Assistant) Curt Nichols Bucknell University Phone: 509-313-7031 cmn006@bucknell.edu |
Regional Directors