• Welcome to the Forensic Accounting Section

    Dedicated to improving forensic accounting research & education, through the encouragement, development, and sharing of research, curricula, and coursework.

The FA Section (FAS) needs your help with creating a Syllabus Exchange. Please send your syllabus as an email attachment to Helen Pruitt at helen.pruitt@faculty.umuc.edu, with "FAS Syllabus Exchange" in the subject line.

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. Course level (undergraduate/graduate)
  2. Course name (if not on the syllabus)
  3. Topics covered (if not obvious from the course name)
  4. Faculty name and affiliation (if not on the syllabus)
  5. Whether you have additional course material that you are willing to share or discuss with faculty who may contact you (i.e. lecture notes, problem sets, cases, assignments, etc.)

Syllabi should be formatted as Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF and/or Excel files.

The Section greatly appreciates your help and look forward to receiving your syllabi and sharing with others.

List of Syllabi

Instructor School Program Type Course Title
Eileen Taylor North Carolina State University Graduate Fraud Examination
James Cali University of Missouri – Columbia Graduate Forensic Accounting
Larry Crumbley Louisiana State University Graduate Fraud Auditing & Forensic Accounting
Lester Heitger Missouri State University Graduate Forensic Accounting
George Young Florida Atlantic University Graduate Forensic Accounting, Fraud, and Taxation
Steve Smith Southeastern Oklahoma State University Undergraduate 
Six Week Course
Seminar in Forensic Accounting
Jim DiGabriele Montclair State University Graduate Forensic Accounting