• Welcome to the Government and Nonprofit Section

    Fosters research in financial and managerial accounting, as well as auditing for government & nonprofit organizations.

GNP Member Annette K. Pridgen Receives AGA’s Cornelius E. Tierney/Ernst & Young Research Award

The Sections Strategic Goals and Action Steps by Year Have Been Updated.

Congratulations to our 2015 GNP Award Winners (Best Midyear and Annual Meeting Papers and the Enduring Lifetime Achievement Award).

GNP Teaching Case Studies Updated by Author, Date, and Subject

Amended and Updated Bylaws Approved by Membership at the Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL


If you are aware of news items which are not listed here, please email the Webmaster with the details. All contributions are appreciated.

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Using Archival Data Sources to Conduct Nonprofit Accounting Research
This paper discusses nonprofit data sources, data issues, and potential remedies for such problems.

Call for Papers: Healthcare and Nonprofit Organizations

Australian Journal Rankings

Journal of Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting
The Government and Nonprofit section of the American Accounting Association announces a new academic journal, the Journal of Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting (JOGNA). JOGNA's objectives are to promote, publish, and elevate the quality of research in the governmental and nonprofit accounting areas.

GNP Section New Journal Business Plan and Budget

CPAs in Government: Shaping the Future Video