The 2020 Joint Midyear Meeting of the AIS, SET and International Sections
 will be held in Orlando, Florida, at the Rosen Center on January 23-25, 2020. The meeting will be joint with three sections: Accounting Information Systems Section, Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section and International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association. This meeting will include both separate and combined sessions, and the cross-section collaboration promises to offer new insights and inspirations for the coming decade.

Members of all sections will submit their work through the same submission system, and joint-section coordinators will work together to design the program.  

Details about each submission requirements are listed below and the submission deadline has been extended to Thursday, September 12, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT.

Accounting Information Systems/Strategic and Emerging Technologies Submissions (AIS/SET)
AIS/SET Research Papers
AIS/SET Panel and Workshop Proposals
AIS/SET Early Stage Research Sessions
Journal of Information Systems Conference
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting Conference

International Accounting Section Submissions
International Accounting Research Papers and Panel Proposals
Journal of International Accounting Research - Featured Papers Session

If you would like to volunteer as a discussant, moderator or reviewer you will need to login with your username and password and click Volunteer Opportunities.

Accounting Information Systems/Strategic and Emerging Technologies Submissions (AIS/SET)

Research Papers

Research (including pedagogical research) papers should follow the style and submission guidelines of the Journal of Information Systems (JIS) or Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA). Instructional cases should be in a format similar to that used in Issues in Accounting Education. Papers submitted will be reviewed with the intention of identifying promising papers that may be suitable for publication in JIS or JETA. Editors from the respective journals will contact the authors of identified papers and invite their submission to their journal. 

Conference submissions are eligible for up to five best paper awards, each with a $500 prize. The AIS section will award a best paper, best a case/education paper, and best emerging scholar’s paper award. The SET section will award a best paper in both the emerging scholar and established scholar categories. 
The submission deadline is Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT.
The submission deadline has been extended to Thursday, September 12, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT.

Click here to submit!

Panel and Workshop Proposals
Please use the conference submission system to submit your proposals for panels and workshops. 
The submission deadline for panel and workshop proposals is Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT. 
The submission deadline for panel and workshop proposals has been extended to Thursday, September 12, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT.  

Click here to submit!

Early Stage Research Sessions
The Early Stage Research sessions are designed to allow scholars to submit early stage research (e.g., proposals, pilot studies) and receive feedback on their theory and research design before collecting data. Submissions should have clearly stated research question(s), well-developed theory and hypotheses based on the relevant literature, and a proposed research design. Submissions should not exceed 10 pages. Authors will give 10-minute presentations followed by 5 minutes of senior faculty discussant feedback and 5 minutes of open dialogue among the session participants.

Although preference will be given to early stage scholars (Assistant Professors and PhD students), all are invited to submit their early stage research for consideration. Interested scholars should indicate their interest in participation in the Early Stage Research sessions on the title page of their submissions and send them directly to Bachman Fulmer ( by Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT. 
The submission deadline has been extended to Thursday, September 12, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT.  
Click here to submit!

Journal of Information Systems Conference

Topics and Research Methodologies

Original academic papers addressing a wide range of issues related to accounting information systems and information technology will be considered. All research methodologies are welcome, including experimental, qualitative, field study, analytical, behavioral, archival, design science.

Papers to be considered for this conference should follow the JIS editorial policy and should be submitted at the green button below. Full details are available at Papers accepted to JISC-2020 will also receive a strong consideration for acceptance to JIS. Research teams are expected to improve their papers following the guidance from the reviewers and from the interaction at the conference. Recognition of the paper’s inclusion at the JISC-2020 will be noted if the paper ultimately reaches publication. Papers not accepted for the conference will continue to receive review by the Midyear Meeting research paper Chair and may be considered for inclusion in the Midyear Meeting's regular program.

Inquiries may be made to JISC-2020 Co-Editors Gregory Gerard, and Tawei (David) Wang, 

To Submit to the Journal of Information Systems Conference: 
1. Manuscripts should be prepared in the same style as a journal submission. Instructions regarding the preparation of files for submission can be found here
2. The title page is submitted with the manuscript for the journal conference, all author identification must be removed to ensure anonymous review.
3. Author information should be removed from the properties of your PDF or Word Doc. Note: Word Docs will be converted to a PDF when uploaded to the journal conference submission site. 
a. PDF: Found under File, Properties, Description.
b. Word Doc: Found under File, Info, Check for Issues, Inspect Document, Document Properties and Personal Information (should be checked), click Inspect. You will be prompted to remove all document properties and author information.  
4. There is no fee to submit to the journal conference. 
The submission deadline is Thursday, September 12, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT.
Click here to submit!

Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting
JETA is the sole research journal of the Strategic and Emerging Technologies (SET) Section of AAA (‐regions/strategic‐and‐emerging‐technologies). The journal is now in its 16th year of publication and is indexed in SCOPUS and ESCI. JETAC is the annual research conference of JETA. The objective of JETAC is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for researchers in accounting and related domains to discuss and critique emerging technologies that impact accounting research and practice. Area of interests include, but are not limited to, data and analytics in accounting and auditing (including the integration of unstructured data internal and external to an organization), artificial intelligence and deep neural networks, AI and conversational AI assisted audits, continuous auditing, blockchain, robotic process automation, intelligent process automation, disclosure enabling high frequency trading, and virtually all areas of interest to AIS researchers. 
Submissions will be made to the meeting system, with the authors specifying whether their articles should be considered for the journal conference.

To Submit to the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting Conference: 
1. Manuscripts should be prepared in the same style as a journal submission. Instructions regarding the preparation of files for submission can be found here
2. The title page is submitted with the manuscript for the journal conference, all author identification must be removed to ensure anonymous review.
3. Author information should be removed from the properties of your PDF or Word Doc. Note: Word Docs will be converted to a PDF when uploaded to the journal conference submission site. 
a. PDF: Found under File, Properties, Description.
b. Word Doc: Found under File, Info, Check for Issues, Inspect Document, Document Properties and Personal Information (should be checked), click Inspect. You will be prompted to remove all document properties and author information.  
4. There is no fee to submit to the journal conference. 
The submission deadline is Thursday, September 12, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT.
Click here to submit!

International Accounting Section Submissions


Research Papers and Panel Proposals
You are invited to contribute to the program through submissions of international accounting research papers and panel proposals. Special consideration will be given to papers and panels submitted to the collaborative tracks, which focus on cross-section topics.  We also encourage you to volunteer to serve as a reviewer, discussant, and/or a moderator.

For panel proposals, describe the rationale and importance of the topic in a page or so, indicate the planned panelists, and whether you need any help from the International Accounting Section to contact the panelists. Unless otherwise stated, it will be assumed that the person submitting the panel proposal would be willing to moderate the panel. The submission deadline is Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT.
The submission deadline has been extended to Thursday, September 12, 2019, 11:59 EDT.
Click here to submit!

Journal of International Accounting Research - Featured Papers Session

The Journal of International Accounting Research will have a session for two featured papers. Accepted JIAR-Featured Papers will be published in the Journal of International Accounting Research (conditional on satisfactory responses to reviewers' and discussant's comments). In addition, the regular submission fee of $250 will be waived. Authors who would like their papers to be considered for the JIAR- Featured Papers Session should include in the cover letter to the editor (a) that you wish to have the paper considered for the Featured Paper Session and (b) whether you would like the paper to be considered for inclusion in a concurrent session in the event it is not selected for the Featured Papers Session. 

To Submit to the Journal of International Accounting Research Session:
1. Manuscripts should be prepared in the same style as a journal submission. Instructions regarding the preparation of files for submission can be found here.
2. The title page is submitted with the manuscript for the journal session, all author identification must be removed to ensure anonymous review.
3. Author information should be removed from the properties of your PDF or Word Doc. Note: Word Docs will be converted to a PDF when uploaded to the submission site.
a. PDF: Found under File, Properties, Description.
b. Word Doc: Found under File, Info, Check for Issues, Inspect Document, Document Properties and Personal Information (should be checked), click inspect.
4. There is not fee to submit.
The submission deadline is Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT.
The submission deadline has been extended to Thursday, September 12, 2019, 11:59 pm EDT.

Click here to submit!

NOTE: All submissions will be subject to a blind review process. Therefore, submitted documents should NOT include a title page or any author identifying information. Submitting authors will be asked to copy/paste an abstract of the paper (200-400 words) into a form field, separately from the submitted document. Authors will be listed in the printed program in the order they are entered during the online submission process. PDF is the preferred format for paper submissions.

We gratefully acknowledge the KPMG Foundation for their generous support!