2016 BRIA Best Paper Award Quicklinks Award recipients Call for Nominations The AAA Accounting, Behavior and Organizations Section is pleased to announce its 2016 Outstanding Dissertation Award competition. The purpose of this competition is to recognize outstanding dissertation research in a behavioral/organizations topic. The assessment of what constitutes an outstanding contribution to behavioral/organizational accounting research will be based on, but not limited to, the following criteria: relevance and originality of the research question development of a theoretical framework; appropriateness of the research method and analysis quality of writing potential for publication in a scholarly journal potential for the results to have practical implications for accounting practitioners and organizations An entry may be nominated by either the author of the dissertation or by one or more members of the author's dissertation committee. The author must be a member of the ABO Section at the time of entry. The entry may not be simultaneously submitted to dissertation competitions sponsored by other sections of the American Accounting Association. All entries must include a letter from the dissertation chairperson stating that the dissertation has been completed and accepted by the degree-granting institution during the calendar year 2015. A working paper from the dissertation that meets the criteria for papers submitted to Behavioral Research in Accounting (refer to the latest issue for requirements related to length and other matters) and the related experimental or survey instrument should be sent to the Chair of the Award Committee. All entries must be received by June 10, 2016. The award recipient will be notified by August 1, 2016. Please send all materials in electronic form to: D. Jordan Lowe, Jordan.Lowe@asu.edu The AAA/ABO Section Dissertation Award carries with it a $1,000 cash award for the recipient as well as a plaque honoring the recipient. The award recipient will be announced during lunch at the ABO Section Annual Research Conference in October 2016. The award recipient will also be invited to present his/her work at the ABO Research Conference. 2014 - (tie) Kerry Humphreys and Scott Asay 2013 - Brian J. White 2012 - Justin Leiby 2011 - Jonathan Grenier 2010 - Jason Brown 2009 - Nicholas Seybert 2008 - Shana Clor-Proell 2007 - David Piercey 2006 - Joshua Herbold 2005 - Arianna Pinello 2004 - Brooke Elliott 2003 - Kimberly Sawers 2002 - Lisa Sedor 2001 - Wendy Bailey 2000 - Jennifer Joe 1999 - John A. Barrick 1998 - Linda Thorne 1997 - Jay C. Thibodeau 1995 - Sandra C. Vera-Munoz 1994 - Keith R. Duncan 1993 - S. Jane Kennedy The Behavioral Research in Accounting (BRIA) Best Paper Award has been established by the ABO Section Publications Committee to recognize annually a paper published in BRIA with the greatest impact or potential impact on behavioral and/or organizational research in accounting. Nominations for the award will be accepted from members of the ABO section. Self-nominations are encouraged. The winning paper will be selected by the Publications Committee of the ABO section. The author(s) of the winning paper will be awarded $1,000, presented at the ABO Research Conference in October 2016. All papers appearing in print in BRIA in the three years preceding the beginning of the nomination year are eligible. For 2016, papers appearing in print in BRIA in volumes 25 (2013), 26 (2014) and 27 (2015) are eligible. Nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 2-3 paragraphs) explaining why the paper should be considered for the award. For your convenience, here are links to each volume’s issues on the AAA Digital Library: Volume 27 (2015) Issue 2 (Fall) Issue 1 (Spring) Volume 26 (2014) Issue 2 (Fall) Issue 1 (Spring) Volume 25 (2013) Issue 2 (Fall) Issue 1 (Spring) Nominations must be received by Kathryn Kadous by email at kathryn.kadous@emory.edu by June 10, 2016. ABO Home About News Membership Awards Research Events Journals/Publications Award Recipients 2020 Joseph F. Brazel Christine Gimbar Eldar M. Maksymov Tammie J. Schaefer 2019 Steve Perreault James Wainberg 2018 Roland F. Spekle’ Hilco J. van Elten Sally K. Widener 2017 Nicole P. Ang Ken T. Trotman 2016 Jeffrey R. Cohen Lori Holder-Webb Valentina L. Zamora 2015 Marietta Peytcheva Arnold Wright Barbara Majoor 2014 Douglas F. Prawitt Nathan Y. Sharp David A. Woods 2013 Terrence Pitre 2012 Robert Pinsker 2011 Robert Pinsker Robin Pennington Jennifer Schafer Khim Kelly 2010 Wray Bradley BRIA Behavioral Research in Accounting A journal of the Accounting, Behavior, and Organizations Section of the American Accounting Association Submit to Behavioral Research in Accounting Journal Archive Current Issue Online Early Midyear Meeting 2024 Accounting Behavior and Organizations Research Conference October 18-19, 2024 • Montreal, QC, Canada Join us for our Research Conference being held October 18-19 in Montreal, QC, Canada at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Montreal. More details about the meeting to be posted soon. We look forward to seeing you in Montreal! Calendar