JATA - Spring 1995
Volume 17, No. 1
Julie H. Collins and Daniel P. Murphy
This paper examines the effect of tax rate uncertainty on security prices, investor clienteles, and tax revenue. A laboratory market setting is employed where differentially taxed investors invest in three differentially taxed riskless securities (fully taxable, partially taxable, and non-taxable). The setting is replicated under conditions of investor tax rate certainty and uncertainty.
When tax rates are certain, prices reflect security tax differences and clienteles develop such that investors minimize their total (explicit plus implicit) tax burden. Tax rate uncertainty leads to decreased prices, hence increased returns, for the fully and partially taxable securities as investors demand a premium to hold these "risky" taxable securities. Tax uncertainty also impedes investor clientele formation and results in increased tax payments by investors.
Gregory A. Carnes and Ted D. Englebrecht
It may be advantageous for those who are investigating tax compliance to set parameters such as detection rate and penalty levels at values similar to those that individuals actually face. We use penalty levels proxied at the sanction levels stipulated in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) for omission of income to determine if penalties are an effective deterrent and to see if changes in magnitudes are salient. We measure detection risk as perceived detection risk. Additionally, we investigate the influence of income visibility on compliance and explore the relation between income visibility and detection risk.
The results indicate that low levels of penalty sanctions influence compliance behavior. Increases in sanction levels appear to be salient even when those increases are relatively small. Perceptions of detection risk and income visibility were also significantly related to compliance. After controlling for income visibility, taxpayers' compliance behavior was very strongly influenced by their detection risk perceptions.
Ananth Seetharaman and Govind S. Iyer
Current tax progressivity studies reflect a significant bias in favor of the Suits index of tax progressivity over other tax progressivity indexes. Although the Suits index is not without merit, it fails to assess the impact of tax progressivity on income inequality. This limitation is significant when judged from the standpoint that a principal justification for tax progressivity is the expectation that it will reduce income inequality. In this study, a detailed analysis of the features, the nature, and the sources of the limitations of seven alternative tax progressivity indexes is presented. The indexes are then applied to examine whether or not the child and dependent care credit was progressive during the 1979-86 period. The empirical results, which are sensitive to the choice of the index, suggest that the practice of arbitrarily selecting and applying the Suits index will lead to incomplete inferences about the progressivity effects of tax systems.
The Economics of Taxpayer Venue Choice:
Effects of Informational Asymmetries
Gail Eynon and Kevin Stevens
Taxpayers unwilling to settle disputes with the IRS administratively must choose among several venues in order to defend their interests. This study examines the taxpayer's choice of venue from a game theory perspective. We describe the litigation process as a two-player game with asymmetric information, where taxpayers have private information as to their guilt or innocence. The IRS offers to settle out of court and taxpayers can either accept or reject this settlement demand. We find that the optimal IRS settlement demand depends upon the ability of the courts to discriminate between the guilty and the innocent, as well as upon the out-of-pocket legal costs of the players. Further, venue choice is never an informative signal when the IRS' goal is to maximize expected revenue. When minimization of expected incremental social costs is the IRS' objective function, the taxpayer's venue choice may in some cases transfer information to the IRS.
Experimental Evidence of the Effect of Tax Rate Uncertainty on Security Prices, Investor Clienteles, and Tax Payments
Julie H. Collins and Daniel P. Murphy
An Investigation of the Effect of Detection Risk Perceptions, Penalty Sanctions, and Income Visibility on Tax Compliance
Gregory A. Carnes and Ted D. Englebrecht
A Comparison of Alternative Measures of Tax Progressivity: The Case of the Child and Dependent Care Credit
Ananth Seetharaman and Govind S. Iyer
The Economics of Taxpayer Venue Choice: Effects of Informational Asymmetries
Gail Eynon and Kevin Stevens
Julie H. Collins and Daniel P. Murphy
This paper examines the effect of tax rate uncertainty on security prices, investor clienteles, and tax revenue. A laboratory market setting is employed where differentially taxed investors invest in three differentially taxed riskless securities (fully taxable, partially taxable, and non-taxable). The setting is replicated under conditions of investor tax rate certainty and uncertainty.
When tax rates are certain, prices reflect security tax differences and clienteles develop such that investors minimize their total (explicit plus implicit) tax burden. Tax rate uncertainty leads to decreased prices, hence increased returns, for the fully and partially taxable securities as investors demand a premium to hold these "risky" taxable securities. Tax uncertainty also impedes investor clientele formation and results in increased tax payments by investors.
Gregory A. Carnes and Ted D. Englebrecht
It may be advantageous for those who are investigating tax compliance to set parameters such as detection rate and penalty levels at values similar to those that individuals actually face. We use penalty levels proxied at the sanction levels stipulated in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) for omission of income to determine if penalties are an effective deterrent and to see if changes in magnitudes are salient. We measure detection risk as perceived detection risk. Additionally, we investigate the influence of income visibility on compliance and explore the relation between income visibility and detection risk.
The results indicate that low levels of penalty sanctions influence compliance behavior. Increases in sanction levels appear to be salient even when those increases are relatively small. Perceptions of detection risk and income visibility were also significantly related to compliance. After controlling for income visibility, taxpayers' compliance behavior was very strongly influenced by their detection risk perceptions.
Ananth Seetharaman and Govind S. Iyer
Current tax progressivity studies reflect a significant bias in favor of the Suits index of tax progressivity over other tax progressivity indexes. Although the Suits index is not without merit, it fails to assess the impact of tax progressivity on income inequality. This limitation is significant when judged from the standpoint that a principal justification for tax progressivity is the expectation that it will reduce income inequality. In this study, a detailed analysis of the features, the nature, and the sources of the limitations of seven alternative tax progressivity indexes is presented. The indexes are then applied to examine whether or not the child and dependent care credit was progressive during the 1979-86 period. The empirical results, which are sensitive to the choice of the index, suggest that the practice of arbitrarily selecting and applying the Suits index will lead to incomplete inferences about the progressivity effects of tax systems.
The Economics of Taxpayer Venue Choice:
Effects of Informational Asymmetries
Gail Eynon and Kevin Stevens
Taxpayers unwilling to settle disputes with the IRS administratively must choose among several venues in order to defend their interests. This study examines the taxpayer's choice of venue from a game theory perspective. We describe the litigation process as a two-player game with asymmetric information, where taxpayers have private information as to their guilt or innocence. The IRS offers to settle out of court and taxpayers can either accept or reject this settlement demand. We find that the optimal IRS settlement demand depends upon the ability of the courts to discriminate between the guilty and the innocent, as well as upon the out-of-pocket legal costs of the players. Further, venue choice is never an informative signal when the IRS' goal is to maximize expected revenue. When minimization of expected incremental social costs is the IRS' objective function, the taxpayer's venue choice may in some cases transfer information to the IRS.
A Letter From Our President
Stacie Kelley
ATA Section President
Greetings ATA Members and welcome to the 2024/2025 academic year!
Thank you so much for providing me the opportunity to serve as your president this year. I am honored and extremely grateful for Jenny Brown’s (Past-President) help in navigating this important role. She provided outstanding leadership during the ATA’s 50th year and is absolutely wonderful!
Many members of the ATA, like Jenny, have been instrumental in my academic career over the past 25 years since I embarked on this adventure at the University of Washington as a PhD student. In addition to the excellent foundation I received at Washington, it was through various events provided by the ATA that I have met some truly remarkable people and enjoyed numerous rewarding opportunities.
ATA Memorial Fund
The ATA created this fund to provide a vehicle for ATA members to contribute in memory of deceased ATA members and friends.
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