JATA - Summer 1979
Volume 1, No. 1
The Master's Degree in Taxation: An Assessment of its Growth and Future
Barry C. Broden, Myron S. Lubell
ATA Summary
In 1973, the authors studied graduate business school programs in the U.S. that offered degrees in taxation and noted a lack of academic training programs in taxation. The purpose of the paper was to assess and analyse the growth of graduate tax programs since that time and to determine the extent to which the academic world had filled the void in graduate tax education. The authors presented a list of universities offering a graduate tax program, a summary of graduate tax course offerings, enrollment and faculty statistics, and a continuum that extended from a Type I program (Academic) to a Type II program (Professional). The authors concluded that the void in the number of graduate tax accounting programs and students had been eliminated. However, due to rapid growth, some students and programs appeared to be of dubious quality. The authors therefore suggested consideration of accreditation of graduate tax programs in the 1980s. The authors still perceived a void in the availability of qualified PhDs in taxation.
Research Methodology: The information was presented primarily for academic readers. Data was gathered and presented either in tables or graphs with no statistical analysis. Conclusions reached were almost entirely the opinions of the authors based on their subjective interpretation of the data.Capital Gain Yielding Bonds Produce Higher Than Expected After Tax Bond Yields
Ron N. Bagley, James W. Jenkins
ATA Summary
The authors advocate making bond investment decisions on the basis of after-tax yields calculated in such a way to consider:
(1) that different types of income are involved and are taxed at different rates, and
(2) that there is time value to deferred taxation of capital gain income.
The article also describes the financial characteristics of the bond market, discusses the federal tax treatment of bonds, and concludes that taxable bonds, when selling for a discount, are quite competitive after tax with municipal bonds.
The Net Economic Effect of a "Widow's Election" in the Community Property States
Sally Morrow Jones
ATA Summary
The paper analyzes the widow's election in terms of its net economic effect upon the electing taxpayer and addresses charges that the election creates a sizeable and unjustifiable tax benefit to residents of community property states. The author concludes that transactions that have identical net economic effects are being treated differently for tax purposes. However, the difference is not always beneficial to taxpayers in community property jurisdictions.
Research Methodology: The article presents four alternative situations and the resulting tax effects to demonstrate the effect of the widow's election. No sophisticated statistical analysis performed.The Master's Degree in Taxation: An Assessment of its Growth and Future
Barry C. Broden, Myron S. Lubell
Capital Gain Yielding Bonds Produce Higher Than Expected After Tax Bond Yields
Ron N. Bagley, James W. Jenkins
The Net Economic Effect of a "Widow's Election" in the Community Property States
Sally Morrow Jones
The Master's Degree in Taxation: An Assessment of its Growth and Future
Barry C. Broden, Myron S. Lubell
ATA Summary
In 1973, the authors studied graduate business school programs in the U.S. that offered degrees in taxation and noted a lack of academic training programs in taxation. The purpose of the paper was to assess and analyse the growth of graduate tax programs since that time and to determine the extent to which the academic world had filled the void in graduate tax education. The authors presented a list of universities offering a graduate tax program, a summary of graduate tax course offerings, enrollment and faculty statistics, and a continuum that extended from a Type I program (Academic) to a Type II program (Professional). The authors concluded that the void in the number of graduate tax accounting programs and students had been eliminated. However, due to rapid growth, some students and programs appeared to be of dubious quality. The authors therefore suggested consideration of accreditation of graduate tax programs in the 1980s. The authors still perceived a void in the availability of qualified PhDs in taxation.
Research Methodology: The information was presented primarily for academic readers. Data was gathered and presented either in tables or graphs with no statistical analysis. Conclusions reached were almost entirely the opinions of the authors based on their subjective interpretation of the data.Capital Gain Yielding Bonds Produce Higher Than Expected After Tax Bond Yields
Ron N. Bagley, James W. Jenkins
ATA Summary
The authors advocate making bond investment decisions on the basis of after-tax yields calculated in such a way to consider:
(1) that different types of income are involved and are taxed at different rates, and
(2) that there is time value to deferred taxation of capital gain income.
The article also describes the financial characteristics of the bond market, discusses the federal tax treatment of bonds, and concludes that taxable bonds, when selling for a discount, are quite competitive after tax with municipal bonds.
The Net Economic Effect of a "Widow's Election" in the Community Property States
Sally Morrow Jones
ATA Summary
The paper analyzes the widow's election in terms of its net economic effect upon the electing taxpayer and addresses charges that the election creates a sizeable and unjustifiable tax benefit to residents of community property states. The author concludes that transactions that have identical net economic effects are being treated differently for tax purposes. However, the difference is not always beneficial to taxpayers in community property jurisdictions.
Research Methodology: The article presents four alternative situations and the resulting tax effects to demonstrate the effect of the widow's election. No sophisticated statistical analysis performed.A Letter From Our President
Stacie Kelley
ATA Section President
Greetings ATA Members and welcome to the 2024/2025 academic year!
Thank you so much for providing me the opportunity to serve as your president this year. I am honored and extremely grateful for Jenny Brown’s (Past-President) help in navigating this important role. She provided outstanding leadership during the ATA’s 50th year and is absolutely wonderful!
Many members of the ATA, like Jenny, have been instrumental in my academic career over the past 25 years since I embarked on this adventure at the University of Washington as a PhD student. In addition to the excellent foundation I received at Washington, it was through various events provided by the ATA that I have met some truly remarkable people and enjoyed numerous rewarding opportunities.
ATA Memorial Fund
The ATA created this fund to provide a vehicle for ATA members to contribute in memory of deceased ATA members and friends.
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