Auditing Section Awards Index:
Distinguished Service in Auditing Award - to
recognize exemplary career service to the Auditing profession or the Section and
scholarly contributions to the field of Auditing.
Deadline: September 15th
Call for Nominations
Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education
Award - to encourage innovation and improvement in auditing and
assurance education.
Deadline: September 15th
Call for Nominations
Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award -
to recognize most outstanding contribution to auditing knowledge.
Generously sponsored by the Internal Audit Foundation
Deadline: September 15th
Call for Nominations
Outstanding Auditing Educator Award - to
recognize significant achievements in research or teaching in the field of
Deadline: September 15th
Call for Nominations
Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award -
to recognize research works of exceptional merit that make a direct contribution to
auditing or assurance education, practice, or research.
Deadline: September 15th
Call for Nominations
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory Best Paper
Award - The Section established this award in 2012 to annually
recognize a paper published in AJPT that has had a significant
influence on, or the potential to significantly influence, auditing research or
Deadline: September 15th
Call for Nominations
Best Midyear Meeting Doctoral Student Paper Award -to
recognize high quality submissions to the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting.
Generously sponsored by The Institute of Internal Auditors
Best Paper at the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting - to
recognize high quality submissions to the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting.
Distinguished Service Award in Auditing
The Auditing Section seeks nominations from the Section's membership for the award to be conferred at the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting in January. This award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the auditing profession or the Auditing Section, and scholarly contributions to the field of auditing. Visit the Auditing Section’s website to view previous awards here.
Selection of the award recipient will be made by the Section’s Distinguished Service Award in Auditing Selection Committee. Nominations should be accompanied by a narrative summarizing the nominee's background and their contributions to the profession, the Auditing Section and scholarship. No prescribed content or format is required, though the Selection Committee will benefit from comprehensive summary information upon which to build their understanding of the nominee's contributions.
Please submit nominations to Yi-Jing Wu via email ( by the earliest possible date, but no later than September 15th.
Distinguished Service Award Recipients
2025 |
Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award
The Auditing Section is seeking nominations for the Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award. The purpose of this award is to encourage innovation and improvement in auditing and assurance education.
The criteria used to judge the submissions include, but are not necessarily limited
a. Innovation.
b. Educational benefits.
c. Adaptability by other educational institutions or to other situations.
Nominations may include, for instance, a set of teaching materials, a creative
instructional strategy, or an insightful teaching approach. The innovation should have been
implemented so that evidence of its success can be evaluated. A completed
application should include the following:
a. A description of the innovation, including sample materials.
b. Any available evidence that the innovation has been shown to have educational
c. The name of a contact person, including the person’s phone, email address, and office
mailing address.
Nominations submitted that are not selected are to be carried forward as automatically eligible nominations for the next four subsequent years. Award recipients must be willing to share instructional materials with other members of the Section. Individual faculty members or groups of faculty teaching or preparing materials to be used for auditing and/or assurance education are eligible to apply. Persons may also nominate another faculty member or group of faculty members. At least one nominee must be a member of the Auditing Section.
Please submit nominations to Yi-Jing Wu via email ( by the earliest possible date, but no later than September 15th.
Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award
2025: Ryan Dunn, Auburn University, Greg Jenkins, Auburn University and Mark Sheldon, John Carroll University Bitcoin and Blockchain: Auditing Implications of the Killer Bs |
Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award
Generously sponsored by the Internal Audit Foundation
The Auditing Section seeks nominations for its annual Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award. The author of the dissertation judged to make the most outstanding contribution to auditing knowledge among those dissertations nominated for consideration, in addition to the recipient's dissertation chair, will receive the award. The assessment of what constitutes an outstanding contribution will be based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria:
- Timeliness and importance of the problem(s) addressed.
- Creativity of the research.
- Development of an appropriate theoretical framework.
- Appropriateness of the research method and analysis.
- Potential for publication in a scholarly journal.
- Potential for the results to have an impact on the practice of auditing.
Selection of the award recipient will be made by the Section’s Outstanding Dissertation in Auditing Selection Committee. A dissertation may be nominated either by the author or one or more members of the dissertation committee. To be considered complete, nominations must include:
- A letter from the dissertation chairperson stating that the dissertation has been completed and accepted by the degree-granting institution in the last two preceding calendar years (i.e., between January1, 2023 and December 31, 2024). Dissertations can be nominated more than once.
- A nomination letter stating why the dissertation is deserving of special recognition.
- An electronic copy of a paper from the dissertation that meets the criteria for papers submitted to Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory (refer to the latest issue for requirements related to length and other matters, e.g., submission of experimental instruments).
- An electronic copy of the entire dissertation.
Please submit nominations to Yi-Jing Wu via email ( by the earliest possible date, but no later than September 15th.
Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award*
2025: Lena Pieper, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
* The Outstanding Dissertation Chair Award was first presented in 1995-96 in conjunction with the Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award.
Outstanding Auditing Educator
The Auditing Sections seeks nominations from the Section’s membership for the Outstanding Auditing Educator award to be conferred at the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting in January. This award is conferred annually and recognizes outstanding achievements in research or teaching in the field of auditing. The award recognizes exemplary contributions in research and/or teaching over a sustained period of time as evidenced by publications, educational innovations, guidance to graduate and undergraduate students, or excellence in teaching.
Selection of the award will be made by the Section’s Outstanding Auditing Educator Selection Committee. Nominations should be accompanied by a narrative summarizing the nominee's background and their achievement in research and/or teaching in the field of auditing. No prescribed content or format is required, though the Selection Committee will benefit from receiving comprehensive summary information upon which to build their understanding of the nominee's achievements.
Please submit nominations to Yi-Jing Wu via email ( by the earliest possible date, but no later than September 15th.
Outstanding Auditing Educator Award
2025: Jagan Krishnan, Temple University |
Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award
Award |
Purpose |
Criteria |
Frequency |
Eligibility |
Nomination Process |
Selection Committee |
Nature of Award |
Other |
Notable Contribution to the Auditing Literature |
To recognize research |
To be eligible for submission, a work must have been published during the ten-year period ended December 31st of the year prior to the year of nomination (i.e., if nomination is made in July 20X2, then December 31, 20X1) and at least one of the authors of the published article, chapter, book, or monograph must be a current member of the Auditing Section. |
A maximum of one award may be made each year |
Research that has Current members of the Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award Committee and the current President are ineligible for the award. Other Executive Committee members are eligible if the paper is co-authored. To be eligible for consideration, at least one of the authors of the published article, chapter, book, or monograph must be current member of the Auditing Section. |
The nominator is Nominations submitted that are not selected are to be carried forward as nominations for the next four subsequent years. Committee chair should forward those nominations to the next year’s Committee chair. |
The Section President serves as the EC liaison to the committee but is not a member of the committee. The selection committee will be approved by the Executive Committee. |
Plaque |
First awarded in 1999/2000 |
Please submit nominations to Yi-Jing Wu via email ( by the earliest possible date, but no later than September 15th.
Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award Winners
2025: Brant Christensen, Brigham Young University, Steven Glover, Brigham Young University
(retired), Thomas Omer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Majorie Shelley, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln (retired) Understanding Audit Quality: Insights from Audit Professionals and Investors |
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory Best Paper Award
The Auditing Section requests nominations for the Auditing: A Journal
of Practice & Theory (AJPT) Best Paper Award. The Section
established this award in 2012 to annually recognize a paper published
in AJPT that has had a significant influence on, or the potential to
significantly influence, auditing research or practice. The assessment of what constitutes
an outstanding contribution to auditing research is based upon the following criteria: (1) a
demonstrable or anticipated impact on audit research or practice, (2) the importance of the
problem(s) addressed, (3) the creativity of the research, and (4) the appropriateness of the
theoretical development, research method, and analysis. Nominations for the award will be
accepted from members of the Auditing Section and self-nominations are allowed.
The paper selected for the award will be chosen by the AJPT Best Paper
Award Selection Committee. The committee includes the Senior Editor
of AJPT at the time the award will be conferred, the most recent past
Senior Editor, and three other members chosen by the Auditing Section Vice President,
Academic. For the 2025 award, papers appearing in print in AJPT in in 2021, 2022,
and 2023 are eligible for nomination.
Nominations should include a brief statement (2-3 paragraphs) indicating the perceived or potential contribution of the paper. All nominations must include a full citation to the nominated work and a detailed letter highlighting the reasons for the nomination.
Please submit nominations to Yi-Jing Wu via email ( by the earliest possible date, but no later than September 15th.
A Journal of Practice & Theory Best Paper Award
2025: David Piercey, University of Massachusetts Amherst "Throw it in as a Covariate?” Common Problems Using Measured Control Variables in Experimental Research |
Best Audit Section Midyear Awards
Best Midyear Meeting Paper Award
To recognize high quality submissions to the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting. Specific criteria are left to the discretion of the Audit Midyear Planning Committee. Factors to be considered by the Audit Midyear Planning Committee might include reviewer comments and reviewer nominations. The paper selected must be selected for presentation at a concurrent session. Members of the Audit Midyear Meeting Planning Committee are ineligible for the award. All papers submitted to the Midyear Meeting will be considered as nominations.
Panel B: Awards for Best Papers Submitted to the Midyear Meeting
BEST DOCTORAL STUDENT PAPER Generously sponsored by The Institute of Internal Auditors
Purpose |
To recognize high quality submissions to the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting |
To recognize high quality submissions to the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting |
Criteria |
• The paper can be single-authored, or co- authored. If the paper is co-authored, the PhD student must be the presenting author. • The PhD student- author must be a PhD student as of the deadline for submitting the paper to the Midyear Meeting. • The PhD student may be employed at an institution other than the PhD granting institution. • The paper may be related to the dissertation, but does not have to be related to the dissertation. Submissions for this award do not affect the eligibility of the student to also apply for the Outstanding Dissertation Award or to receive the Award for Best Paper submitted to the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting. |
Specific criteria are left to the discretion of the Audit Midyear Planning Committee. Factors to be considered by the Audit Midyear Planning Committee might include reviewer comments and reviewer nominations. The paper selected must be selected for presentation at a concurrent session. |
Frequency |
A maximum of one award may be made each year |
A maximum of two awards may be made each year |
Eligibility |
Submission of paper to the Midyear Meeting. Members of the Audit Midyear Meeting Planning Committee are not eligible for the award. |
Submission of paper to the Midyear Meeting. Members of the Audit Midyear Meeting Planning Committee are not eligible for the award. (As the Executive Committee members are not part of the selection or approval processes their paper submissions are eligible for the award.) |
Nomination Process |
When submitting a paper to the Midyear Meeting, the PhD student should indicate in the transmittal email that the paper is being submitted for consideration for the Best PhD Student Paper Award.
All papers submitted to the Midyear Meeting will be considered as nominations. |
Selection Committee |
Audit Midyear Meeting Planning Committee. |
Audit Midyear Meeting Planning Committee. |
Awards |
The PhD student-author of the winning paper will receive a $1,000 monetary award. If the paper has more than one PhD student-author, the monetary award will be split among the student-authors. One student-author of the paper will receive reimbursement of travel costs to cover 3 hotel nights, meeting registration costs, and coach airfare up to $2,000. |
Plaque. |
Other |
First Awarded at the 2009 Auditing Section Midyear Meeting |
First Awarded at the 2010 Auditing Section Midyear Meeting |
Audit MYM Best Archival Paper 2025: Matthew Ege, Texas A&M University-College Station, Antonis Kartapanis, Texas A&M University-College
Station, Benjamin Whipple, University of Georgia Audit MYM Best Behavioral Paper 2025: Lori Shefchik Bhaskar, Indiana University-Bloomington, Andrew K. Jones, Indiana
University-Bloomington, and Kathryn Kadous, Emory University |
Best Midyear Meeting Doctoral Student Paper Award
Generously sponsored by the The Institute of Internal Auditors
To recognize high quality submissions to the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting. The paper can be single-authored, or co- authored. If the paper is co-authored, the PhD student must be the presenting author. The PhD student- author must be a PhD student as of the deadline for submitting the paper to the Midyear Meeting. The PhD student may be employed at an institution other than the PhD granting institution. The paper may be related to the dissertation, but does not have to be related to the dissertation. Submissions for this award do not affect the eligibility of the student to also apply for the Outstanding Dissertation Award or to receive the Award for Best Paper submitted to the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting. When submitting a paper to the Midyear Meeting, the PhD student should indicate in the transmittal email that the paper is being submitted for consideration for the Best PhD Student Paper Award.
2025: Will Anding, Florida State University |
AJPT Award for Outstanding Reviewer Performance
To recognize outstanding service provided by members of the Audit Section to the Journal, typically in the role of manuscript referee. Factors considered in recognizing outstanding service include, but are not limited to, the quality of the review reports submitted, their timeliness in completing assigned reviews, the volume of reviews conducted, and their willingness to accept review requests. The Senior Editor in consultation with the current Editors will nominate potential recipients.
2025: Sarah Stuber, Texas A&M University, Ashleigh Bakke, Oklahoma State University, Andy Imdieke, University of Notre Dame, Yi Luo, Western University-Canada |

Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory (AJPT) is available electronically to members of the Auditing Section. If you are a AAA member and would like to join the Auditing Section, please contact AAA Headquarters.
Impact Factor: 2.108
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Current Issues in Auditing
Current Issues in Auditing is published by the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association. To promote timely, widespread dissemination of ideas to the academic and practice communities, the journal is published online and is free to all interested parties.
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Midyear Meeting
January 16-18, 2025 | Charlotte, North Carolina
Please make plans to join us for the 2025 Auditing Section Midyear Meeting which will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina at The Westin Charlotte on January 16-18, 2025.
We plan to offer a full conference experience, including a doctoral consortium, the Excellence in Auditing Education workshop, paper and plenary sessions, as well as many opportunities to connect with colleagues.
More information coming soon!