Distinguished Service Award

Distinguished Service in Auditing Award - to recognize exemplary career service to the Auditing profession or the Section and scholarly contributions to the field of Auditing.

2024-2025 (MYM 2025)
David Pearson, Washington University in St. Louis

2023-2024 (MYM 2024)
Mark Beasley, North Carolina State University

2022-2023 (MYM 2023)
Kathryn Kadous, Emory College

2021-2022 (MYM 2022)
Jeffrey Cohen, Boston College

2020-2021 (MYM 2021)
Doug Prawitt, Brigham Young University

2019-2020 (MYM 2020)
Mark Cheffers, CEO Audit Analytics

2018-2019 (MYM 2019)
Roger Simnett, University of New South Wales

2017-2018 (MYM 2018)
Joe Carcello, University of Tennessee

2016-2017 (MYM 2017)
Jean Bedard, Bentley University

2015-2016 (MYM 2016)
Arnold Wright, Northeastern University

2014-15 (MYM 2015)
Julia Higgs, Florida Atlantic University

2013-14 (MYM 2014)
Scott Showalter, North Carolina State University

2012-2013 (MYM 2013)
Robert H. Colson, CUNY-Baruch College

2011-2012 (MYM 2012)
Douglas R. Carmichael, CUNY-Baruch College

2010-2011 (MYM 2011)
John Fogarty, D&T Partner in Charge of Auditing Standards and Policies, Deputy Chair of IAASB

2009-2010 (MYM 2010)
Morley Lemon, University of Waterloo

2008-2009 (MYM 2009)
Gary Holstrum

2007-2008 (MYM 2008) 
William F. Messier, Jr., University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2006-2007 (MYM 2007)
Ira Solomon, University of Illinois at Urbana

2005-2006 (MYM 2006)
William "Bill" L. Felix, University of Arizona

2004-2005 (MYM 2005)
Timothy B. Bell, KPMG, LLP

2003-2004 (MYM 2004) 
Andrew "Andy" D. Bailey, Jr., University of Illinois at Urbana

2002-2003 (MYM 2003) 
Zoe-Vonna Palmrose, University of Southern California

2001-2002 (MYM 2002)
Lynford Graham, BDO Seidman

2000-2001 (MYM 2001)
Dan M. Guy, American Institute of CPAs

1999–2000 (MYM 2000)
Practice Advisory Council, PAC formed, Thomas Powell, Chair

Robert S. Roussey, University of Southern California

David L. Landsittel, Arthur Andersen

Jerry D. Sullivan, Public Oversight Board

Robert J. Sack, University of Virginia

Frederick L. Neumann, University of Illinois at Urbana

William R. Kinney, Jr., University of Texas at Austin

Jay M. Smith, Jr., Brigham Young University

John J. Willingham, Peat Marwick Main

Donald A. Leslie, Clarkson Gordon

James K. Loebbecke, University of Utah

William W. Cooper, University of Texas-Austin

Robert K. Elliott, Peat Marwick Main

Robert K. Mautz, University of Michigan

Kenneth Stringer, Deloitte Haskins & Sells

Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award

Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award - to encourage innovation and improvement in auditing and assurance education.

2024-2025 (MYM 2025)
Ryan Dunn, Auburn University, Greg Jenkins, Auburn University and Mark Sheldon, John Carroll University
Bitcoin and Blockchain: Auditing Implications of the Killer Bs
2023-2024 (MYM 2024)
Lindsay M. Andiola, Virginia Commonwealth University, Denise Hanes Downey, Villanova University, Christine E. Earley, Providence College, Devon Jefferson, Virginia Commonwealth University, "Wealthy Watches, Inc.: The Substantive Testing of Accounts Receivable in the Evolving Auditing Environment" Issues in Accounting Education 2022; 37(2): 37-51.
2022-2023 (MYM 2023)
Cristina T. Alberti, Bentley University, Scott R. Boss, Bentley University, Kara Hunter, Fairfield University, Jay C. Thibodeau, Bentley University, "IntelliClean: A Teaching Case Designed to Integrate Data Cleaning and Spreadsheet into the Audit Curriculum" 2020 Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 17(2): 1-7.
2021-2022 (MYM 2022)
Michael Barnes, Truman State University and Kathryn Enget, SUNY-Albany, "TIME is of the Essence: An Audit Escape Room Activity" Issues in Accounting Education 2022, 31(1): 91-108
2020-2021 (MYM 2021)
Margaret Christ, University of Georgia, Scott Emett, Arizona State University, Sean Seymour, EY, Scott Summers, Brigham Young University, Russell Taylor, EY, David Wood, Brigham Young University, "The EY Innovation Mindset Drone Cases: Bryan's Amazing Animals (sheep)and Where's da Beef (cattle)"
2019-2020 (MYM 2020)
Lauren Cunningham, University of Tennessee, Sarah Stein, Virginia Tech, "Using Visualization Software in the Audit of Revenue Transactions to Identify Anomalies" Issues in Accounting Education 2018; 33(4): 33-46
2018-2019 (MYM 2019)
Denise Hanes Downey, Villinova University, Barbara Porco, Fordham University, Jay Thibodeau, Bentley University, “Simply Soups Inc.: A Teaching Case Designed to Integrate the Electronic Cash Confirmation Process into the Auditing Curriculum”
2017-18 (MYM 2018)
Veena L. Brown, Brian E. Daugherty, and Julie S. Persellin. 2014. Satyam Fraud: A Case Study of India's Enron. Issues in Accounting Education,​ 29(3): 419-442.
2016-17 (MYM 2017)
Mahendra Gujarathi (Bentley University). Diamond Foods, Inc.: A Comprehensive Case in Financial Auditing. Forthcoming, Issues in Accounting Education.
2015-16 (MYM 2016)
Rebecca Fay (East Carolina University) and Norma Montague (Wake Forest University). 2015. Witnessing Your Own Cognitive Bias: A Compendium of Classroom Exercises. Issues in Accounting Education 30(1): 13-34
2014-15 (MYM 2015)
Ronald J. Daigle, Timothy J. Louwers, and Jan Taylor Morris, "HealthSouth, Inc.: An Instructional Case Examining Auditings’ Legal Liability," Issues in Accounting Education : November 2013, Vol, 28, No. 4, pp. 887-893.
2013-14 (MYM 2014)
Sam Ranzilla (KPMG), George Herrmann (KPMG), Rob Chevalier (KPMG),Steve Glover (BYU), and Doug Prawitt (BYU) for "Elevating Professional Judgment in Auditing: The KPMG Professional Judgment Framework."
2012-2013 (MYM 2013)
Catherine Armfield Mojumdar, Mark M. Chain, Philip Hueber and Mark E. Peecher, for their innovative development of "Auditor Independence Education Materials."
2011-2012 (MYM 2012)
Fred Phillips (University of Saskatchewan) for His Innovative Development of "Wiki Art Gallery, Inc.: A Case for Critical Thinking," Issues in Accounting Education, (August, 2011), pp. 593-608.
2010-2011 (MYM 2011)
Mark J. Kohlbeck (Florida Atlantic University), Jeffrey Cohen (Boston College), and Lori Holder-Webb (Western New England University). 2009. “Auditing Intangible Assets and Evaluating Fair Market Value: The Case of Reacquired Franchise Rights.” Issues in Accounting Education 24 (1): 45-61.
2007-2008 (MYM 2008)
Jeffrey Cohen (Boston College), Arnold Wright (Northeastern University), and Ganesh Krishnamoorthy (Northeastern University). 2005. "Dynamic Data: Corporate Governance and Auditors' Evaluation of Accounting Estimates," Issues in Accounting Education, vol.20, no.1, 119-129.
2006-2007 (MYM 2007)
Eric E. Spires (The Ohio State University) for His Innovative Development of Case Materials for His Financial Fraud Detection Course
2005-2006 (MYM 2006)
Cindy Durtschi (Utah State University) for Her Innovative Development of "The Tallahassee Bean Counters: A Problem-Based Learning Case in Forensic Auditing"
2004-2005 (MYM 2005)
Timothy B. Bell (KPMG, LLP) and Ira Solomon (University of Illinois at Urbana) for the Innovative Development of Cases In Strategic-Systems Auditing
2003-2004 (MYM 2004)
Christine E. Earley (Bently College) for her Innovative Integration of Professional Ethics and Ethical Reasoning Skills into an Assurance Services Course
2002-2003 (MYM 2003)
Ulric J. Gelinas, Jr., Elliott S. Levy and Jay C. Thibodeau (all Bentley College), for the Innovative Case Entitled: "Norwood Office Supplies, Inc." Issues in Accounting Education , November 2001.

Notable Contributions to Audit Literature Award

2024-2025 (MYM 2025)
Brant Christensen, Brigham Young University, Steven Glover, Brigham Young University (retired), Thomas Omer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Majorie Shelley, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (retired)
Understanding Audit Quality: Insights from Audit Professionals and Investors
2023-2024 (MYM 2024)
Kim Westerman, California Polytechnic State University, Jeffrey Cohen, Boston College, Greg Trompeter, University of Central Florida, "PCAOB Inspections: Public Accounting Firms on Trial" 2019 Contemporary Accounting Research 36(2): 694-731
2022-2023 (MYM 2023)
Miguel Minutti-Meza, university of Miami, "Does Auditor Industry Specialization Improve Audit Quality?" Journal of Accounting Research 51(4): 779-817
2021-2022 (MYM 2022)
Emily Griffith, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Jaqueline Hammersley, University of Georgia, Kathryn Kadous, Emory University, "Audits of Complex Estimates as Verification of Management Numbers: How Institutional Pressures Shape Practice" 2015 Contemporary Accounting Research 32(3): 833-863
2020-2021 (MYM 2021)
Jeffrey Cohen, Boston College, Ganesh Krishnamoorthy, Northeastern University, Arnie Wright, Northeastern University, "Corporate Governance in the Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Era: Auditors' Experiences", 2010 Contemporary Accounting Research 27(3): 751-786
2019-2020 (MYM 2020)
Alastair Lawrence, University of Toronto, Miguel Minutti-Meza, University of Toronto, Ping Zhang, University of Toronto, "Can Big 4 versus Non-Big 4Differences in Audit-Quality Proxies Be Attributed to Client Characteristics?" 2011 The Accounting Review, 38(1): 123-147

Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award

Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award - to recognize the most outstanding contribution to auditing knowledge.

2024-2025 (MYM 2025)
Lena Pieper, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Is Personality Associated with Job Performance of Audit Partners and Managers
2023-2024 (MYM 2024)
Bethany Brumley, University of Illinois, "Does Compliance Auditing Affect Bond Yields? Evidence from the Municipal Bond Market"
2022-2023 (MYM 2023)
Linette Rouseau, University of Wisconsin
2021-2022 (MYM 2022)
Tyler Kleppe, University of Arkansas, "Auditor Information Spillovers and Company Operating Performance: Evidence from Targeted Auditor Switches"
2020-2021 (MYM 2021)
Jacob Jaggi, University of Arizona, "When Does the Internal Audit Function Enhance Audit Committee Effectiveness?"

2019-2020 (MYM 2020)
Brent Garza, University of Illinois at Ubana-Champaign "Does Deferring Inspectors' Assessment of Auditors' Judgment Improve Audit Quality? An Interactive, Multi-Period Experiment"

2018-2019 (MYM 2019)
Cassandra Estep, Emory University, “Auditor Integration of IT Specialist Input on Internal Control Issues: How a Weaker Team Identity can be Beneficial”
2016-17 (MYM 2017)
Emily Griffith (University of Wisconsin - Madison), “The Role of Valuation Specialists in Auditing Complex Estimates”.
Jacqueline Hammersley, Chair (University of Georgia)
2016-17 (MYM 2017)
Emily Griffith (University of Wisconsin - Madison), “The Role of Valuation Specialists in Auditing Complex Estimates”.
Jacqueline Hammersley, Chair (University of Georgia)
2015-16 (MYM 2016)
Joseph Schroeder (Indiana University), “What is the Role of Auditing in Earnings Announcement Disclosures? The Impact of Audit Completeness and Quality on GAAP Disclosure Details”
Chris Hogan, Chair (Michigan State University)
2014-15 (MYM 2015)
Matthew Ege, University of Florida
Urton Anderson, John Robinson, Co-Chairs
2013-14 (MYM 2014)
Paul Michas,
Jere Francis, Chair
2012-2013 (MYM 2013)
Regan N. Schmidt, Queen's University
Steven E. Salterio, Chair
2011-2012 (MYM 2012)
Jeremy B. Griffin, University of Georgia
E. Michael Bamber, Chair
2010-2011 (MYM 2011)
Bradley Pomeroy, University of Alberta
Michael Gibbins, Chair
2009-2010 (MYM 2010)
Michael Yu, University of Missouri
Jere Francis, Chair
2008-2009 (MYM 2009)
Jonathon Stanley, University of Alabama
Todd DeZoort, Chair
2007–2008 (MYM 2008)
Elizabeth Carson, University of New South Wales
Roger Simnett, Chair
2006–2007 (MYM 2007)
Gary Hecht, University of Illinois at Urbana
Mark Peecher, Chair
2005–2006 (MYM 2006)
Tina D. Carpenter, Florida State University
Jane L. Reimers, Chair
2004–2005 (MYM 2005)
Shawn M. Davis, Washington University
Ronald R. King, Chair
2003–2004 (MYM 2004)
Kathryn K. Epps, Georgia State University
William F. Messier, Jr., Chair
2002-2003 (MYM 2003)
KinYew Low
Ira Solomon, Chair University of Illinois at Urbana
2001-2002 (MYM 2002)
Jeffrey Wilks, Cornell University
Dr. Robert Libby, Chair
2000-2001 (MYM 2001)
Kevan Jansen, University of Florida
Bill Messier,Co-Chair
W.Robert Knechel,Co-Chair
1999–2000 (MYM 2000)
Jay Rich, University of Illinois at Urbana
Ira Solomon, Chair
Karla Johnstone, University of Connecticut
Stanley E. Biggs, Chair
Kathryn Kadous, University of Illinois at Urbana
Ira Solomon, Chair
Cynthia Williams Turner, Ohio State University
Eric Spires, Chair
Robert L. Braun, Louisiana State University
Ed Arrington, Chair
Timothy J. Louwers, Florida State University
Stephen W. Wheeler, Chair
Kathleen D. Mills, University of Arizona
William S. Waller, Chair
Charles E. Davis, University of North Carolina
Edward Blocher, Chair
Martha K. Nelson, University of Pittsburgh
Jacob G. Birnberg, Chair
Frank Buckless, Michigan State University
D. Dewey Ward, Chair
Vicky Heiman, University of Michigan
Robert Libby, Chair
Mary T. Washington, University of Southern California
Theodore J. Mock, Chair


* The Outstanding Dissertation Chair Award was first presented in 1995-96 in conjunction with the Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award.


Outstanding Auditing Educator Award

Outstanding Auditing Educator Award - to recognize significant achievements in research or teaching in the field of Auditing.

2024-2025 (MYM 2025)
Jagan Krishnan, Temple University
2023-2024 (MYM 2024)
Vicky B. Hoffman, University of Pittsburgh
2022-2023 (MYM 2023)
Urton Anderson, University of Kentucky
2021-2022 (MYM 2022)
Karla Zehms, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2020-2021 (MYM 2021)
Mike Ettredge, University of Kansas
2019-2020 (MYM 2020)
Mark Beasley, North Carolina State University
Dana Hermanson, Kennesaw State University

2018-2019 (MYM 2019)
Steven Glover, Brigham Young University

2017-18 (MYM2018)
Joe Carcello, University of Tennessee
2016-17 (MYM 2017)
Jeff Cohen, Boston College
2015-16 (MYM 2016)
Roger Simnett, University of New South Wales
2014-15 (MYM 2015)
Robert Knechel, University of Florida
2013-14 (MYM 2014)
Linda McDaniel, University of Kentucky
2012-2013 (MYM 2013)
E. Michael Bamber, University of Georgia
Philip Reckers, Arizona State University
2011-2012 (MYM 2012)
Jean C. Bedard, Bentley University
2010-2011 (MYM 2011)
Jere Francis, University of Missouri
2009-2010 (MYM 2010)
Arnold Wright, Northeastern University
2008-2009 (MYM 2009)
Stanley F Biggs, University of Connecticut
William F. Messier, Jr., University of Nevada, Las Vegas
2007-2008 (MYM 2008)
Michael Gibbins, University of Alberta
2006-2007 (MYM 2007)
Larry Rittenberg, University of Wisconsin at Madison
2005-2006 (MYM 2006)
Jane Mutchler, Georgia State University
2004-2005 (MYM 2005)
Steve Albrecht, Brigham Young University
2003-2004 (MYM 2004)
Dan Simunic, University of British Columbia
2002-2003 (MYM 2003)
Theodore J. Mock, University of Southern California
2001-2002 (MYM 2002)
Barry Cushing, University of Utah
2000-2001 (MYM 2001)
Ken T. Trotman, University of New South Wales
1999–2000 (MYM 2000)
Nicholas Dopuch, Washington University
Andrew D. Bailey, Jr., University of Illinois at Urbana
Ira Solomon, University of Illinois at Urbana
William R. Kinney, Jr., University of Texas at Austin
James K. Loebbecke, University of Utah
Jack L. Krogstad, Creighton University
R. Glen Berryman, University of Minnesota
Frederick L. Neumann, University of Illinois at Urbana
Howard F. Stettler, University of Kansas
William L. Felix, University of Arizona
Alvin A. Arens, Michigan State University

A Journal of Practice & Theory Best Paper Award

Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (AJPT) Best Paper Award - to recognize a paper published in AJPT that has had a significant influence on, or the potential to significantly influence, auditing research or practice.

2024-2025 (MYM 2025)
2025: David Piercey, University of Massachusetts Amherst
"Throw it in as a Covariate?” Common Problems Using Measured Control Variables in Experimental Research
2023-2024 (MYM 2024)
Tim D. Bauer, University of Waterloo, Kerry A. Humphreys, University of New South Wales-Sydney, Ken T. Trotman, University of New South Wales-Sydney, "Group Judgment and Decision Making in Auditing: Research in the Time of COVIE-19 and Beyond" 2022. 41(1)
2022-2023 (MYM 2023)
Jeffrey R. Cohen, Boston College, Jennifer R. Joe, University of Delaware, Jay C. Thibodeau, Bentley University, Gregory M. Trompeter, University of Central Florida, "Audit Partners' Judgments and Challenges in the Audits of Internal Control over Financial Reporting" 2020. 39(4): 57-85
2021-2022 (MYM 2022)
Jean Bedard, Bentley University, Denise Downey, Villanova University, "Coordination and Communication Challenges in Global Group Audits" 2019. 38(1): 123-147
2020-2021 (MYM 2021)
Steve Glover, Brigham Young University, Mark Taylor, Brigham Young University, and Yi-Jing Wu, Texas Tech University, "Current Practices and Challenges in Auditing Fair Value Measurements and Complex Estimates: Implications for Auditing Standards and the Academy" 2017. 36(1): 63-84
2019-2020 (MYM 2020)
Benjamin P. Commerford, University of Kentucky, Dana R. Hermanson, Kennesaw State University, Richard W. Houston, The University of Alabama, and Michael F. Peters, Villanova University, "Real Earnings Management: A Threat to Auditor Comfort" 2016. 35(4) 39-56
2018-2019 (MYM 2019)
Lisa M. Gaynor, University of South Florida, Andrea S. Kelton, Middle Tennessee State University, Molly Mercer DePaul University, Teri L. Yohn, Indiana University Bloomington, "Understanding the Relation Between Financial Reporting Quality and Audit Quality”
Ryan Casey (University of Denver) and Jonathan Grenier (Miami University). 2015. Understanding and contributing to the enigma of corporate social responsibility (CSR) assurance in the United States. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 34(1): 97-130.
Henri Guénin-Paracini, Bertrand Malsch, and Marie-Soleil Tremblay. 2015. On the Operational Reality of Auditors’ Independence: Lessons from the Field. AJPT (Vol.34 (2): 201-236.
Knechel, W.R., G.V. Krishnan, M. Pevzner, L. Shefchik Bhaskar, and U. Velury. 2013. Audit Quality: Insights from the Academic Literature. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory  32  (Supplement 1): 385-421.
Brian Batten, Lisa Milici Gaynor, Linda McDaniel, Norma R. Montague, and Gregory E. Sierra, "The Audit of Fair Values and Other Estimates: The Effects of Underlying Environmental, Task, and Auditor-Specific Factors," Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 2013, Vol. 32, No. Supplement 1, pp. 7-44.
David Piercey (University of Massachusetts Amherst) for his paper, “Documentation Requirements and Qualified versus Qualitative Audit Risk Assessments,” Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory (November, 2011), pp. 223-248.

Mark Nelson (Cornell University) for his paper, “A Model and Literature Review of Professional Skepticism in Auditing,” Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (November, 2009), pp. 1-34.

Best Audit Section Midyear Meeting Paper Award

In 2019 Changed to Best Audit Section Midyear Meeting Archival Paper Award and Best Audit Section Midyear Meeting Behavioral Paper Award

Lori Shefchik Bhaskar, Patrick Hopkins, and Joseph Schroeder, “An Investigation of Auditors’ Judgments When Companies Release Earnings Before Audit Completion”
Monika Causholli (University of Kentucky), Nicole Thorne Jenkins (University of Kentucky), Theresa Floyd (University of Montana) and Scott Soltis (University of Kentucky). "The Ties that Bind: Knowledge-Sharing Networks and Auditor Performance"
Daniel Aobdia (Northwestern University), Anup Srivastava (Dartmouth College), and Erqiu Wang (Northwestern University). 2015. The Economic Impact of the Employment of Foreign-Born Graduates in the Auditing Industry. Working Paper, Northwestern University

Best Audit Section Midyear Meeting Archival Paper Award

2024-2025 (MYM 2025)
Matthew Ege, Texas A&M University-College Station, Antonis Kartapanis, Texas A&M University-College Station, Benjamin Whipple, University of Georgia
Audits of Non-GAAP Earnings: Evidence from Adjusted EBITDA in Segment Disclosures
2023-2024 (MYM 2024)
Benjamin Hubbard, California State University, San Marcos, Beverly Larson, Arizona State University, Theodore Goodman, Purdue University, Jonathan Black, The University of Melbourne, "Do Audit Firms Use Twitter Strategically?"
2022-2023 (MYM 2023)
Nina Xu, University of Connecticut and Wei Zhang, University of Massachusetts Amherst, "Auditor Responses to Regulatory Risk: Evidence from SEC Investigations"
2021-2022 (MYM 2022)
Jade Huayu Chen,, University of Arizona, "When Employees Go to Court: Audit Office Labor Market Reputation and Audit Quality"
2020-2021 (MYM 2021)
Michael Shen, National Singapore University, Kelvin Law, Nanyang Technological University, "How Does Artificial Intelligence Shape the Audit Industry"
2019-2020 (MYM 2020)
Jonathan Cook, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Zachary Kowaleski, University of Notre Dame, Michael Minnis, The University of Chicago, Andrew Gordon Sutherland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Karla M. Zehms, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "Auditors are Known by the Company They Keep"
2018-2019 (MYM 2019)
Brian Bratten, Monika Causholli, Valbona Sulcaj, University of Kentucky, "Overseeing the External Audit Function: Evidence from Audit Committees' Reported Activities"

Best Audit Section Midyear Meeting Behavioral Paper Award

2024-2025 (MYM 2025)
Lori Shefchik Bhaskar, Indiana University-Bloomington, Andrew K. Jones, Indiana University-Bloomington, and Kathryn Kadous, Emory University
An Investigation into How Generative AI Can Improve Auditors’ Decisions
2023-2024 (MYM 2024)
Michael Ricci, University of Florida, Blake Bowler, Mercer University, Robert Knechel, university of Florida, "Technology and Group Audits: An Examination of How More Centralized Group Audits Affect Component Auditor Motivation"
2022-2023 (MYM 2023)
Lauren Cunningham, University of Tennessee, Sarah Stein, Virginia Tech University, Kimberly Walker, Virginia Tech University, Karneisha Wolfe, Virginia Tech University, "A Broken Cycle: How A Lack of Feedback Hampers Disclosers of Audit Committee Oversight"
2021-2022 (MYM 2022)
Dereck Barr-Pulliam, University of Louisville, Jennifer Joe, University of Delaware, Stephani Mason, DePaul University and Kerri-Ann Sanderson, Bentley University, "How Does Accountability and Role Drive Valuation Specialists' Determination of Fair Value?"
2020-2021 (MYM 2021)
Mary Marshall, Portland State University, Curtis Mullis, Georgia State University, K. Kelli Saunders, University of Nebraska, Chad M. Stefaniak, University of South Carolina, "Reexamining the Outcome Effect: Are Auditors Penalized for Exercising Professional Skepticism?"
2019-2020 (MYM 2020)
Richard Hatfield, University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa, Curtis Mullis, Georgia State University, Ken Trotman, UNSW Sydney, "Interactive Auditor-Client Negotiations: Investigating the Roles of Blame and Conservatism"
2018-2019 (MYM 2019)
Sanaz Aghazadeh, Louisiana State University, Mary Kate Dodgson, Northeastern University, Yoon Ju Kang, University of Massachusetts, "Revealing Oz; Audit Firm Partner's experiences with National Office Consultations"

Best Midyear Meeting Doctoral Student Paper Award

2024-2025 (MYM 2025)
Will Anding, Florida State University
Navigating New Accounting Standards: Implications for Companies and Their Auditors
2023-2024 (MYM 2024)
Jenn Puccia, Michigan State University, and Musaib Ashraf, Michigan State University, "Do Clients Value Non-GAAP Expertise in Auditors? Evidence from Demand for Audit Offices with Cybersecurity Expertise"
2022-2023 (MYM 2023)
Meiling Zhao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, "Timely Signals of Systematic Audit Quality from Market Participants: Evidence from Activist Shor-Seller Campaigns"
2021-2022 (MYM 2022)
Yi Luo, Queen's University, "The Effect of National Office and External Inspection on Audit Partner's Judgment"
2020-2021 (MYM 2021)
Carissa Malone, Virginia Tech University, Sudip Bhattacharjee, Virginia Tech University and Sean Hillison, Virginia Tech University, "Auditing from a Distance: The Impact of Remote Auditing and Supervisor Monitoring on Analytical Procedures Judgments"
2019-2020 (MYM 2020)
Chenxi Lin, university of Kansas, "Do Accounting Error Disclosure Decisions Reflect Impaired Auditor Independence?"
2018-2019 (MYM 2019)
Kyrre Kjellevold, Norwegian School of Economics, "Company Valuation Specialists’ Interactions with Management and Auditors: A Field Study”
Wei Zhang*, Phillip Lamoreaux, and Michael Mowchan, “Spillover of Regulatory Enforcement Against Small Audit Firms”
Jacqueline Hammersley and Michael Ricci (University of Georgia). "Using Audit Programs to Improve Audits of Complex Estimates"
Yangyang Fan (University of Pittsburgh)
Cao, S., Y. Fan, G. Narayanamoorthy, and S. Rowe. Auditor Litigation: Consequences for Other Auditors. Working Paper, University of Pittsburgh.

AJPT Award for Outstanding Reviewer Performance

2025: Sarah Stuber, Texas A&M University
Ashleigh Bakke, Oklahoma State University
Andy Imdieke, University of Notre Dame
Yi Luo, Western University-Canada
Nathan Goldman, North Carolina State University
Aaron Saiewitz, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Matthew Sherwood, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Ben Cummerford, University of Kentucky
Anne Albrecht, Texas Christian University
Pietro Bianchi, Florida International University
Sarah Stein, Virginia Tech University
Lauren Reid, Wake Forest University
Joshua Gunn, university of Pittsburgh
Patrick Hurley, Northeastern University
Timothy Bauer, University of Waterloo
Nathan Newton, Florida State University
Lauren Cunningham, University of Tennessee
Mary Kate Dodgson, Northeastern University
Xi Wu, Central University of Finance and Economics
Kenneth L, Bills, University of Arkansas
Brant Christensen, University of Oklahoma
Tamara Lambert, Lehigh University
2018 (this year the award was given to the audit section editors)

Yves Gendron (Université Laval)
Karla Johnstone (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Vic Naiker (Monash University - Caulfield)
Jeffrey R. Cohen (Boston College)

Lisa Gaynor (University of South Florida)
Robyn Moroney (Monash University)
Kim Westermann (California Polytechnic University)
Liesbeth Bruynseels (KU Leuven)
Kathleen Bentley Goode (University of New South Wales)
Scott Bronson (University of Kansas)


Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory

Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory (AJPT) is available electronically to members of the Auditing Section. If you are a AAA member and would like to join the Auditing Section, please contact AAA Headquarters.

AJPT Citation Indices (Updated 02/2020):
Impact Factor: 2.108
5-yr Impact Factor: 3.854
CiteScore: 4.00
SNIP: 1.706
SJR: 1.822

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Current Issues in Auditing

Current Issues in Auditing is published by the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association. To promote timely, widespread dissemination of ideas to the academic and practice communities, the journal is published online and is free to all interested parties.

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Midyear Meeting



January 16-18, 2025 | Charlotte, North Carolina

Please make plans to join us for the 2025 Auditing Section Midyear Meeting which will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina at The Westin Charlotte on January 16-18, 2025.

We plan to offer a full conference experience, including a doctoral consortium, the Excellence in Auditing Education workshop, paper and plenary sessions, as well as many opportunities to connect with colleagues.

More information coming soon!