Award Name |
Due By |
Lifetime Contribution to International Accounting Literature Award |
Sept 30 |
Mar 1 |
Ian Hague International Accounting Outstanding Service Award |
Mar 1 |
Mar 1 |
Outstanding Discussant Award | Mar 1 |
Lifetime Contribution to International Accounting Literature Award
The International Accounting Section (IAS) of the American Accounting Association (AAA) is establishing an award to recognize individuals who have made notable contributions to international accounting research over the course of his/her career. Candidates should be pioneers and leaders in the field and have significantly influenced and reshaped a subarea of international accounting research, and the selection committee will evaluate the cumulative impact of each candidate’s work. Nominees must be current members of the International Accounting Section. If retired, nominees must have been active members of the section during their career.
The deadline for current year nominations is September 30, 2024. Please send your nominations via email to Sudipta Basu, the Lifetime Contribution to International Accounting Literature Award Committee chair, at Any IAS member can nominate a candidate for consideration; self-nominations are also welcomed. Please provide a nomination letter to clearly identify the qualification of the nominee, along with the curriculum vitae of your nominee if obtainable. Nominations submitted in prior years will be considered along with nominations submitted this year.
A candidate must receive the support of at least 2/3 of the IAS Advisory Board members (6 out of 9 members) to be given this award. Thes award will only be given to one eligible candidate each year and will not be given with any specific periodicity but rather when an eligible recipient is identified. If selected, the winner of this award will be announced in November in the section newsletter and recognized and featured formally at the following Midyear Meeting of the International Accounting Section.
Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award
The International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association invites submissions for its Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award, to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association in August.
All doctoral dissertations successfully defended during the 2023 calendar year in all areas of international accounting – including topics in financial, managerial, auditing, taxation, and information systems – are eligible for this award. Eligible individuals should e-mail the following materials:
1. Summary of the dissertation not exceeding 20 pages including tables, or a working paper based on their dissertation, and
2. A letter of support from his/her dissertation committee chairperson.
Upon reviewing the initial submission materials, the Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee will select finalists for the award. Finalists will be requested to submit copies of the complete dissertation to the committee.
The committee will be grateful to receive suggestions from section members for suitable candidates for this award. Please let all the faculty and PhD students at your school be aware of the award.
The DEADLINE for nominations is Friday, March 15, 2024. Please send submissions via email to Inder Khurana, Award Committee Chair, at
Winners and their Ph.D. granting institutions of the Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award to date are:
2023 Steven Maex, George Mason University
2022 Kholod Alsahali, Jubail University College
2021 Amanda Sanseverino, The City University of new York, Baruch College
2020 Mark Kim, University of California, Los Angeles
2019 Aaron Yoon, Northwestern University
2018 Jenelle K. Conaway, Boston University
2017 Christina Lewellen, Florida State University
2016 Giulia Giunti, Umeå University
2015 Hsiao-Tang Hsu, Temple University
2014 Lisa De Simone, University of Texas
2013 Roger Silvers, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2012 Clare Wang, Northwestern University
2011 Gwen Yu, University of Michigan
2010 Lijie Yao, Tsinghua University
2009 Hans Christensen, University of Manchester
2008 Devan Mescall, University of Waterloo
2007 Annelies Renders, Katholieke Universiteit
2006 Etty Retno Wulandari, Nanyang Business School
2005 Christopher Hodgdon, Virginia Commonwealth University
2004 Steven Francis Orpurt, University of Chicago
2003 Thomas A. Matthews, University of Waterloo
2002 Ole-Kristian Hope, Northwestern University
2001 Takashi Yaekura, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
2000 Tracy Manly, University of Arkansas
1999 Jan Marton, Göteborg University
1998 Karl Albert Muller III, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
1997 Paquita Y. Davis-Friday, University of Michigan
1996 Wayne Thomas, Oklahoma State University
1995 Mary A. Flanigan, Virginia Commonwealth University
1994 Keith R. Duncan, Bond University
1993 Patricia McQueen, New York University
1992 Stephen B. Salter, University of South Carolina
1991 Ajay Adhikari, Virginia Commonwealth University
1990 F. Norman Shiue, George Washington University
1989 Teresa L. Conover, University of North Texas
1988 David Sharp, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1987 Shahrokh M. Saudagaran, University of Washington
1986 Betty C. Brown, University of Louisville
1985 (none awarded)
1984 Trevor J. Harris, University of Washington
Ian Hague Award for Outstanding Service to the Section
This award recognizes outstanding service to the International Accounting Section. The nominee must be a current member of the section. If retired or deceased, the nominee must have been an active member of the section during her/his career.
Please submit your nominations to Eva Jermakowicz, Award Committee Chair, at by Friday, March 1, 2024.
Past award winners are:
Elaine Henry, Stevens Institute of Technology (2023)
Mahendra Gujarathi, Bently University (2022)
Eva Jermakowicz, Tennessee State University (2021)
Greg Burton (2020)
Teresa Conover (2019)
Ajay Adhikari (2018)
Elizabeth Gordon (2017)
Michael Welker (2016)
Ervin Black (2015)
C. S. Agnes Cheng (2014)
Don Herrmann (2013)
Jeannie Harrington (2012)
O. Finley Graves (2011)
Robert K. Larson (2010)
Gary Meek (2009)
Bruce Behn (2008)
Lee H. Radebaugh (2007)
Hanns-Martin Schoenfield (2006)
Norlin Rueschhoff (2005)
Donna Street (2004)
Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award
The award is presented to an individual who has made a substantial contribution to international accounting education through scholarly endeavors in research and teaching over a sustained period of time - through publications, educational innovation, research guidance to students, active involvement in the activities of international professional and academic organizations and serving as an example to others in promoting international accounting education.
Please submit nomination materials and documents, along with the curriculum vitae of your nominee to Mahendra Gujurathi, Award Committee Chair, at by Friday, March 15, 2024.
Past Winners of the Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award:
2023 Not awarded
2022 L. Murphy Smith, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
2021 Anne Wu, National Chengchi University (Taiwan)
2020 Mahendra Gujarathi
2019 Wim van der Stede
2018 Elizabeth Gordon
2017 Paul Munter
2016 Grace Pownall
2015 Bruce K. Behn
2014 Robert K. Larson
2013 Ole-Kristian Hope
2012 Gordian Ndubizu
2011 J. Timothy Sale
2010 Teresa Conover
2009 Ross (Rasoul) Tondkar
2008 Mary Barth and Timothy S. Doupnik
2007 Donna Street
2006 Chee Chow
2005 Kazuo Hiramatsu
2004 Shahrokh Saudagaran
2003 Robert Parker
2002 Christopher Nobes
2001 Helen Gernon
2000 Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui
1999 Steve Zeff
1998 Lee Radebaugh
1997 Gary Meek
1996 Belverd Needles
1995 Murray Wells
1994 Sidney Gray
1993 Fred Choi
1992 Vernon Zimmerman
1991 Gerhard Mueller
1990 Paul Garner
Outstanding Discussant Award
Nature of Award: There is no limit on the number of awards, reflecting our commitment to acknowledge all discussants who meet the exceptional standards set for this recognition. The winners will be publicly honored at the following annual meeting luncheon. The winners will also be encouraged to list this award on their CV as evidence of their outstanding discussion activities for the Section.
Process: Following the conclusion of the Midyear Meeting, the President, together with the Midyear Meeting Co-chairs, will initiate the process by reaching out to all attendees, inviting them to submit nominations for potential awardees. The deadline for submitting nominations is March 1. To nominate, attendees need only to provide the discussant’s name and the title of the paper. Upon collecting the nominations, the Midyear Meeting Co-chairs will review the discussants’ slides, and use these, along with the number of nominations, the source of the nominations (e.g., authors, moderators, and/or attendees), and the author input to determine the award winners. Please send your nomination to IAS Midyear Meeting Co-chairs, Jeff Chen at or Maria Rykaczewski at by March 1.
International Accounting Section PhD Travel Grant Application
The IAS has several travel grants (worth $500 per grant) available for PhD students to subsidize their trip to the 2025 IAS Midyear Meeting. We encourage all PhD students who plan to attend the meeting to apply. Doctoral consortium participants are also eligible for this grant. The winners will be expected to attend the meeting and serve as discussants. To apply, email your cv to Professor Tony Kang (, the Chair of the PhD student travel grant committee by Monday, November 18, 2024. The grant recipients will be notified by Monday, December 2, 2024, and will be announced at the Friday luncheon.
To Learn More About the Midyear Meeting, Click Here!
President's Letter
Helen Kang,
IAS Section President
Dear fellow International Accounting Section (IAS) members,
I am deeply honored to serve as the president of the International Accounting Section (IAS) of the American Accounting Association (AAA) for 2024-2025. As the first IAS president from Australia, this is a role I accept with great sense of responsibility.
I would like to begin my tenure by extending my gratitude to Lucy Chen for her leadership and dedication to the Section and our shared vision to “serve as a forum to share and disseminate information about international accounting, education, and research issues and to serve as a point of entry into AAA for international faculty and doctoral students, and increase community of international academics, practitioners, standard setters and researchers”.
Journal of International Accounting

The Journal of International Accounting Research publishes articles that increase our understanding of the development and use of international accounting and reporting practices or attempt to improve extant practices. International accounting is broadly interpreted to include the reporting of international economic transactions; the study of differences among practices across countries; the study of interesting institutional and cultural factors that shape practices in a single country but have international implications; and the effect of international accounting practices on users. The Journal has a diverse readership and is interested in articles in auditing, financial accounting, managerial accounting, systems, tax, and other specialties within the field of accounting.
Ling Lei Lisic, Journal of International Accounting Research E:
2024 Annual Meeting
The meeting dates are:
2024 Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting
August 10-11, 2024
2024 AAA Annual Meeting Pre-Conference Workshops
August 10-11, 2024
2024 AAA Annual Meeting
August 12-14, 2024
Click Here for more information
Call for Nominations
Nominations for the IAS Outstanding Dissertation, Outstanding Service, and Outstanding Educator Awards are now open, please click here to learn more about these awards and the nominations process