President’s Letter – Winter 2020
Dear Fellow Section Members,
It was great to see those of you who attended the midyear meeting of the International Accounting Section in Orlando last week. One benefit of holding the meeting jointly with Sections where we haven’t previously had collaboration, AIS and SET, was the opportunity to gain exposure to new topics. I was fortunate to attend both workshops on Thursday and while I’m personally far more likely to incorporate information from the PowerBI session into my classroom, the Blockchain/Hyperledger workshop was also informative. The plenary sessions on Friday and Saturday blended the topics of technology and globalization. Overall, I found the conference to be a great opportunity to exercise that trait at the heart of a lifelong learning mindset - curiosity.
The coordination of our 2020 Midyear Meeting by Co-chairs, Gia Chevis (Baylor University) and Maria Vulcheva (Florida International University), was remarkable. And, once again, the Ph.D./New Scholars Consortium, organized and run by Linda Myers (University of Tennessee), was a great success.
The International Section received around 50 submissions and ran 13 excellent concurrent sessions with research on a wide range of international topics. Please join me in congratulating the winners of the 2020 midyear meeting’s Best Paper Award:
Ole-Kristian Hope (University of Toronto), and
Cyndia Wang (University of British Columbia)
The title of their paper is “Capital-Market Liberalization and Asymmetric Auditor Behavior: Evidence from a Quasi- Experiment.” In addition, Bowe Hansen (Virginia Commonwealth University) won the meeting’s Best Reviewer Award.
It is impossible to mention by name all the volunteers who did so much work to make the 2020 Midyear Meeting a success. For everyone who gave their time and talent to prepare a review, discuss a paper, moderate a session, and/or organize a panel, THANK YOU for all that you do for the International Section!
Upcoming Events
Preview: Next year’s International Section midyear meeting will be held jointly with IAAER (International Association for Accounting Education & Research). Previous joint meetings with IAAER have been vibrant and well attended. Watch for more information in the coming months.
Action Steps ---- Please remember to:
- Nominate your colleagues for our various Section awards. The calls have gone out, and the deadlines are below.
Award Name |
Due By |
February 21 |
Ian Hague International Accounting Outstanding Service Award |
February 28 |
February 28 |
- Mark your calendar for the Journal of International Accounting Research Conference scheduled for June 24-27, 2020, in Taipei, Taiwan;
- If you haven’t already done so, volunteer to serve as a discussant or moderator for the International Section at the AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Atlanta, GA from August 7 – 12. You can volunteer online or by emailing me or either of the Annual Meeting Co-Chairs: Lucy Chen at Villanova University and John (Changjiang) Wang at University of Cincinnati; and
- Respond to the call for 2020-21 IAS Committee volunteers that you’ll receive this Spring.
Clearly, the year promises to continue to offer exciting opportunities for collaboration and dialogue. As the accounting profession evolves to face challenges and opportunities, it becomes increasingly important for academics to share our research and to continually engage in dialog with practitioners and standard setters. The international setting, in particular, intensifies these challenges and opportunities given the overlay of different sets of standards and different cultures.
I hope that your membership in the International Accounting Section will continue to provide you with many opportunities for inspiration and growth.
Best regards,
Elaine Henry, Ph.D., CFA
President, AAA International Accounting Section
Associate Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology, School of Business
Hoboken, NJ
President's Letter
Lucy Chen,
IAS Section President
Dear fellow International Accounting Section (IAS) members,
It is awesome to see many of you at 2024 IAS midyear meeting with International Association for Accounting Education & Research (IAAER). I hope that the midyear meeting provided a platform for you to share and disseminate international accounting research and educational knowledge and to build a strong sense of community to network and help each other. I feel the energy and excitement from you, so thank you to everyone who participated in the meeting by presenting your paper, discussing your colleagues’ work, moderating a session, participating the panel and plenary discussions, delivering the keynote speech, or simply just being there and showing your support.
Journal of International Accounting
The Journal of International Accounting Research publishes articles that increase our understanding of the development and use of international accounting and reporting practices or attempt to improve extant practices. International accounting is broadly interpreted to include the reporting of international economic transactions; the study of differences among practices across countries; the study of interesting institutional and cultural factors that shape practices in a single country but have international implications; and the effect of international accounting practices on users. The Journal has a diverse readership and is interested in articles in auditing, financial accounting, managerial accounting, systems, tax, and other specialties within the field of accounting.
Ling Lei Lisic, Journal of International Accounting Research E:
2024 Annual Meeting
The meeting dates are:
2024 Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting
August 10-11, 2024
2024 AAA Annual Meeting Pre-Conference Workshops
August 10-11, 2024
2024 AAA Annual Meeting
August 12-14, 2024
Click Here for more information
Call for Nominations
Nominations for the IAS Outstanding Dissertation, Outstanding Service, and Outstanding Educator Awards are now open, please click here to learn more about these awards and the nominations process