Registration Information

By registering, all AAA event attendees agree to abide by the
Event Code of Professional Conduct

The registration fee includes name badge (required for admittance to meeting events), meeting program and attendance list, Thursday and Friday receptions, Friday and Saturday continental breakfasts and Friday lunch.

AAA Members Registration Fee - on or before March 30, 2015
Deadline Extended to April 6
Late Registration Fee - after March 30, 2015
Non-Members Registration Fee - on or before March 30, 2015
Deadline Extended to April 6
Late Registration Fee - after March 30, 2015
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Registration Fee $100
Two-Year College Faculty Registration Fee $100
Student Registration Fee $80
Optional Tour* Registration Fee $50

*Optional Tour
Meeting registration required, eligible for CPE credit
Parker Hannifin Plant Tour and Presentation
Thursday, April 30, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Limited to 18 participants

Already registered for the meeting? Please click HERE to print registration form. Check off the Optional Tour in Panel A, complete the Payment portion of the form and fax to 941-923-4093.

Preregister - Mail/Fax
Registrations paid by check should be made payable to the American Accounting Association. Mail 
registration form and payment to: American Accounting Association, 5717 Bessie Drive, Sarasota, FL 34233-2399. Registrations paid by credit card can be faxed to 941-923-4093.


Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be received in writing at the AAA in order to be processed (email Cancellations received after March 30, 2015 will incur a $50 cancellation charge. No refunds will be available for cancellations after April 20, 2015, or for no-shows.


Americans with Disabilities Act
The American Accounting Association intends to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Meeting attendees who have special needs, as covered by the ADA, are requested to notify Peggy Turczyn at the American Accounting Association, or (941) 556-4114 to facilitate identification and accommodation of these needs by the Association.

Registration Information

By registering, all AAA event attendees agree to abide by the
Event Code of Professional Conduct

The registration fee includes name badge (required for admittance to meeting events), meeting program and attendance list, Thursday and Friday receptions, Friday and Saturday continental breakfasts and Friday lunch.

AAA Members Registration Fee - on or before March 30, 2015
Deadline Extended to April 6
Late Registration Fee - after March 30, 2015
Non-Members Registration Fee - on or before March 30, 2015
Deadline Extended to April 6
Late Registration Fee - after March 30, 2015
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Registration Fee $100
Two-Year College Faculty Registration Fee $100
Student Registration Fee $80
Optional Tour* Registration Fee $50

*Optional Tour
Meeting registration required, eligible for CPE credit
Parker Hannifin Plant Tour and Presentation
Thursday, April 30, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Limited to 18 participants

Already registered for the meeting? Please click HERE to print registration form. Check off the Optional Tour in Panel A, complete the Payment portion of the form and fax to 941-923-4093.

Preregister - Mail/Fax
Registrations paid by check should be made payable to the American Accounting Association. Mail 
registration form and payment to: American Accounting Association, 5717 Bessie Drive, Sarasota, FL 34233-2399. Registrations paid by credit card can be faxed to 941-923-4093.


Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be received in writing at the AAA in order to be processed (email Cancellations received after March 30, 2015 will incur a $50 cancellation charge. No refunds will be available for cancellations after April 20, 2015, or for no-shows.


Americans with Disabilities Act
The American Accounting Association intends to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Meeting attendees who have special needs, as covered by the ADA, are requested to notify Peggy Turczyn at the American Accounting Association, or (941) 556-4114 to facilitate identification and accommodation of these needs by the Association.