• National Pilot Region Speaker

    Behind The Great and Powerful Wizard: How Big Data Is Re-Shaping Hollywood and Our Culture

    The media moguls that brought us to the wild, wild West, and took us on odysseys to the furthest reaches of space, now enter the newest frontier of exploration and adventure - Big Data. How are our cultural industries navigating (and cultivating) this ever-shifting terrain of data feedback? And what danger does this virtual realm hold for the curious consumer?

    Join Ruth McCartney, Internet, Digital and New Media Entrepreneur, for a discussion of how our cultural engagement is being monitored... and manipulated.

  • Speakers

    Bruce Behn, AAA President - Elect
    AAA Building a Bridge to Our Future

    R. Harold Schroeder, Financial Accounting Standards Board
    Update on FASB Activities

    Scott Wiley, President and CEO of The Ohio Society of CPAs

  • CTLA Sessions

    Using Technology to Increase Student Engagement in the Accounting Classroom

    Perspectives of Auditing Practitioners on Teaching and Research

    Help Shape the Future: Share what you wish you had known when you first started teaching

    Crash Course on Flipping the Classroom: Everything You Need to Know

    Professor, What’s on the Exam?? Creating Independent Thinkers through Self-Directed Learning

  • Sharpening Your Teaching Skills

    The meeting will feature a track of sessions that will be designed with evolving classroom teaching in mind and we strongly encourage Non-Tenure Track and Two Year College to attend. Sessions can include content on pedagogical issues, teaching strategies, and interfacing with Four Year institutions, among others.

    New information will be posted soon.

Call for Submission

Call for Submission of Papers: Student Manuscript Competition

The 56th Annual Meeting of the Ohio Region of the American Accounting Association & 1st Doctoral / New Faculty Consortium (new) will be held April 30 - May 2, 2015 at the Wyndham Playhouse Square in Cleveland, Ohio. The theme for the meeting is "Data Analytics & the Future of Accounting Education and Research". Accounting educators, doctoral students, and professionals are invited to submit completed manuscripts for presentation at the paper sessions. Interested individuals are also invited to submit proposals for Panel Discussions, CPE Workshops & Effective Learning Strategies Poster Sessions.

Paper Sessions
Papers may be on any topical area of accounting using analytical, experimental, archival, behavioral, or any other approach. All submitted papers will receive double-blind review. The submission deadline for completed manuscripts is 11:59 pm EST January 31, 2015.

We will once again use the online submission system. To submit your paper (or to volunteer as a Reviewer, Discussant, or Moderator), please CLICK HERE to access the system using your AAA member ID and password. If you have forgotten your AAA member ID/password, click here to retrieve them. If you do not have a AAA member ID/password, please click here to obtain AAA login credentials. Then create an account in this system, using your AAA login credentials. If you have difficulty logging in, please contact Suzanne Mullinnix suzanne@aaahq.org for assistance.

Early submissions are strongly encouraged. Acceptance notification will be sent out no later than March 16, 2015. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the meeting for the paper to be included in the program. Accepted research manuscripts will compete for theAndrews Award for best overall research paper, and doctoral papers will also compete for the best doctoral paper award (only authored by doctoral students). There is also an award for the best paper related to Gender Issues and Work Life Balance (GIWLB). In addition to an award for the best TLC paper award. There are separate awards for the best two undergraduate papers and the best two masters' papers. There will be a separate call and submission process for the undergraduate and masters' papers. Those will be handled through Heidi Meier. She is also the contact for anyone interested in serving the Region as a reviewer of student papers.

Panel Discussions and CPE Workshops
Proposals for Panel Discussions and CPE Workshops may be in any accounting area dealing with accounting regulation, research methods, teaching-related issues, or on any other topic which is likely to be of interest to both accounting academics and professionals. CPE Workshops will be offered on Thursday, April 30, 2015, and Panel Discussions will take place on Friday, May 1, 2015 and on Saturday, May 2, 2015. Please send your proposals for Panel Discussions and CPE Workshops directly to Amal Said or Li Wang by 11:59 pm EST January 31, 2015.

Effective Learning Strategies (ELS) Poster Session
The ELS Poster Session showcases ideas, teaching strategies and education innovations that support learning in accounting. It offers an interactive format for presenters to engage colleagues and exchange ideas and resources. The deadline for ELS (Effective Learning Strategies) submissions is 11:59 pm EST March 16, 2015.

For more information about the 2015 AAA Ohio Regional program please contact co-chairs:

Amal Said
Associate Professor of Accounting 
College of Business & Innovation
University of Toledo
2801 W. Bancroft St.
Toledo, OH 43606
  Li Wang
Associate Professor of Accounting 
College of Business Administration
University of Akron
259 South Broadway
Akron, OH 44325-4802

Call for Submission

Call for Submission of Papers: Student Manuscript Competition

The 56th Annual Meeting of the Ohio Region of the American Accounting Association & 1st Doctoral / New Faculty Consortium (new) will be held April 30 - May 2, 2015 at the Wyndham Playhouse Square in Cleveland, Ohio. The theme for the meeting is "Data Analytics & the Future of Accounting Education and Research". Accounting educators, doctoral students, and professionals are invited to submit completed manuscripts for presentation at the paper sessions. Interested individuals are also invited to submit proposals for Panel Discussions, CPE Workshops & Effective Learning Strategies Poster Sessions.

Paper Sessions
Papers may be on any topical area of accounting using analytical, experimental, archival, behavioral, or any other approach. All submitted papers will receive double-blind review. The submission deadline for completed manuscripts is 11:59 pm EST January 31, 2015.

We will once again use the online submission system. To submit your paper (or to volunteer as a Reviewer, Discussant, or Moderator), please CLICK HERE to access the system using your AAA member ID and password. If you have forgotten your AAA member ID/password, click here to retrieve them. If you do not have a AAA member ID/password, please click here to obtain AAA login credentials. Then create an account in this system, using your AAA login credentials. If you have difficulty logging in, please contact Suzanne Mullinnix suzanne@aaahq.org for assistance.

Early submissions are strongly encouraged. Acceptance notification will be sent out no later than March 16, 2015. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the meeting for the paper to be included in the program. Accepted research manuscripts will compete for theAndrews Award for best overall research paper, and doctoral papers will also compete for the best doctoral paper award (only authored by doctoral students). There is also an award for the best paper related to Gender Issues and Work Life Balance (GIWLB). In addition to an award for the best TLC paper award. There are separate awards for the best two undergraduate papers and the best two masters' papers. There will be a separate call and submission process for the undergraduate and masters' papers. Those will be handled through Heidi Meier. She is also the contact for anyone interested in serving the Region as a reviewer of student papers.

Panel Discussions and CPE Workshops
Proposals for Panel Discussions and CPE Workshops may be in any accounting area dealing with accounting regulation, research methods, teaching-related issues, or on any other topic which is likely to be of interest to both accounting academics and professionals. CPE Workshops will be offered on Thursday, April 30, 2015, and Panel Discussions will take place on Friday, May 1, 2015 and on Saturday, May 2, 2015. Please send your proposals for Panel Discussions and CPE Workshops directly to Amal Said or Li Wang by 11:59 pm EST January 31, 2015.

Effective Learning Strategies (ELS) Poster Session
The ELS Poster Session showcases ideas, teaching strategies and education innovations that support learning in accounting. It offers an interactive format for presenters to engage colleagues and exchange ideas and resources. The deadline for ELS (Effective Learning Strategies) submissions is 11:59 pm EST March 16, 2015.

For more information about the 2015 AAA Ohio Regional program please contact co-chairs:

Amal Said
Associate Professor of Accounting 
College of Business & Innovation
University of Toledo
2801 W. Bancroft St.
Toledo, OH 43606
  Li Wang
Associate Professor of Accounting 
College of Business Administration
University of Akron
259 South Broadway
Akron, OH 44325-4802