Richard Sloan
Plenary Speaker, Monday, August 4, 2025
Insights from 100 years of The Accounting Review

Richard Sloan is a professor of accounting, finance and business economics at the University of Southern California. He has also served on the faculties of UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. While at the University of Michigan, Professor Sloan was the founding director of the John R. and Georgene M. Tozzi Electronic Business and Finance Center. From 2006 to 2009, Sloan was a managing director in equity research at Barclays Global Investors (since acquired by Blackrock). Professor Sloan is a pioneer in the field of quantitative investing and has served as a consultant to numerous firms in the investment management industry.
Professor Sloan’s research focuses on the role of accounting information in investment decisions. His research has received numerous awards, including the American Accounting Association’s Seminal Contributions to the Accounting Literature Award (2016), the American Accounting Association’s Distinguished Contributions to the Accounting Literature Award (2010) and the American Accounting Association’s Notable Contributions to the Accounting Literature Award (2001, 2009). He is a coauthor of the textbooks Equity Valuation & Analysis (with Russell Lundholm) and Business Sustainability Reporting & Analysis (with Patricia Dechow). He is also an editor of the Review of Accounting Studies and a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council. Professor Sloan holds a PhD in Accounting and Finance from the University of Rochester and a BCom (Hons) from the University of Western Australia.
Michelle Hanlon
Plenary Speaker, Monday, August 4, 2025
Insights from 100 years of The Accounting Review

Michelle Hanlon is the Howard W. Johnson Professor and is currently the Deputy Dean for Faculty and Research at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Professor Hanlon’s research focuses on taxation and the intersection of taxation and financial accounting. She has published in the top accounting and finance journals, among others. She has won several awards for her research including the American Accounting Association Distinguished Contribution to the Literature Award and the Outstanding Manuscript Award for the American Taxation Association. She was named a Presidential Scholar of the American Accounting Association in 2020. In addition, she was an editor at one of the leading accounting research journals, the Journal of Accounting and Economics, for 15 years.
Michelle has taught introductory and intermediate financial accounting; her primary teaching at MIT Sloan is the Taxes and Business Strategy class. She is a co-author on three textbooks. She has won several awards for her teaching including the Sloan Outstanding Teacher Award, the MIT Teaching with Digital Technology Award, and the Jamieson Prize for Excellence in Teaching.
Michelle has testified in front of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee and the U.S. Senate Finance Committee both twice. She worked as an Academic Fellow at the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee for part of 2015. She also served on the Tax Expenditure Commission for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Mark W. Nelson
Plenary Speaker, Monday, August 4, 2025
Insights from 100 years of The Accounting Review

Mark W. Nelson is the S.C. Johnson Family Professor of Management and Professor of Accounting at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. He received his BBA degree from Iowa State University and his MA and PhD degrees from The Ohio State University.
Mark teaches corporate financial reporting, intermediate financial accounting, auditing, and judgment and decision making in accounting. He has received twelve teaching awards, including the AAA’s inaugural Cook Prize for graduate teaching excellence. He is a coauthor (with Spiceland, Thomas and Winchel) of Intermediate Accounting. Mark’s research uses experimental and survey methods to address issues in financial accounting and auditing. His research has been published widely in accounting and psychology, and has been acknowledged with the AAA's Notable Contribution to Accounting Literature Award, the AAA’s Wildman Medal, and AJPT’s inaugural Best Paper Award.
Mark recently completed a seven-year term as Johnson’s Ann and Elmer Lindseth Dean, responsible for Johnson’s ten MBA, EMBA and MS programs, overseeing the activities of Johnson’s faculty and staff in Ithaca and NYC as well as strategic partnerships with other academic institutions, and serving on the leadership team of Cornell’s SC Johnson College of Business. Mark’s external service includes three terms as an editor of the Accounting Review, four years on the FASB’s Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council, and membership on the board of the Boyce Thompson Institute.
Eva Labro
Plenary Speaker, Monday, August 4, 2025
Insights from 100 years of The Accounting Review

Eva Labro is the Michael W. Haley Distinguished Professor of Accounting and Accounting Area Chair at the Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research interests in management accounting interface with other business disciplines and span multiple methodologies. She is specifically interested in costing systems. She has published extensively in top journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and Production and Operations Management. She is an editor at The Accounting Review, an associate editor at Journal of Accounting Research, and a senior editor at Production and Operations Management (POM) for its POM-Accounting Interface. She is a past senior editor of the Journal of Management Accounting Research. She serves on the editorial boards of Contemporary Accounting Research, European Accounting Review and Management Accounting Research. For her research, she received the Impact on Management Accounting Practice Award thrice and the Notable Contributions to the Management Accounting Literature Award twice. She also received the 2024 inaugural Bredrup Faculty Excellence Award, the 2018 Bullard Award for Research Impact as well as the 2022 Weatherspoon Award for Distinguished Research. She has received research funding from CIMA and IMA. She teaches the core Strategic Cost Analysis & Performance Management course in Kenan-Flagler’s various MBA programs, as well as a PhD seminar, and has won Weatherspoon Awards for teaching in both programs, as well as the 2024 Teaching Excellence Award from the inaugural Charlotte-based Executive MBA cohort. A dual American-Belgian national, she has worked on both sides of the Atlantic. Before she joined UNC, she was an associate professor at the London School of Economics. She received her PhD from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium.
Dana R. Hermanson
Presidential Scholar, Tuesday, August 5, 2025
Expanding Our Insights, Audiences, and Impact

Dana R. Hermanson is Dinos Eminent Scholar Chair of Private Enterprise and Professor of Accounting at Kennesaw State University. His research primarily addresses issues in fraud, corporate governance, auditing, and accounting education. Dana is one of the most prolific contributors to academic accounting journals, accounting education journals, and practitioner accounting journals. His over 500 publications include over 70 letters to the editor in The Wall Street Journal. Dana’s research has been cited approximately 20,000 times. He has coauthored two COSO-sponsored studies of fraudulent financial reporting, as well as related auditing monographs for the CAQ and AICPA.
Dana has received the Outstanding Auditing Educator Award and the Deloitte Wildman Medal from the AAA. He was founding co-editor of Current Issues in Auditing and co-editor of Accounting Horizons. Dana has served on 20 dissertation committees, and he has coauthored 60 publications with Kennesaw State University students and graduates.
Dana received his undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. He worked as an auditor for Ernst & Whinney in Atlanta.
Kathryn Kadous
Presidential Scholar, Tuesday, August 5, 2025

Kathryn Kadous is the Schaefer Chaired Professor of Accounting at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. She earned a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Prior to that, she worked as an auditor and controller.
Professor Kadous’ research considers judgment and decision-making issues in auditing and accounting. Her current research focuses on using psychology theory to improve auditor engagement and decision making. Her work identifies the decision process used and provides interventions to improve decision quality, where needed. Her research also spans investor judgment and decision making, as well as methodological issues in experimental research. Professor Kadous has published over 35 peer-reviewed research articles in journals including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Research, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Accounting, Organizations and Society, as well as several chapters and discussions.
Professor Kadous is active in doctoral education, having served on 26 doctoral dissertation committees. She recently completed two terms as Goizueta Business School’s Associate Dean for PhD Programs and a term as a member of the Laney Graduate School’s Executive Council.
Professor Kadous has extensive editorial experience, having previously served as action editor or associate editor for several top journals. She is currently the Senior Editor of The Accounting Review. She has held several positions with the American Accounting Association, including President of the Auditing Section.
Barry Melancon
Luncheon Speaker, Tuesday, August 5, 2025
Barry Melacon Coming soon!
Mark S. Beasley
Plenary Speaker, Wednesday, August 6, 2025

Mark S. Beasley, PhD, CPA is the Alan T. Dixon Distinguished Professor of Accounting and Director of North Carolina State’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Initiative, which provides thought leadership about ERM practices and their integration with strategy and corporate governance.
Mark’s research focuses on governance issues, including enterprise risk management, audit committee governance, and fraud. He has authored over 100 research articles, business publications, and audit-related teaching materials. He is the recipient of the AAA’s Distinguished Contributions to the Accounting Literature Award and the Competitive Manuscript, in addition to the Auditing Section’s Distinguished Service Award.
Mark represented the AAA on the COSO Board from 2005 - 2011 and served on COSO’s Advisory Council that helped develop the 2004 Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework and its 2017 revision. He also served on the United Nations’ Internal Control Advisory Group which advised the UN Controller on COSO-based best practices related to internal controls and he assisted the UN with training on ERM.
Prior to joining NC State, Mark served as a Technical Manager in the Audit and Attest Division of the AICPA and as an Audit Manager in the Nashville, TN office of Ernst & Young. He received a BS in accounting from Auburn University and Ph.D. from Michigan State University.