This sub-directory of the site provides information on membership of the Section.
Select the one of the options below to access details on:
Why become a member of the SET section?
As a member of the Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section, you are able to receive the following benefits (follow the links for further details on each item):
- Exchange research ideas and participate in research efforts in artificial intelligence and emerging technologies with many of the key researchers in this domain from all over the world as part of the largest global association devoted to this topic;
- Keep up to date with educational innovations and AI-based methods and tools and other emerging technologies available for class room instruction;
- Receive a FREE subscription to the Section's journal - Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA) that publishes articles on the theory, practice, and education in the areas of SET;
- Receive our twice yearly members' newsletter keeping you right up to date with all the latest ideas, best practices and news in this area;
- Join with other members on section committees to engage with particular topics of common interest, produce reports, respond to initiatives etc related to this domain;
- Present papers and participate in SET sessions during the National AAA meeting;
- Present papers and participate at the SET Workshop held annual prior to the National AAA meeting and receive feedback on your research;
- Present papers and participate in SET sessions during the Mid-year Section Meeting (currently held jointly with the Information Systems section);
- Present papers and participate in section events organised as part of regional meetings; and
- Interact and work with academics from around the world on SET related topics
Key however, to getting benefit from this section is the effort that you put into the section! We welcome new ideas and initiatives. Do get in touch if there are things you'd like to see the section do for/with you that we don't seem to be doing right now and we'll be excited to explore them with you.
What we do
Strategic and emerging technologies affect how accounting, auditing and taxation are going to be performed in the future. We are a dynamic group that shares a common interest in exploring emerging technologies, reporting on what we find with academic rigor, discussing it with colleagues and teaching it to our students. We make complimentary and synergetic contributions to the other AAA Sections and thereby expand the range of opportunities for researchers and educators.
Members have worked on the following in recent years: text/data analytics, REA, continuous assurance, fraud detection, evidential reasoning, information modeling, genetic programming, neural networks, natural language processing, intelligent databases, intelligent agents, expert systems, object oriented computing, XML, XBRL, applying a variety of research methodologies including design science (DSR).
The graphic below illustrates that an SET Section membership combines well with any other section. We'd very much welcome those sharing similar interests to join.
How to Join or Renew your membership
The Section's By-Laws say that: 'Any member in good standing of the American Accounting Association supporting the objectives of the Section will be enrolled as a regular member upon payment of annual dues to the administrative secretary of the American Accounting Association, or other representative of the Section as authorized.'
This simply means that to be a member of this section you have to join the AAA first - then for a small extra fee you can enjoy all the benefits of membership of the section as well.
CLICK HERE to join our renew today!
This sub-directory of the site provides information on membership of the Section.
Select the one of the options below to access details on:
Why become a member of the SET section?
As a member of the Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section, you are able to receive the following benefits (follow the links for further details on each item):
- Exchange research ideas and participate in research efforts in artificial intelligence and emerging technologies with many of the key researchers in this domain from all over the world as part of the largest global association devoted to this topic;
- Keep up to date with educational innovations and AI-based methods and tools and other emerging technologies available for class room instruction;
- Receive a FREE subscription to the Section's journal - Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA) that publishes articles on the theory, practice, and education in the areas of SET;
- Receive our twice yearly members' newsletter keeping you right up to date with all the latest ideas, best practices and news in this area;
- Join with other members on section committees to engage with particular topics of common interest, produce reports, respond to initiatives etc related to this domain;
- Present papers and participate in SET sessions during the National AAA meeting;
- Present papers and participate at the SET Workshop held annual prior to the National AAA meeting and receive feedback on your research;
- Present papers and participate in SET sessions during the Mid-year Section Meeting (currently held jointly with the Information Systems section);
- Present papers and participate in section events organised as part of regional meetings; and
- Interact and work with academics from around the world on SET related topics
Key however, to getting benefit from this section is the effort that you put into the section! We welcome new ideas and initiatives. Do get in touch if there are things you'd like to see the section do for/with you that we don't seem to be doing right now and we'll be excited to explore them with you.
What we do
Strategic and emerging technologies affect how accounting, auditing and taxation are going to be performed in the future. We are a dynamic group that shares a common interest in exploring emerging technologies, reporting on what we find with academic rigor, discussing it with colleagues and teaching it to our students. We make complimentary and synergetic contributions to the other AAA Sections and thereby expand the range of opportunities for researchers and educators.
Members have worked on the following in recent years: text/data analytics, REA, continuous assurance, fraud detection, evidential reasoning, information modeling, genetic programming, neural networks, natural language processing, intelligent databases, intelligent agents, expert systems, object oriented computing, XML, XBRL, applying a variety of research methodologies including design science (DSR).
The graphic below illustrates that an SET Section membership combines well with any other section. We'd very much welcome those sharing similar interests to join.
How to Join or Renew your membership
The Section's By-Laws say that: 'Any member in good standing of the American Accounting Association supporting the objectives of the Section will be enrolled as a regular member upon payment of annual dues to the administrative secretary of the American Accounting Association, or other representative of the Section as authorized.'
This simply means that to be a member of this section you have to join the AAA first - then for a small extra fee you can enjoy all the benefits of membership of the section as well.
CLICK HERE to join our renew today!

The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA) is the academic journal of the Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section of the American Accounting Association. The purpose of this section is to improve and facilitate the research, education, and practice of advanced information systems, cutting-edge technologies, and artificial intelligence in the fields of accounting, information technology and management advisory systems. JETA’s Mission is to encourage, support and disseminate the production of a stream of high-quality research focused on emerging technologies and artificial intelligence applied or applicable to a wide set of accounting related problems.
SET Newsletter
Hello SET Section members!
I am currently gathering items for the Summer Section Newsletter, so please let me know if you have any contributions. I would like to share information on:
- Stories and Pictures from the Midyear Meeting
- Calls for Papers
- Teaching Tips or Resources
- Member Profiles (remember I want to emphasize fun items more than CV items)
- Any other topics you think would be interesting to fellow SET members.
Please send your contributions to Jagdish Pathak at
A Special Thank You to Our Section Sponsors MMBA & Wiley!