Call for Submissions

As the AAA begins its second century, the theme of the 2017 Annual Meeting in San Diego is “Imagining Our Future,” exploring the roles the we can take to help shape the future. 

Click on titles for full details

Concurrent Paper and Research Forum Sessions — Submission Deadline: January 4, 2017

Concurrent Panel Sessions — Submission Deadline: January 4, 2017

Pre-Conference Workshops (CPE Sessions) — Submission Deadline: January 4, 2017

Effective Learning Strategies Interactive Session (ELS) — Submission Deadline: April 3, 2017

Emerging and Innovative Research Interactive Session — Submission Deadline: April 3, 2017

The Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA) — Submission Deadline: February 8, 2017

22nd Annual Ethics Research Symposium — Submission Deadline: February 8, 2017

Faculty-Student Collaborations in Accounting FASTCA-17 — Submission Deadline: April 3, 2017

Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop — Submission Deadline: May 15, 2017

Volunteer Information

Call for Submissions

As the AAA begins its second century, the theme of the 2017 Annual Meeting in San Diego is “Imagining Our Future,” exploring the roles the we can take to help shape the future. 

Click on titles for full details

Concurrent Paper and Research Forum Sessions — Submission Deadline: January 4, 2017

Concurrent Panel Sessions — Submission Deadline: January 4, 2017

Pre-Conference Workshops (CPE Sessions) — Submission Deadline: January 4, 2017

Effective Learning Strategies Interactive Session (ELS) — Submission Deadline: April 3, 2017

Emerging and Innovative Research Interactive Session — Submission Deadline: April 3, 2017

The Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA) — Submission Deadline: February 8, 2017

22nd Annual Ethics Research Symposium — Submission Deadline: February 8, 2017

Faculty-Student Collaborations in Accounting FASTCA-17 — Submission Deadline: April 3, 2017

Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop — Submission Deadline: May 15, 2017

Volunteer Information

CTLA Program


Saturday, August 5, 2017

7:00am - 8:00am Continental Breakfast

8:00am - 8:50am Session 1.0: Welcome Opening Session
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Speakers: Cindy Bolt-Lee, The Citadel
Billie M. Cunningham, University of Missouri

9:00am - 9:50am Session 2.0: Plenary Session
Using Brain Research to Orchestrate Learning
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Speaker: Janet N. Zadina, Ph.D.
President, Brain Research and Instruction

9:50am - 10:20am Refreshment Break

10:20am – 11:10am

3.0: Concurrent Sessions

Session 3.1: Teaching Roundtable-General Teaching Topics (choose 3)
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Brenda Mattison, Tri-County Technical College

Table 1: How to Teach Debits and Credits in (Literally) 5 Minutes
Darla Honn, University of Central Missouri

Table 2: Using Checklists in Accounting Courses to Promote Intentional Learning
Catherine Weber, University of Houston

Table 3: Using Directed Reading Guides in Introductory Courses to Motivate Student Preparation and Comprehension
Karen Braun, Case Western Reserve University

Table 4: Teaching Communication Skills to Accounting Students? Tips for Full Communications Courses or Piecemeal Instruction
Tom Hall, University of Denver

Table 5: Developing Students’ Skills while Teaching Accounting
Abbie Daly, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater

Session 3.2: Teaching Roundtable-Teaching Online or Remotely (choose 3)
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: John DeJoy, Clarkson University

Table 1: Classroom Management Techniques for Online Instructors
Comfort Chevannes, University of Phoenix

Table 2: Competency Based Learning in a Flipped Classroom
Chris Edmonds, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Table 3: Flipped and Online Classes: Course Management Made Easy
Mark Edmonds, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Table 4: Avoiding Potential Disasters in Online Teaching: Lessons from the Trenches
Cathy Margolin, University of Phoenix
Jason Porter, University of South Dakota

Table 5: Best Practices for Teaching Students at a Host Site and Remote Site Simultaneously Via an Advanced Technology Classroom
Stanley Hong, DeVry University

Session 3.3: Plenary Session Follow Up

The Multiple Pathways Model for Using Brain Research to Enhance and Energize Instruction
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Speaker: Dr. Janet Zadina, President, Brain Research and Instruction

Session 3.4: Motivating Students
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Carol Hughes, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College

How to Spice Up Your Online Accounting Course and Motivate Students to Get Excited About Learning

Maureen K. Flores, Troy University

The Impact of Mid-Semester Evaluations on Improving Teaching
Chan Du, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Increasing Student Engagement by Motivating Underachievers
Janet Meade, University of Houston
Kiran Parthasarathy, University of Houston

Session 3.5: Teaching Effectiveness
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Melissa Larson, Brigham Young University

Helping our Students Soar: Redesigning Accounting Courses for Student Success
Elizabeth Gordon, Temple University
Johanna Inman, Temple University

Measuring Teaching Impact: Beyond Student Evaluations
Kimberly Swanson Church, University of Missouri–Kansas City
Gail Hoover King, Purdue University Northwest

Shining Additional Light on Effective Teaching Best Practices in Accounting: Self-Reflective Insights from the First Six Cook Prize Winners
Billie M. Cunningham, University of Missouri
David Stout, Villanova University
Donald E. Wygal, Rider University (Emeritus)

Session 3.6: Enhancing Your Instruction
Personal Development - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Cindy Sobieski, University of West Florida

Build Your Teaching Brand
Cassy Budd, Brigham Young University

Teaching with Technology
Markus Ahrens, St. Louis Community College-Meramec
Cathy Scott, Navarro College

Session 3.7: New CPA Exam: Addressing Skills Needed
Accounting - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Poh-Sun Seow, Singapore Management University

Expanding the Usage of Databases in the Accounting Research Methods Course
Susan Rhame, University of Dallas
Robert Walsh, University of Dallas

Best Program Characteristics for Students to Pass the CPA Exam
Hubert Glover, Drexel University
Jennifer Wright, Drexel University

Incorporating CPA Exam Review Course Materials in Upper Level Accounting Classes
John Dexter, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania


11:20am – 12:10pm Session 4.0: Effective Teaching Practices Poster Session of Pedagogy and Course Best Practices
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH

1: Using K’nex Building Materials to Introduce Managerial and Cost Accounting Terms and Concepts
Karen Mattison, Presbyterian College

2: Integrated Practice Set for Principles of Accounting I and II
Kenneth Creech, Briar Cliff University

3: Clarified Adjusting Entry Types
Mary Reher, North Central College

4: A Phenomenographic Study of Students’ Perceptions of Learning Accounting
Nicholas McGuigan, Monash University

5: Mastering the Cash Flow Statement
Angela Olson, Augustana University

6: Increasing the International Component of Accounting Education via an IFRS Convergence Assignment
Abbie Daly, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater

7: Advanced Accounting Consolidation Journal Entry Sequence
Sarah McGaha, Harding University

8: Creating and Using Self-Grading Consolidation Workpapers for Advanced Accounting: This is Not Your DropBox Learning
Nina Dorata, St. John’s University

General Education Topics
9: Helping Accounting Students During the Job-Seeking and Professional Development Processes
Daniel Shallcross, Baylor University

10: State Data Lab
Bill Bergman, Truth in Accounting

11: An Exploratory Examination of Intentional Distractions as a Method for Improving Students’ Test Performance
Ira Abdullah, Robert Morris University
Andrea Gouldman, Weber State University
Karen Green, The University of Toledo

12: Experiential Sharing: Defining Moments in the Lives of Accounting Educators and Teaching Tips in Accounting
Natalie T. Churyk, Northern Illinois University
David Stout, Villanova University

13: Giving Back-Engaging Accounting Students Through Service Learning
Patricia Johnson, Canisius College
Mary Michel, Manhattan College

14: The HSG Trading Room Project: Implementing an Innovative, Hands-on, Student-centered Teaching Environment at the University of St. Gallen
Karl Frauendorfer, University of St. Gallen
Robert Gutsche, University of St. Gallen
Alexandru Rif, University of St.Gallen

15: How to Turn Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Site Into an Accounting Service-Learning Course in the Accounting Curriculum
Mehmet Kocakulah, University of Southern Indiana
Brett J. Long, University of Southern Indiana

16: Developing an Innovative Career Focused Program with Limited Resources
Alisa Hunt, Post University

Big Data/Data Analytics
17: Getting Your Colleagues up to Speed Teaching Analytics
Jose Lineros, University of North Texas
Neil Wilner, University of North Texas

18: CbC Reporting: Visualizing Transfer Prices and Big Data
Susan P. Convery, Michigan State University
Edmund Outslay, Michigan State University

19: PhD Accounting Education Research
Anna Vysotskaya, Woosong University

CPA Exam
20: Student Perceptions of the CPA and Various Accounting Certifications
Richard Brody, University of New Mexico
Shihong Li, University of New Mexico
Ling Zhou, University of New Mexico

21: Check a New Box for Accreditation: How to Become a Scholarly Practitioner
Kimberly Swanson Church, University of Missouri–Kansas City
Kelvie Crabb, The University of Kansas
Gail Hoover King, Purdue University Northwest
Stacey Lhuillier, Kansas State University

Case - Revenue Recognition
22: Blue Gilia Construction, Inc.: A Case of Revenue Recognition and Accounting Ethics
Amy Holmes, Trinity University
Paul D. Hutchison, University of North Texas
Janet R. Jones, University of Minnesota Duluth

23: Using State Data in Accounting and Tax Classes
Bill Bergman, Truth in Accounting
Sharon Lassar, University of Denver
Sheila Weinberg, Truth in Accounting

12:20pm - 2:10pm

Luncheon with Awards and Panel
Specialized Knowledge and Applications - 1.0 CH

Session 5.0: Accounting Professionals Panel: Linking Accounting

Educators to the Knowledge and Skills Needed by New Professionals
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Bryan Bear, Taylor Guitars
Anne Donovan, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Lee Duran, BDO
Ronda Sedillo, San Diego Padres

Bea Sanders/AICPA 2016 Teaching Innovation Award for Successful Teaching Practices in the First Sequence of Accounting
Presenter: Joann David, AICPA

Winner: Excel-Based Active-Learning for the Managerial Accounting Course
Karen Braun, Case Western Reserve University

Honorable Mention: Launch Learning: Students Create, Collaborate… and Comprehend Managerial Accounting!
Kelvie Crabb, The University of Kansas
Gail Hoover King, Purdue University Northwest
Kimberly Swanson Church, University of Missouri–Kansas City

George Krull/Grant Thornton 2016 Teaching Innovation Award for Successful Innovative Practices in the Teaching of Junior-and Senior-Level Accounting Courses
Presenters: George Krull, Grant Thornton LLP, Retired
Joe Tria, Grant Thornton LLP

Winner: Reflective Ethical Decision: A Model for Ethics in Accounting Education
Sandria Stephenson, Kennesaw State University

Honorable Mention: Utilizing Concept Mapping in Individual Income Tax
Tracie Miller-Nobles, Austin Community College

Mark Chain/FSA 2016 Teaching Innovation Award for Exceptional Graduate Accounting Course Practices
Presenter: Rebecca Shortridge, FSA

Winner: Interviewing for Requirements in the Advanced AIS Classroom
Charles J. Leflar, University of Arkansas
Katie L. Terrell, University of Arkansas
JaLynn Thomas, University of Arkansas

Honorable Mention: Case Method Teaching in a Graduate Class: Setting the Stage for Success
Cassy Budd, Brigham Young University


1:00pm - 5:00pm

Poster Session Set-up for Effective Teaching Practices Session 9.0

2:20 pm - 3:10 pm 6.0: Concurrent Sessions

Session 6.1: Teaching Roundtable — General Education Topics

(choose 3)
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Wendy Tietz, Kent State University

Table 1: Five Minutes with High Rate of Return
Nadia Schwartz, Augustana College

Table 2: Generating Great Groups: Improving Group Dynamics in the Classroom
Jason Porter, University of South Dakota

Table 3: How Becoming a Good Listener Can Make You a Better Lecturer
Mfon Akpan, National Louis University

Table 4: Designing Effective Rubrics for Accounting Courses
Julie Browning, California Baptist University

Table 5: Bridging the Gap between Basic Financial Accounting Principles and the Accounting Profession through Project-based Learning
Rania Mousa, University of Evansville

Session 6.2: Teaching Roundtable-Intermediate and Advanced Financial (choose 3)
Accounting - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Robyn Barrett, St. Louis Community College

Table 1: Best Practices in Teaching Upper Level Accounting Courses
Patricia Johnson, Canisius College
David Bond, The University of Technology Sydney

Table 2: Teaching Techniques Implemented to Enhance Students Comprehension of Consolidations
Jane Weiss, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater

Table 3: The Missing Puzzle? Jigsaw Method: A Collaborative Peer Coaching Approach Learning Consolidation Accounting
Lijyun Hwang, Eastern Michigan University

Table 4: Intermediate Accounting: How to Improve Performance?
Ann Davis, Tennessee Tech University
Richard Rand, Tennessee Tech University
Robert Seay, Tennessee Tech University

Table 5: The Intermediate Accounting Six Hour Sequence: In Search of Benchmarks, KPI’s and Anecdotes
Michael Krause, Le Moyne College

Session 6.3: New Faculty/PhD Session #1
Personal Development - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Melissa Larson, Brigham Young University

Creating Effective Syllabi and Learning Objectives
John S. DeJoy, Clarkson University
Karen Osterheld, Bentley University

Resources and Teaching Strategies for New Faculty
John S. DeJoy, Clarkson University
Karen Osterheld, Bentley University

Session 6.4: Mark Chain/FSA 2016 Teaching Innovation Award for Exceptional Graduate Accounting Course Practices

Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Greg Gaynor, University of Baltimore

Winner: Interviewing for Requirements in the Advanced AIS Classroom
Charles J. Leflar, University of Arkansas
Katie L. Terrell, University of Arkansas
JaLynn Thomas, University of Arkansas

Honorable Mention: Case Method Teaching in a Graduate Class: Setting the Stage for Success
Cassy Budd, Brigham Young University

Session 6.5: Curriculum Design for Online and Big Data
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Gail Hoover King, Purdue University Northwest

Techniques Using Active Learning for Student Engagement in Online Accounting Courses
Maureen K. Flores, Troy University

Considering Design and Best Practices for the Teaching and Learning of Accounting Data Analytics
Ann O’Brien, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Session 6.6: Auditing Course Topics
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Robyn Barrett, St. Louis Community College

Meeting the Challenge of Incorporating Analysis and Evaluation into the Auditing Course
Jan Taylor Morris, Sam Houston State University

Teaching Enterprise Risk Management in Accounting Programs
Mark Frigo, DePaul University
Paul Walker, St. Johns University

Use of Gamification Applications to Provide Real-life Professional Experiences
D. Scott Showalter, North Carolina State University

Session 6.7: Introductory Classes
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Wendy Tietz, Kent State University

"Follow that Debit!" Understanding the Flow of Costs
Eric Wen, University of Hawaii–West Oahu

Teaching the Introductory Financial Accounting Class
Lynn Almond, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Service Learning; How to Connect Large Class Sizes to Real Clients to Engage Learning
Staci Kenno, Brock University
Glenn Skrubbeltrang, Brock University

3:10 pm - 3:40 pm Refreshment Break

3:40 pm - 4:30 pm

7.0: Concurrent Sessions

Session 7.1: Teaching Roundtable — Introductory Courses (choose 3)
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Carol Hughes, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College

Table 1: How to Implement a No Dr/Cr Approach in Your Introductory Accounting Courses
Chris Edmonds, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Table 2: Student Engagement and Learning in Introductory Course: Why Major in Accounting?
Cassy Budd, Brigham Young University
Melissa Larson, Brigham Young University

Table 3: Teaching Financial Accounting in a Third Language Environment
Jones Kasonso, Higher Colleges of Technology

Table 4: Withdrawn

Table 5: Increasing Classroom Effectiveness with a Pop Up Quiz
Mfon Akpan, National Louis University

Session 7.2: Technology Roundtable #1 (choose 3)
Computer Science - 1.0 CH
Moderator: John Dexter, Edinboro University

Table 1: TVM Lab: A Spreadsheet for Understanding Time Value of Money Problems
Eric Wen, University of Hawaii–West Oahu

Table 2: WEAVEing the Loop
Frank Badua, Lamar University
Clare D. Burns, Lamar University

Table 3: There’s an App for that: Accounting Bootcamp
Linda Lovata, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Table 4: Incorporating Microsoft Excel Usage in Cost Accounting
Doris Bourgeois Kelly, Bentley University

Table 5: Snapchat 101: Engaging Students in Accounting
Wendy Tietz, Kent State University

Session 7.3: Teaching Special Topics
Accounting - 1.0 CH
Moderator: John DeJoy, Clarkson University

A Foolproof Technique for Teaching Goodwill Impairment

Darla Honn, University of Central Missouri

Golf Gear Headquarters: Reconciling the Cash Account
Justin Crouse, Wartburg College

Flipping the Statement of Cash Flows Project
Karen Mattison, Presbyterian College

Session 7.4: Online Learning
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Maureen Flores, Troy University

The Challenges of Developing a Completely Online Course
Paul Juras, Babson College

Helping Students Rethink Academic Integrity: Strategies for Upholding Academic Integrity in the Classroom
Comfort Chevannes, University of Phoenix

Threaded Discussion Best Practices
Stanley Hong, DeVry University

Session 7.5: Ethics and Values
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Lynn Almond, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

The Role of Unconscious Bias on Student/Colleague Interactions
Cassy Budd, Brigham Young University

Creating More Accountable Learning: Calling to Question Australia’s Refugee Crisis in Accounting Education
Nicholas McGuigan, Monash University
Michaela Rankin, Monash University

Sustainability Accounting: From Talking to Teaching
Pavlo Kalyta, Queen’s University

Session 7.6: Using Cases to Teach
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Cindy Sobieski, University of West Florida

Teaching Cases and Class Material in a Graduate Forensic Accounting Course
Pankaj Nagpal, Central Connecticut State University

Cardinal Capers Corp. - A Flexible Budgeting Case
Mary Reher, North Central College

Bethany’s Boutique: Tailoring Financial Statements for Function as Well as Fashion
Cari Edison, Baylor University

Session 7.7: Bea Sanders/AICPA 2016 Teaching Innovation Award for Successful Teaching Practices in the First Sequence of Accounting
Accounting - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Greg Gaynor, University of Baltimore

Winner: Excel-Based Active-Learning for the Managerial Accounting Course
Karen Braun, Case Western Reserve University

Honorable Mention: Launch Learning: Students Create, Collaborate… and Comprehend Managerial Accounting!
Kelvie Crabb, The University of Kansas
Gail Hoover King, Purdue University Northwest
Kimberly Swanson Church, University of Missouri–Kansas City


4:40 pm - 5:30 pm

8.0: Concurrent Sessions

Session 8.1: Teaching Roundtable-Auditing Course Topics (choose 3)

Auditing - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Yaneli Cruz, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México

Table 1: Audit: Use Real-Life Examples to Teach Attestation Standards
Mary D. Jepperson, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University

Table 2: Dinner and a Movie: Using a Movie to Instill in Students the Professional Principles of an Auditor
Kevin Ennis, Mississippi State University
Joseph Faello, Mississippi State University

Table 3: Using Student-Generated Videos to Learn Internal Control in Accounting Information Systems Courses
Gary Pan, Singapore Management University
Poh-Sun Seow, Singapore Management University

Table 4: Changing the Reputation of the Audit Learning Experience via the Implementation of Team-Based Learning
Amanda White, The University of Technology Sydney

Table 5: Alternative Instructional Aids in the Fraud Examination Course — Lessons from Experience
Donald Ariail, Kennesaw State University
William Black, University of North Georgia

Session 8.2: Technology Roundtable #2 (choose 3)
Computer Science - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Glenn Skrubbeltrang, Brock University

Table 1: Padlet - A Versatile, Collaborative Learning Tool
Cathy Scott, Navarro College

Table 2: Twelve-Week Excel Simulation Linking Accounting Cycle and Performance Measurement
Jeff Reinking, University of Central Florida

Table 3: Using Technology for Classroom Management
Jennifer Edmonds, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Table 4: Can Business Simulation Motivate Students, Increase Engagement and Provide Robust Assurance of Learning Assessment Evidence? Yes!
Brian D. Rohrs, Bowling Green State University
James Falk Zeigler, Bowling Green State University

Table 5: A Collaborative Accounting, Finance and Business MOOC
Shaun Robertson, ICAEW
Alice Shepherd, Leeds University Business School

Session 8.3: New Faculty/PhD Session #2
Personal Development - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Billie Cunningham, University of Missouri

First Year Experience: Practical Tips for Surviving and Succeeding in Teaching/Coordinating My First Large Intro Accounting Course
Jason Sharp, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Experiential Sharing: Defining Moments in the Lives of Accounting Educators and Teaching Tips in Accounting
Natalie T. Churyk, Northern Illinois University
David Stout, Villanova University

Session 8.4: General Education Topics
Specialized Knowledge and Applications - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Maureen Flores, Troy University

Winter Oak: Cultivating Passion for Teaching
Bob Allen, The University of Utah

Real-Life Stories to Teach Introductory Accounting: A Blog
Wendy Tietz, Kent State University

Session 8.5: George Krull/Grant Thornton 2016 Teaching Innovation Award for Successful Innovative Practices in the Teaching of Junior-and Senior-Level Accounting Courses
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Greg Gaynor, University of Baltimore

Winner: Reflective Ethical Decision: A Model for Ethics in Accounting Education
Sandria Stephenson, Kennesaw State University

Honorable Mention: Utilizing Concept Mapping in Individual Income Tax
Tracie Miller-Nobles, Austin Community College

Session 8.6: Innovative Instructional Strategies for Accounting
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Lynn Almond, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Adaptive Accounting Lessons and their use in Introductory Accounting
David Bond, The University of Technology Sydney

CreActive Accounting Education: Visioning Future-Oriented Student Engagement
Thomas Kern, The Accountability Institute
Nicholas McGuigan, Monash University

Teaching Accounting Concepts Through Music
Michael Ozlanski, Susquehanna University
Matthew Rousu, Susquehanna University

Session 8.7: General Accounting Education Strategies
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Moderator: John Dexter, Edinboro University

From Bootcamp to ART: Enhancing the Accounting Program
Ann Davis, Tennessee Tech University
Richard Rand, Tennessee Tech University
Robert Seay, Tennessee Tech University

Borrowing Teaching Excellence: Applying Innovative Strategies from Outside Accounting
Claire Latham, Washington State University Vancouver

Handling Job Stress: Research-based Do’s and Don’ts for Accounting Faculty
Edgard B. Cornacchione, Jr., University of São Paulo
Marcia C. Garcia, Federal University of São Paulo
Eduardo M. Nascimento, Federal University of Minas Gerais

5:45 pm–7:15 pm

Session 9.0: Reception with Effective Teaching Practices Poster Session of Pedagogy and Course Best Practices
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH

Managerial 1: Students Build a Car to Learn Job Order Costing!
Ann Kelley, Providence College

Audit 2: Teaching Auditing in the U.S. and Russia Simultaneously through Tele-Presence Technology
William Coyle, Babson College

Introductory 3: Add Fun to Teaching and Learning: Playing Your Way Through Debts and Credits
Luciane R. Cornacchione, University of São Paulo
Edgard B. Cornacchione, Jr., University of São Paulo

4: Using a Comprehensive Accounting Cycle Project to Improve Student Exam Performance in Introductory Accounting Courses
Penelope Lyman, University of North Georgia

5: Study Habits and Grades of First-Year Accounting Students
Audra Ong, University of Windsor

6: A Change in Practice: Incorporating Pre-Quizzes into Introductory Accounting Courses
Justin Crouse, Wartburg College

7: Weaving Vocabulary, Reading and Writing Strategies into Managerial Accounting Teaching
Ji Li, California State University, Bakersfield
Di Wun, California State University, Bakersfield

8: A More Palatable Advanced Accounting Course
Cynthia Dittmer, Coe College

9: Teaching the History Behind Important Accounting Rules/Standards
Michael Coyn, Fairfield University

10: Making Boring Financial Reporting Disclosures Exciting
Angela Olson, Augustana University

General Education Topics
11: Accounting Detectives/Demi Lovato World Tour: Fun Accounting Tasks for Middle and High School Groups
Genevieve Scalan, Texas A&M University–Kingsville

12: Awareness of Law between Faculty and Students Students about Being a Member of Accounting Profession: Anadolu University Law Faculty Sample
Seval Selimoglu, Anadolu University

13: Financial Literacy of Students in the University of Buraimi, Oman
Vijayesh Kumar, University of Buraimi

14: Use “Personal Finance Board Game” to Teach
Asma Assaf, Sharjah Men’s College

15: Connecting the Student Experience through Visual Imagery
Nicholas McGuigan, Monash University

16: Using the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program to Enhance Student Learning Utilizing the Pathways Vision Model
Robyn Barrett, St Louis Community College

17: Engaging Non-Accounting Majors in the Tax Policy Debate
Louise Single, St. Edward’s University

18: The Fraud Triangle at Work: Examples from Enron
Frank Badua, Lamar University MBA/MACC

19: Making a Graduate International Tour Work
Alisa Hunt, Post University

20: Determinants of MBA Students’ Selection of Online Class Delivery Mode
Jonathan Du, University of Houston–Victoria
Yong Gyo Lee, University of Houston–Victoria
Donna Stringer, University of Houston–Victoria

21: Enhancing Critical Thinking through Algorithmic Software
Kenneth D. Rexer, Stevens Institute of Technology
Marianne Rexer, Wilkes University

Case Fraud
22: Financial Statements Too Good to be True? An Instructional Case Assessing that Question Using Analytical Procedures & Beneish’s M-Score
Canri Chan, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
Steve Landry, Naval Postgraduate School

23: LongStanding Bank: A Fraud Case Focusing on “Tone-At-The-Top”
Jun Hao, University of Houston–Clear Lake
Constance Lehmann, University of Houston–Clear Lake

Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
24: Sustainability Accounting & Reporting with SASB’s FSA Credential for Assurance of Learning
Timothy Coville, Saint John’s University


Sunday, August 6, 2017

7:00am - 8:00am Continental Breakfast

8:00am - 9:40am Session 10.0: Best Practices From the 2016 J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook Prize Winners for Superior Teaching in the Discipline of Accounting
Personal Development - 1.0 CH
Presenters: Markus Ahrens, St. Louis Community College-Meramec
Billie M. Cunningham, University of Missouri

10:10am - 11:00am 11.0: Teaching Solutions Concurrent Sessions

Session 11.1: Technology Access-Hands on Technology Part 1
Computer Science - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Mary D. Jepperson, College of Saint Benedict

Table 1: Technology to Organize You for the New Academic Year!
Markus Ahrens, St. Louis Community College-Meramec

Table 2: Getting Creative with Google Drawings and Google Forms
Patricia Johnson, Canisius College

Table 3: Click and Viz: Transforming Data for Decision Making
Yaneli Cruz, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México

Table 4: Withdrawn

Table 5: Step by Step Web-Based Assessment Module
Patricia C. Everaert, Ghent University
Sathiyavani Gopal, RMIT University
Maryam Safari, RMIT University

Table 6: Using RealtimeBoard to Map Out Complex Concepts for Students
Ross Riskin, Albertus Magnus College

Table 7: Using Adobe Acrobat and LiveCycle to Create Interactive Assignments
Nicholas Robinson, Eastern Illinois University

Table 8: Socrative: A Free "Clicker" Technology used to Enhance Instruction in an Accounting Classroom
Paul Juras, Babson College

Table 9: Increasing Classroom Engagement with Adobe Spark
Mfon Akpan, National Louis University

Session 11.2: Tackling Teaching Together
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Cindy Bolt-Lee, The Citadel
Billie Cunningham, University of Missouri

11:10am - 12:00pm

12.0: Teaching Solutions Concurrent Sessions

Session 12.1: Hands on Technology Part 2
Computer Science - 1.0 CH
Moderator: Mary D. Jepperson, College of Saint Benedict

Table 1: Increasing Student Engagement in Managerial Accounting with Voice Thread
Uma Sridharan, Columbus State University

Table 2: Explain Everything App
Nadia Schwartz, Augustana College

Table 3: Pecha Kucha: Smart Communication Supported by Technology
Yaneli Cruz, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México

Table 4: An Automated Innovation that Allows Accounting Educators without Deep Excel Abilities to Help Students Amass the Skills Needed for Today’s Workplace - from Cell Algebra to Power Pivot Tables and Big Data
Paul Goldwater, University of Central Florida

Table 5: Recorded Accounting Pre-Works: A Reasonable ROI
Ashley Stark, Carroll College

Table 6: There’s an App for that: Accounting Bootcamp
Linda Lovata, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Table 7: Use of Gamification Applications to Provide Real-life Professional Experiences
D. Scott Showalter, North Carolina State University

Table 8: Snapchat 101: Engaging Students in Accounting
Wendy Tietz, Kent State University

Session 12.2: Critical Thinking for Professional Success
Specialized Knowledge - 1.0 CH
Susan Wolcott, CPA Canada

12:15pm - 1:00pm CTLA Reflections and Future Plans

We need your input! Come share your ideas about CTLA 2018 to help us have the best CTLA in 2018. Participants in this session will have the opportunity to enter their comments and ideas into a drawing for a FREE CTLA 2018 registration.*

*(1) You MUST be present to win. (2) The winner MUST use this free registration for the CTLA 2018. (3) The CTLA 2018 registration fee CANNOT be applied to the AAA membership, or other AAA conference activity fees. (4) There is NO cash value to this award.
*Schedule subject to change

Note: The CPE Fields of Study curriculum is divided into twenty subject matter areas. These fields represent the primary knowledge and skill areas needed by accounting licensees to perform professional services in all fields of employment. Each Credit Hour is based on 50 minutes. The Program Level for each of these sessions is Basic, unless otherwise stated. Delivery Method: Group Live

American Accounting Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

To register for this course, visit the Web site and register online or contact (941)-921-7747. For more information regarding refund, complaint and program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (941)-921-7747