22nd Annual Ethics Research Symposium


Do accounting ethics inspire you? If so, then the 22nd Annual Ethics Research Symposium is for you! All AAA members are invited to attend the Symposium on Sunday, August 6, 2017, preceding the AAA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

The Symposium encourages thoughtful research on the ethical applications of teaching, practice, and/or business that ultimately benefits the individual, government, or society. Accordingly, we challenge researchers in other accounting areas to identify and address the ethical implications of their research. The Symposium will recognize and award research in the following categories: the Best Research Paper, the Best Innovation for Teaching, the Best Paper by a Current Doctoral Student, and the Best Paper by a Recent Graduate (graduation from a doctoral program must have occurred within the last three years).

Additional networking opportunities are also available at our pre-symposium reception at 6:30 pm on Saturday, August 5th. Come out and meet new colleagues, greet old friends, and welcome doctoral students to our premier group of ethics researchers!

Questions can be sent to Annie McGowan, Texas A&M University, AMcGowan@mays.tamu.edu and Brian Shapiro, University of St. Thomas, bpshapiro@stthomas.edu

Ethics Research Symposium registration fee includes: Saturday Night Reception and Sunday’s Accounting Exemplar Award Luncheon

22nd Annual Ethics Research Symposium


Do accounting ethics inspire you? If so, then the 22nd Annual Ethics Research Symposium is for you! All AAA members are invited to attend the Symposium on Sunday, August 6, 2017, preceding the AAA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

The Symposium encourages thoughtful research on the ethical applications of teaching, practice, and/or business that ultimately benefits the individual, government, or society. Accordingly, we challenge researchers in other accounting areas to identify and address the ethical implications of their research. The Symposium will recognize and award research in the following categories: the Best Research Paper, the Best Innovation for Teaching, the Best Paper by a Current Doctoral Student, and the Best Paper by a Recent Graduate (graduation from a doctoral program must have occurred within the last three years).

Additional networking opportunities are also available at our pre-symposium reception at 6:30 pm on Saturday, August 5th. Come out and meet new colleagues, greet old friends, and welcome doctoral students to our premier group of ethics researchers!

Questions can be sent to Annie McGowan, Texas A&M University, AMcGowan@mays.tamu.edu and Brian Shapiro, University of St. Thomas, bpshapiro@stthomas.edu

Ethics Research Symposium registration fee includes: Saturday Night Reception and Sunday’s Accounting Exemplar Award Luncheon