Call for Submissions

As the AAA begins its second century, the theme of the 2017 Annual Meeting in San Diego is “Imagining Our Future,” exploring the roles that we can take to help shape the future. 



Call for Submissions

The theme of the 2018 Annual Meeting in National Harbor, MD (Washington, DC) is "Pathways to a Sustainable Future". 

Click on titles for full details

Concurrent Paper and Research Forum SessionsSubmission Deadline: January 9, 2018
Concurrent Panel SessionsSubmission Deadline: January 9, 2018
Pre-Conference Workshops (CPE Sessions)Submission Deadline: January 9, 2018
The Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA)Submission Deadline: February 7, 2018
22nd Annual Ethics Research SymposiumSubmission Deadline: February 7, 2018



Call for Submissions

The theme of the 2018 Annual Meeting in National Harbor, MD (Washington, DC) is "Pathways to a Sustainable Future". 

Click on titles for full details

Concurrent Paper and Research Forum SessionsDecisions have been released
Concurrent Panel SessionsDecisions have been released
Pre-Conference Workshops (CPE Sessions)Decisions have been released
The Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA)Decisions have been released
23rd Annual Ethics Research SymposiumDecisions have been released
If you have not received a decision notice regarding your Concurrent Paper or Panel Submission please email Suzanne Mullinnix at


Call for Submissions

The theme of the 2018 Annual Meeting in National Harbor, MD (Washington, DC) is "Pathways to a Sustainable Future". 

Click on titles for full details

Concurrent Paper and Research Forum SessionsSubmission Deadline: January 9, 2018
Concurrent Panel SessionsSubmission Deadline: January 9, 2018
Pre-Conference Workshops (CPE Sessions)Submission Deadline: January 9, 2018
The Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA)Submission Deadline: February 7, 2018
22nd Annual Ethics Research SymposiumSubmission Deadline: February 7, 2018



Call for Submissions

The theme of the 2018 Annual Meeting in National Harbor, MD (Washington, DC) is "Pathways to a Sustainable Future". 

Click on titles for full details

Concurrent Paper and Research Forum SessionsDecisions have been released
Concurrent Panel SessionsDecisions have been released
Pre-Conference Workshops (CPE Sessions)Decisions have been released
The Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA)Decisions have been released
23rd Annual Ethics Research SymposiumDecisions have been released
If you have not received a decision notice regarding your Concurrent Paper or Panel Submission please email Suzanne Mullinnix at

Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop

Submission Deadline: May 14, 2018

As Global Thought Leaders in Accounting, the American Accounting Association is pleased to announce-the Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop-to be held on Sunday, August 5, 2018 in conjunction with the 2018 AAA Annual Meeting. The workshop will be held for scholars who are in the early stage of their research careers and is primarily focused on helping early career stage accounting scholars based in emerging countries.

The main objective of the workshop is to help scholars who do not have local senior leadership to develop their research. The scholars who will attend the workshop will present their papers and receive constructive feedback from senior mentors and their fellow scholars. The Co-Chairs of the 2017 workshop were Wayne Landsman of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Recep Pekdemir of Istanbul University.  The senior mentors were Jonathan Glover, Columbia University, Eva Labro, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Terry Shevlin, University of California, Irvine, and Christopher Williams, University of Michigan. Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to interact with renowned scholars of international standing and with fellow early career researchers. In addition, the workshop will provide a platform for discussion of research ideas and issues that potentially lead to future collaboration among attendees.
Up to 16 proposals will be selected for presentation at the Workshop. Written feedback will be provided to the presenters prior to the Workshop to assist them in identifying ways to improve their research proposal. At the Workshop, each scholar will present the proposal, followed by discussion by a senior researcher as mentor who will also provide constructive feedback, and then further discussion of the proposal by the presenter, other senior scholars as mentors, and the other early career researchers.

Proposals should be submitted by 11:59 pm EDT on May 14, 2018 to Proposals should not exceed 25 pages (including tables and references). Submissions exceeding the specified length will be eliminated from consideration. All submissions should be double spaced, utilize size 12 font, and be written in English. Each submission should include a brief (one page or less) bio and photo of each author including information regarding the scholars’ current employer (university) and the doctoral granting institution and the date the Ph.D. was received (or in the case of doctoral candidates anticipated).

Authors of papers selected to be presented at the workshop will be notified about the selection of their proposal no later than June 1, 2018. Scholars will need to confirm their participation by June 14, 2018.

All participating Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop participants will need to register for the AAA Annual Meeting and they must attend the entire program on Sunday August 5, 2018. There is no additional fee for attending the workshop. However, space is limited to just 16 attendees. Early application is encouraged.