Leadership in Accounting Education Section Awards

Mark Chain/Deloitte Innovation In Graduate Teaching Award
     Generously Supported by Deloitte    


The Mark Chain/Deloitte Innovation in Graduate Teaching Award honors Mark Chain for his distinguished service to the professions of accounting and accounting education and for his significant contributions to the development of the Federation of Schools of Accountancy (a legacy organization of the Leadership in Accounting Education section).  The Mark Chain/Deloitte Award recognizes innovations that create exceptional graduate accounting course practices.

The Leadership in Accounting Education Section Awards Committee reviews submissions and selects a winning submission each year.  Deloitte generously supports a $5,000 award for the winning submission. The authors of the winning submission will receive their award at the Leadership section meeting in February and be recognized at the Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA).  In addition, authors of the winning submission will present their innovative teaching practice at the AAA Annual Meeting in a session dedicated to teaching award winners. 


The awards committee will assess submissions with respect to their:

  • Level of innovation and effectiveness in teaching a graduate accounting concept or course.
  • Ability to improve student learning and the development of life-long learning skills---especially as evidenced by data.
  • Ease with other schools could implement this innovation including the quality of the supporting materials.

Individuals or groups of individuals may submit teaching innovations for consideration.  Individual assignments, courses, or co-curricular programs will be given preference over broader curricular change. 


Please submit a single pdf document that includes the following:

  • Name(s) of submitter(s) and their institution(s).
  • A description of the teaching innovation, associated learning goals, context in which it is used (e.g., course name of MST program), and description of the student population with which it was delivered.
  • Evidence of the effectiveness of the innovation.
  • Supporting materials (e.g., assignments, instructor’s guides, assessment rubrics)
  • Any other material you believe the committee will find decision-relevant. You may include links to videos or web-based materials in the pdf.

Please submit your materials in a SINGLE PDF document indicating the award title, using the naming convention FirstName_LastName.pdf, and email to Award Chair, Brett Wilkinson, bwilkinson@k-state.edu. All materials should be submitted by November 1, and decisions will be communicated in early February.

Commercial products may not be submitted, and faculty members can have no financial interest in the innovation. Authors of the winning submissions must be willing to make their materials freely available to other academics.

We look forward to reviewing the many teaching innovations being developed in accounting graduate education and are so proud to honor Mark Chain by recognizing an outstanding innovation in graduate accounting education.



Joseph A. Silvoso Faculty Merit Award
     Generously Supported by KPMG    


The Joseph A. Silvoso Faculty Merit Award honors Joseph A. Silvoso for his pioneering work in the movement to develop Schools of Accountancy and the founding of the Federation of Schools of Accountancy (a legacy organization of the Leadership in Accounting Education section). The Joseph A. Silvoso Faculty Merit Award recognizes outstanding contributions by a faculty member in an accounting program to student and accounting program development.

The Leadership in Accounting Education Section Awards Committee will review nominations and select the awardee. KPMG generously supports a $2,500 award for the winner. Awardees will be recognized at the Leadership in Accounting Education Seminar in February.


The Awards Committee will assess nominations with respect to their evidence of the nominee’s:

  • Impact on accounting program development.
  • Impact on student development.
  • Activities of a nature that exceed those normally expected of faculty members.

Nominee should be a current member of the Leadership Section of the American Accounting Association.


Please submit a single pdf document that includes the following:

  • Name of the nominator and their institution.
  • Name of the nominee and their institutions.
  • A description of the faculty member’s impact on student development, program development, or activities of a nature that exceed those normally expected of faculty members.
  • Supporting materials (e.g., letters of support or examples of resources or content).
  • Any other material you believe the committee will find decision-relevant. You may include links to videos or web-based materials in the pdf.

Please submit your materials in a SINGLE PDF document indicating your award title using the naming convention FirstName_LastNsme.pdf and email to Award Chair, Brett Wilkinson, bwilkinson@k-state.edu. All materials should be submitted by November 1, and awardees will be announced in February.

We look forward to reviewing the many contributions of our faculty colleagues to student and program development and in joining KPMG in honoring Joseph Silvoso for his many contributions to accounting education.


Jim Benjamin Lifetime Service Award
     Generously Supported by PwC     


The Jim Benjamin Lifetime Service Award honors Jim Benjamin for outstanding service over his career to his institution, the Leadership in Accounting Education section, the American Accounting Association, and the accounting profession. The Jim Benjamin Lifetime Service Award recognizes outstanding lifetime contributions to accounting education.

The Leadership in Accounting Education Section Awards Committee will review nominations and select the awardee. PwC generously supports a $5,000 award for the winner. The awardee will be recognized at the Leadership in Accounting Education Seminar in February.


The Awards Committee will assess nominations with respect to their evidence of the nominee’s:

  • Impact on their own institution(s).
  • Impact on accounting education,
  • Impact on the accounting academy.

Nominee should be a current or prior member of Leadership Section, APLG, or FSA who was actively engaged in the American Accounting Association.


Please submit a single PDF document that includes the following:

  • Name of the nominator and their institution
  • Name of the nominee and their institution
  • A description of the nominee’s impact on their own institution, accounting education, the accounting profession, or the accounting academy. Evidence to support those impacts is highly encouraged.
  • Supporting materials (e.g., letter of support or examples of resources or content)
  • Any other material you believe the committee will find decision relevant. You may include links to videos or web-based materials in the pdf.

Please submit your materials in a SINGLE PDF document indicating the award title using the naming convention FirstName_LastName.pdf and email to Award Chair, Brett Wilkinson, bwilkinson@k-state.edu. All materials should be submitted by November 1, and awardees will be announced in February.

We look forward to reviewing the contributions of our faculty colleagues and in joining PwC in honoring Jim Benjamin for his many contributions to accounting education.



The EYARC Catherine Banks Disruptor Award
     Generously Supported by EY      


The EYARC Catherine Banks Disruptor Award was created in 2023 to honor the disruptions by Catherine Banks and EYARC that brought significant advancement in accounting education over the last 10 years. This award will go to a department, project, or individual delivering leading-edge resources or content that prepares accounting students for the fast-changing, global marketplace of professional services.

The Leadership in Accounting Education Section Awards Committee will review submissions and select the winning disruptions. EY generously supports a $5,000 award for the winning disruption. Awardees will be recognized at the Leadership in Accounting Education Seminar in February.


To Nominate or Apply (Self-nominations welcome): Please submit a single pdf document that includes the following:

  • Name of nominator
  • Name of the nominee(s) and their institutions(s)
  • A description of the disruption, why it is disruptive and how it prepares students
  • Evidence of the effectiveness of the disruption
  • Supporting materials (e.g., examples or resources or content)
  • Any other materials you believe the committee will find decision-relevant. You may include links to videos or web-based materials in the pdf.

Please submit your materials in a SINGLE PDF document indicating the award title and using the naming convention FirstName_LastName.pdf and email to Award Chair, Brett Wilkinson, bwilkinson@k-state.edu.  All materials should be submitted by November 1, and awardees will be announced in February. Awardees must be willing to make their materials freely available to other academics.

We look forward to reviewing the many disruptions being developed by accounting leadership and in joining EY in honoring Catherine Banks for the advancements in accounting education she fostered.



Practitioner Service Award


The Practitioner Service Award honors a member of the practicing accounting profession for distinguished service and contributions to the improvement of accounting education and relations with accounting educators.

The Leadership in Accounting Education Section Awards Committee will review nominations and select the awardee. The awardee will be recognized at the Leadership in Accounting Education Seminar in February.


The Awards Committee will assess nominations with respect to their evidence of the nominee’s continued and impactful engagement with the accounting academy.


Please submit a single pdf document that includes the following:

  • Name of nominator and their university of firm
  • Name of the nominee and their firm
  • A description of the practitioner’s impact on accounting education
  • Supporting materials (e.g., letters of support)
  • Any other material you believe the committee will find decision relevant. You may include links to videos or web-based materials in the pdf.

Please submit your materials in a SINGLE PDF document indicating the award title and using the naming convention FirstName_LastName.pdf and email to Award Chair, Brett Wilkinson, bwilkinson@k-state.edu by November 1, 2024. Awards will be announced in February 2025.

We look forward to reviewing the many contributions of our accounting practice colleagues to accounting education.



KPMG Accounting Program Innovation Award

Generously supported by KPMG   

The KPMG Accounting Program Innovation Award reflects KPMG’s long-standing support of accounting education and their forward-looking approach to the accounting profession. The KPMG Accounting Program Innovation Award honors a department, program, project or individual delivering an impactful innovation that addresses a current issue in the accounting academy.


The KPMG Accounting Program Innovation Award was created in 2023 to reflect KPMG’s long-standing support of accounting education and their forward-looking approach to the accounting profession. The KPMG Accounting Program Innovation Award honors a department, program, project, or individual delivering an impactful innovation that addresses a current issue in the accounting academy. Examples include programs to build a better accounting student pipeline, programs for retention of majors or conversion of transfer students into the major, significant curriculum redesign or other innovations the reach beyond an individual’s teaching.

The Leadership in Accounting Education Section Awards Committee will review submissions and select the winning innovation. KPMG generously supports a $2,500 award for the winning innovation. Awardees will be recognized at the Leadership in Accounting Education meeting in February.

To Nominate or Apply (Self-nominations welcome):

Please submit a single pdf document that includes the following:

a. Name of nominator

b. Name of the nominee(s) and their institutions(s)

c. A description of the innovations and how it positively impacts a current issue in accounting (e.g., the pipeline issue)

d. Evidence of the effectiveness of the innovation

e. Supporting materials (e.g., examples of resources, process description, etc)

f. Any other materials you believe the committee will find decision-relevant. You may include links to videos or web-based materials in the pdf.

Please submit your materials in a SINGLE PDF document indicating the award title using the naming convention FirstName_LastName.pdf and email to Award Chair, Brett Wilkinson, bwilkinson@k-state.edu. Nominations are due November 1, 2024 and will be announced in February 2025.


We look forward to reviewing the many innovations being developed by accounting programs. We thank KPMG for their support of innovation to allow accounting education to lead in a changing world.


Annual Seminar

2025 Leadership in Accounting Education Section Seminar

Check back here for information to be posted about our 2025 Seminar!




Objectives of the Leadership in Accounting Education Section

The mission of the Leadership Section is to stimulate the excellence in accounting education by contributing to the development of outstanding accounting program leadership and supporting and encouraging high-quality accounting programs.

The goals of the Leadership Section include:

Excellence in accounting program leadership—to increase the effectiveness of professional educators responsible for leadership of accounting education programs; Continuous improvement in accounting education—to assist accounting program leaders in the continuous improvement of their programs, through research, networking, and communications;

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