• National Pilot Region Speaker

    Behind The Great and Powerful Wizard: How Big Data Is Re-Shaping Hollywood and Our Culture

    The media moguls that brought us to the wild, wild West, and took us on odysseys to the furthest reaches of space, now enter the newest frontier of exploration and adventure - Big Data. How are our cultural industries navigating (and cultivating) this ever-shifting terrain of data feedback? And what danger does this virtual realm hold for the curious consumer?

    Join Ruth McCartney, Internet, Digital and New Media Entrepreneur, for a discussion of how our cultural engagement is being monitored... and manipulated.

  • Speakers

    Bruce Behn, AAA President - Elect
    AAA Building a Bridge to Our Future

    R. Harold Schroeder, Financial Accounting Standards Board
    Update on FASB Activities

    Scott Wiley, President and CEO of The Ohio Society of CPAs

  • CTLA Sessions

    Using Technology to Increase Student Engagement in the Accounting Classroom

    Perspectives of Auditing Practitioners on Teaching and Research

    Help Shape the Future: Share what you wish you had known when you first started teaching

    Crash Course on Flipping the Classroom: Everything You Need to Know

    Professor, What’s on the Exam?? Creating Independent Thinkers through Self-Directed Learning

  • Sharpening Your Teaching Skills

    The meeting will feature a track of sessions that will be designed with evolving classroom teaching in mind and we strongly encourage Non-Tenure Track and Two Year College to attend. Sessions can include content on pedagogical issues, teaching strategies, and interfacing with Four Year institutions, among others.

    New information will be posted soon.

Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium

Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium will provide participants with unique and small settings to network and interact with each other and senior researchers and teachers. The sessions in the Consortium will be open to all attendees, but will be tailored specifically to doctoral students and new faculty who are at the beginning of their careers.

The consortium features the following:

Consortium – Introduction and Icebreaker with Faculty-in-Residence

Eric Marinich, Miami University
Brian Mittendorf, The Ohio State University
Karen Sedatole, Michigan State University
Dave Williams, The Ohio State University
Rick Young, The Ohio State University

Faculty-in-residence will interact with doctoral students and new faculty. Consortium attendees will have a chance to “speed date” and rotate with faculty-in-residence through a small group setting.

Consortium - Research Panel:  Maneuvering Your Way from a Research idea to Publication:

Eric Marinich, Miami University
Brian Mittendorf, The Ohio State University
Karen Sedatole, Michigan State University
Rick Young, The Ohio State University

Journal editors, experienced researchers, and early career but accomplished researchers share with participants their personal success research stories, potential early career challenges, tips on generating research ideas, navigating your way from inception to publication, and recommendations on setting research agendas, submitting papers and responding to reviewers and editors. 

Consortium – Panel:  Teaching Excellence – How to be an Effective Teacher?

Susan Crosson, Director for the Center of Advancing Accounting in Education
Michele Matherly, Xavier University
David Stout, Youngstown State University
Dave Williams, The Ohio State University

Senior and star teachers discuss classroom tips including various teaching philosophies and methods. Panelists will share their success stories, tips on engaging students, insights on balancing the different aspects of teaching and career advancement, using research tools in their classroom, and how they were able to receive teaching awards.

Networking:  Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium
Sponsored by Xavier University

Join Ohio Region Leaders after the Friday evening dinner for an informal get-together. More details about this to be provided later!

The Ohio Region of the American Accounting Association would like to thank the Ohio Society of CPAs for sponsoring doctoral students’ accommodation to attend the conference.

Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium

Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium will provide participants with unique and small settings to network and interact with each other and senior researchers and teachers. The sessions in the Consortium will be open to all attendees, but will be tailored specifically to doctoral students and new faculty who are at the beginning of their careers.

The consortium features the following:

Consortium – Introduction and Icebreaker with Faculty-in-Residence

Eric Marinich, Miami University
Brian Mittendorf, The Ohio State University
Karen Sedatole, Michigan State University
Dave Williams, The Ohio State University
Rick Young, The Ohio State University

Faculty-in-residence will interact with doctoral students and new faculty. Consortium attendees will have a chance to “speed date” and rotate with faculty-in-residence through a small group setting.

Consortium - Research Panel:  Maneuvering Your Way from a Research idea to Publication:

Eric Marinich, Miami University
Brian Mittendorf, The Ohio State University
Karen Sedatole, Michigan State University
Rick Young, The Ohio State University

Journal editors, experienced researchers, and early career but accomplished researchers share with participants their personal success research stories, potential early career challenges, tips on generating research ideas, navigating your way from inception to publication, and recommendations on setting research agendas, submitting papers and responding to reviewers and editors. 

Consortium – Panel:  Teaching Excellence – How to be an Effective Teacher?

Susan Crosson, Director for the Center of Advancing Accounting in Education
Michele Matherly, Xavier University
David Stout, Youngstown State University
Dave Williams, The Ohio State University

Senior and star teachers discuss classroom tips including various teaching philosophies and methods. Panelists will share their success stories, tips on engaging students, insights on balancing the different aspects of teaching and career advancement, using research tools in their classroom, and how they were able to receive teaching awards.

Networking:  Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium
Sponsored by Xavier University

Join Ohio Region Leaders after the Friday evening dinner for an informal get-together. More details about this to be provided later!

The Ohio Region of the American Accounting Association would like to thank the Ohio Society of CPAs for sponsoring doctoral students’ accommodation to attend the conference.