Call for Nominations
The TLC Section Nomination Committee is seeking nominations for the position of Vice President-Academic, a two year term and for the position of Nominations Committee (one year term, 4 positions elected by membership). Nominations from section members as well as self-nominations are encouraged. Each nomination should include:
- A brief vita and,
- A brief summery(approximately 1 page) describing how the nominee meets the criteria for selection (see next paragraph).
This information will help the Nominations Committee to make more informed decisions and provide information necessary to create the ballot to be voted on my section members.
Criteria for selecting nominees include prior TLC service and leadership positions (committee chairs, regional directors etc.), AAA service, other professional or academic leadership experience, contributions to the discipline with a focus on teaching and curriculum issues, and evidence of commitment and willingness to serve. All nominees must be members of the section, in good standing.
Posted below are the descriptions of the positions. When considering the position, please note that the persons holding an office in the TLC section are expected to register and attend the AAA Annual Meeting as well as participate in conference calls and other officer activities. The positions are not funded, so all travel and registration costs are the person's responsibility.
Please send nominations to: Bob Allen, Chair of Nominations Committee.
Nominations are due by Monday March 5, 2018.
Vice President- Academic:
The Vice President-Academic shall be a faculty member elected to a two-year term, and, on the completion of this elected term, shall succeed to the President position. The responsibilities of the Vice President-Academic shall be:
- to assume the duties of the President when the President is unable to do so;
- to carry out such duties as the President may assign;
- to appoint the incoming Associate Regional Directors for each region;
- to supervise the activities of the Section's Regional Directors; and
- to monitor and approve our Section-sponsored CPE at the AAA regional meetings.
Nominations Committee:
Members of the Nominations Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the two most immediate past Section Presidents willing to serve. The more senior past Section President shall serve as the Nominating Committee Chair while the more recent past Section President shall serve as a member of the committee. Other members of the committee shall be four members of the Section who are not then serving in any other elected position of the Section and who were elected to the Nominating Committee by majority vote of the voting Section membership.
Additional information can be found on the TLC section website.