Vote Now! 2021 Board of Directors Election

Please take a moment to vote for the following 2021-2022 Board of Directors positions:

  • President-Elect
  • Vice President-Finance-Elect
  • Vice President-Research & Publications
  • Director-Focusing on Segments

Instructions for Accessing the Ballot

You must log into your Member Dashboard on the AAA Website using your AAA Username and Password and follow the instructions outlined below. Remember, student members are not eligible to vote.

1. Once you are logged in, you will see a heading called "Survey/Voting Name" and a list of open ballots.
2. Click on the green "2021 Board of Directors Election" link for the ballot to open.
3. When you have completed your ballot, click the "Submit Now" button to cast your vote.
4.The Ballot system allows you to vote only once. After you click "Submit Now", you will not be able to change/recast your vote.

NOTE: If you are already logged into the AAA website, click on your name in the top right-hand corner to access your Membership Dashboard.  Then click "View All" in the Surveys/Voting section.

If you would like to view the Board of Directors election voting policy, click HERE.

When you're ready to vote, go to the Member Dashboard, and log in.

The ballot is open through 11:59 pm EDT on Wednesday, March 17, 2021.