Outstanding Dissertation Award Eligibility: An applicant must be a doctoral candidate with a major or emphasis in accounting from a doctoral-granting institution in the United States of America or a foreign country. The dissertation must have been successfully defended between March 1 of last year and April 14 of this year. Nomination Procedures: The grant application should include a copy of the dissertation and a 10–20-page summary addressing the relevance of the study to governmental and nonprofit accounting, the research methods employed, and an overview of the findings. Nominations, by self or others, should be made to the Chairperson of the Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee: Kyle Smith at kas1205@msstate.edu. The submission deadline is March 1, annually. Presentation of Award: The award consists of a $500 check and a plaque presented at the AAA Annual Meeting. Outstanding Dissertation Award Prior Recipients 2023 What is the Interplay Between Auditing and Regulatory Investigations? Evidence from the Municipal Bond Market Bethany Brumley, University of Mississippi 2022 Not awarded this year. 2021 Charter Schools: How does organizational quality differ between for-profit and non-profit organizational forms? Chevonne Alston 2020 Donors, Distance, and the Influence of Accounting Information Julie Mercado 2019 Not awarded this year. 2018 Municipalities Disclosure: Current Practices and Value Relevance in the Municipal Market. Yulianti Abbas 2017 Effects of Board Composition on Pricing of Charity Care Among Nonprofit Hospitals Orrin Swift 2016 Nonprofit Governance: Mechanisms and Outcomes Laurie Corradino 2015 Not awarded this year. 2014 The Impact of Municipal Governance on Cities’ Audit Performance and Audit Report Timeliness and the Subsequent Economic Consequences Amanda Peterson 2013 Not awarded this year. 2012 Compensation and Financial Performance Measures: The Case of Municipal Managers. Jean Zhang 2011 The Effects of Funding Sources on Agency Costs in Not-for-profit Organizations So Yun Im 2010 Not awarded this year. 2009 Analyzing the Financial Condition of Local Governments Using the GASB No. 34 Governmental Financial Reporting Model Annette Pridgen 2008 The Effectiveness of Governance Regulation in the Tax-Exempt Sector: Evidence from the Nonprofit Integrity Act of 2004 Daniel Neely 2007 Charity Care Measurement, Political Cost Constraints and Discretionary Spending by Hospitals Rabih Zeidan 2006 Accounting for Promises: The Impact of SFAS No. 116 on Charities Patricia Derrick 2005 Not awarded this year. 2004 Improving the Organizational Architecture of Public Enterprise: An Investigation of the Effect of the Federal Government’s Latest Effort Through the Veterans Health Administration. Nicole Thibodeau 2003 Not awarded this year. 2002 The Impact of Financial Information and Voluntary Disclosures on Contributions to Not-for-Profit Organizations: A Field Based Experiment Linda Parsons 2001 Not awarded this year. 2000 Audit Quality and Performance Evaluation: An Analysis of the US Credit Union Industry Elizabeth Krahmer Keating 1999 Not awarded this year. 1998 Accounting Performance Measures and Executive Compensation in Nonprofit Organizations Sandra Richtermeyer and The Association Between Accounting Measures and Interest Cost on Municipal Bond Issues: A Test of Entity Relationships Barb Chaney 1997 The Usefulness of Financial & Nonfinancial Performance Accountability Information in Resource Allocation Decisions. Jacqueline Reck and An Empirical Study of the Effect of Accounting Disclosures Upon Donations to Nonprofit Organizations. Daniel Tinkelman 1996 Not awarded this year. 1995 Not awarded this year. 1994 Not awarded this year. 1993 Not awarded this year. 1992 Not awarded this year. 1991 An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Influencing Call Decisions Concerning Local Government Bonds. Jayaraman Vijaykumar. 1990 Not awarded this year. 1989 A Behavioral Investigation of the Effects of Alternative Governmental Budgeting Formats on Analysts’ Predictions of Bond Ratings. Sharon Green and The Effect of Accounting System Type and Ownership Structure on Hospital Costs. Carol Lawrence 1988 An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Local Government Audit Fees Paul A. Copley. 1987 Not awarded this year. 1986 Public Employee Retirement Systems Reports: A Study of User Information Processing Ability Stephen D. Willits 1985 An Examination of the Political and Economic Determinants of Municipal Audit Fees: Theory and Evidence Marc A Rubin 1984 The Information Content of the Audit Report as Perceived by Municipal Analysts. Susan Herhold Baskin President's Letter Message from Nancy Chun Feng, Suffolk University AAA GNP Section President Greetings, GNP Colleagues! I am truly honored to serve as your GNP President. Thank you for entrusting me with this opportunity! I am excited about collaborating with you and advancing the section for another year. It is a privilege to serve a distinguished community of government and not-for-profit accounting scholars, and I take pride in being part of the most collegial section within the AAA. I extend my heartfelt thanks to Brian McAllister for his many years of service to our section and for serving as President of the section this past year. Brian has been deeply involved and served our section very well. He did an excellent job organizing the 2023 Midyear Meeting (MYM) in Denver, Colorado. He has been a great mentor to me over the past year in grasping the responsibilities of the GNP President role. Thank you, Brian! CONTINUE READING... 2025 GNP Section Midyear Meeting Check back for updates on our 2025 Midyear Meeting!