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About the American Accounting Association

The American Accounting Association is the premier community of accountants in academia. Founded in 1916, we have a rich and reputable history built on leading-edge research and publications. The diversity of our membership creates a fertile environment for collaboration and innovation. Collectively, we shape the future of accounting through teaching, research and a powerful network, ensuring our position as thought leaders in accounting.

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Accounting IS Big Data Tweets

Retraction: Governance and Taxes: Evidence from Regression Discontinuity

By Andrew Bird and Stephen A. Karolyi

The authors acknowledged that the published version of their article misstates the use of CRSP-based index membership in the main specifications and Russell-based index membership data as a robustness test. The article asserts that the two index membership definitions do not produce quantitatively different estimates. However, the authors were unable to provide the original data and code requested by the publisher that reproduce the findings, as shown in the article’s tables, supporting this assertion. Accordingly, the article has been retracted. See the full retraction here.

Accounting Horizons announces a forthcoming Conference on “Data Analytics in Accounting” at Baruch College—CUNY, New York City. Data analytics is changing the accounting profession, accounting education, and accounting research. With data surrounding us, accountants are increasingly expected to add value to their company and to their clients through data analytics. However, to date we know very little about the impact of data analytics on auditing, financial and managerial accounting. The purpose of this special Accounting Horizons conference is to improve our understanding of these issues. View the full Call for Papers here.

 12/17/2018- MERRY CHRISTMAS, SOX 404(b): Notwithstanding the vehemence of its critics, federal rule on corporate audits is valued by investors, study finds
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AAA In the News


CPA Practice Advisor: Investors Still Want Sarbanes-Oxley

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We encourage you to consider catching up with your colleagues and attending an upcoming meeting.

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As Thought Leaders in Accounting, the American Accounting Association and its members are engaged with practice and participation discussions of national concern.
The AAA’s strategic plan emphasizes our vision of Thought Leadership. We accomplish this through our research, education, and input on accounting policies and standard setting.

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In this video, AAA Past-President Karen Pincus hosts a panel of fellow AAA Past-Presidents to get insights on their experiences, and the changes, growth, and future of the Association. Past-Presidents include Nancy Bagranoff, Bill Beaver, Joel Demski, Kevin Stocks, Mary Stone, Gary Sundem, Pete Wilson, and Jan Williams.

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Robert S. Kaplan

Robert S. Kaplan, the Marvin Bower Professor of Leadership Development, Emeritus at the Harvard Business School, is the third in our series of Distinguished Scholar Videos.

Click Here to view the video of Professor Robert Kaplan.

Click Here to view the video of Professor Ron Dye.

Click Here to view the video of Professor William H. Beaver.