July 1-2, 2017
The Fifth International Conference of the Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR)
Adelaide, South Australia

Submission Deadline: January 31, 2017

The goal of this conference is to expand the scope and impact of international accounting research through increased understanding and awareness of international accounting challenges and opportunities. Original and rigorous research will provide academics, practitioners and regulators with deeper insights into international accounting issues. While the journal continues to welcome innovative and high quality research which examines how accounting information affects capital market participants, one of the goals of the 5th Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) conference is to increase the scope and impact of international accounting research. We hope by having the conference in Australia just prior to the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Annual Conference, we will receive high quality research from that area, as well as other areas of the world.

Plenary Session Submissions:
For the Plenary Sessions, please submit papers on international accounting issues that are suitable for consideration for the Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR). All papers will receive a thorough written review. To submit a plenary paper, please indicate that you are submitting to the JIAR conference in the cover letter, and then follow the regular submission procedure for JIAR outlined at: http://aaahq.org/IA/Journal   

Accepted Plenary Session papers designated for JIAR will be published in the Journal of International Accounting Research (conditional on satisfactory responses to reviewers’ and discussant’s comments).
The conference will waive the registration fee and pay for airfare (up to US$1,400) and three nights’ stay in the conference hotel for one presenter.

Concurrent Session Submissions:
We welcome submissions in all areas of accounting for the Concurrent Sessions. Papers submitted to the Concurrent Sessions only will be considered for presentation at the conference, but not for publication in the Journal of International Accounting Research. Submissions should be directed via email to reception_accfin@adelaide.edu.au  

Please note that a maximum of 120 participants including presenters and discussants will be accepted to the conference.

For more information, Click Here.