Call for Research Volume Proposals Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting

Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting is a compendium of leading research that uses a variety of methodologies to explain how accounting can aid the implementation of organizational strategies and the efficient operations of capital markets. Acting as a forum for debate, the title provides an opportunity for the exchange of peer-reviewed knowledge advancing the research, teaching, and practice of accounting. To date, the series has 30 volumes.

Series Editors Marc J. Epstein and Anne M. Farrell are seeking proposals for volumes that advance any accounting domain – financial, managerial, tax, audit, information systems, governmental, etc. Selected volumes that illustrate the diversity of topics of interest to readers are listed below.

We are most interested in volumes that are a collection of manuscripts by multiple authors on a particular theme. Examples include:

  • a series of research studies on a particular topic;
  • literature reviews for a particular topical or methodological domain (e.g., auditing; tax; behavioral research; archival research);
  • papers identified at a conference; or,
  • a volume that could serve as a resource for a doctoral seminar.

We are also seeking proposals for volumes by a single author or author team that include an extensive examination of one research topic.

A volume is generally 250-350 pages in length, and volume editors have significant editorial control of the content. The work included must be previously unpublished. The emphasis is on high quality work that will help accounting faculty and students advance the research, teaching and practice of accounting. See the series web site for more information (

Please email questions or proposals for new volumes to the Series Editors, Marc J. Epstein ( and Anne M. Farrell ( The call for proposals in ongoing. Proposals should include name and contact information for the volume editor(s), an overview of the topic, proposed chapters and authors, and an estimated timeline for delivery.

Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting – Selected Volumes

Sustainability Disclosure: State of the Art and New Directions (Vol. 30)
Lucrezia Songini, Bocconi School of Management
Anna Pistoni, Bocconi School of Management

Adoption of Anglo-American Models of Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting in China (Vol. 29)
Huiying Wu, University of Western Sydney
Chris Patel, Macquarie University

Performance Measurement and Management Control: Behavioral Implications and Human Actions (Vol. 28)
Antonio Davila, University of Navarra
Marc J. Epstein, Rice University
Jean-Francois Manzoni, INSEAD

Intellectual Capital and Public Sector Performance (Vol. 27)
Kardina Kamaruddin, University Technology MARA
Indra Abeysekera, University of Wollongong

An Organizational Learning Approach to Process Innovations: The Extent and Scope of Diffusion and Adoption in Management Accounting Systems (Vol. 24)
Seleshi Sisaye, Duquesne University
Jacob Birnberg, University of Pittsburgh

Achieving Global Convergence of Financial Reporting Standards: Implications from the South Pacific Region (Vol. 22)
Parmod Chand, Macquarie University
Chris Patel, Macquarie University

Non-Financial Performance Measurement and Management Practices in Manufacturing Firms: A Comparative International Analysis (Vol. 17)
Ahmed Abdel-Maksoud, University of Sharjah
Magdy Abdel-Kader, Brunel University

A Comparative Study of Professional Accountants' Judgements (Vol. 15)
Chris Patel, Macquarie University

U.S. Individual Federal Income Taxation: Historical, Contemporary, and Prospective Policy Issues (Vol. 11)
Anthony J. Cataldo, Western Michigan University
Arline A.Savage, Oakland University

Corporate Governance, Accountability, and Pressures to Perform: An International Study (Vol. 8)
Istemi Demiraj, University of Sheffield

Applications of Fuzzy Sets and the Theory of Evidence to Accounting II (Vol. 7)
Philip H. Siegel, Monmouth University
Kursheed Omer, University of Houston
Andre de Korvin, University of Houston
Awni Zebda, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi

The Shareholders Use of Corporate Annual Reports (Vol. 2)
Marc Epstein, Harvard University
Moses Pava, Yeshiva University