The SET section sponsors at least one workshop a year. Currently, it is regularly sponsoring two workshops. These are key annual events for the section. The Research Workshop brings together much of the active research and many of the active researchers in the section - a must attend event for anyone interested in emerging technologies in accounting. The Transformative Technologies Workshop focuses on how business and accounting technologies are changing practice and thereby influencing research.
For the last few years the annual Research Workshop is held the day before the formal commencement of the National Meeting. The Transformative Technologies Workshop is held the day before the Research Workshop. Both also share the location of the annual meeting. Reservations to attend each workshop is usually made via the booking system to attend the annual meeting(follow this link for further details).
Each workshop is co-ordinated each year by the Section's Workshop Committees - Research Workshop and Transformative Technologies Workshop.
Recent Workshops
The 8th Annual Transformative Technologies in Accounting Workshop 2017 in San Diego, CA- Click Here to View
Workshop Co-Chairs
- Brigitte Muehlmann
Babson College - Robert Nehmer
Oakland University - J. Donald Warren, Jr.
Marist College - The Twenty Third Annual Research Workshop on SET in Accounting, Auditing and Tax was held on Saturday, 2th August, 2014 in Atlanta, GA
- Chairs - Rob Nehmer, Ingrid Fisher, JP Krahel
- The Twenty First Annual Research Workshop on SET in Accounting, Auditing and Tax was held on Saturday, 4th August, 2012 in Washington, DC
- Chairs - Amelia Baldwin, Carol Brown & Graham Gal
- Workshop Program (word document)
- The Twentieth Annual Research Workshop on SET in Accounting, Auditing and Tax was held on Saturday, 6th August, 2011 in Denver
- Chairs - Amelia Baldwin, Carol Brown & Graham Gal
- The Nineteenth Annual Research Workshop on SET in Accounting, Auditing and Tax was held on Saturday, July 31, 2010 in San Francisco
- Chairs - Amelia Baldwin, Carol Brown & Gregory Gerard
- Workshop Program (word document)
- The Eighteenth Annual Research Workshop on SET in Accounting, Auditing and Tax was held on Sunday, August 2, 2009 in New York
- Chairs - Amelia Baldwin, Carol Brown & Guido Geerts
- Workshop Program (word document)
- Access the call for papers here (word document)
- The Seventeenth Annual Research Workshop on SET in Accounting, Auditing and Tax was held on Saturday, August 2, 2008 in Anaheim
- Chairs - Roger Debreceny, Amelia Baldwin & Carol Brown
- Workshop Schedule (word document)
- Access the call for papers here (pdf document)
- The Sixteenth Annual Research Workshop on AI/ET in Accounting, Auditing and Tax was held on Saturday, August 4, 2007 in Chicago
- Chairs - Rick Dull, Amelia Baldwin & Carol Brown
- Workshop Schedule (draft) - with abstracts (word document - updated 30th July 2007)
- Access the call for papers here (word document)
- The Fifteenth Annual Research Workshop on AI/ET in Accounting, Auditing and Tax was held Saturday, August 5, 2006 in Washington, DC.
- Chairs - Severin Gradbski, Amelia Baldwin & Carol Brown
- Download the full Call for Papers for the 15th Annual AIET workshop here. (pdf document - 100K)
- Download the Workshop Schedule here (word document - 30K)
- The Fourteenth Annual Workshop - San Francisco, August 5, 2005 Click here for further details of this event.
- Chairs - Andy Lymer & Carol Brown
- The Thirteenth Annual Workshop - Orlando, 7 August, 2004 - more details to be added shortly on this event
- Chairs - Carol Brown & Bonnie Morris
- The Twelfth Annual Workshop - Honolulu, 2 August, 2003 - Download the Workshop Schedule here (word document - 78K)
- Chairs - Carol Brown & Alex Kogan
- The Eleventh Annual Workshop - San Antonio, 13 August, 2002 - Download the Workshop Schedule here (word document - 90K)
- Chairs - Amelia Baldwin & Carol Brown
- The Tenth Annual Workshop - Atlanta, 11 August, 2001 - Download the Workshop Schedule here (word document - 117K)
- Chairs - Stewart Leech & Carol Brown
- The Ninth Annual Workshop - Philadelphia, 12 August, 2000 - Download the Workshop Schedule here (word document - 87K)
- Chairs - Marilyn Greenstein & Carol Brown
- The Eighth Annual Workshop - San Diego, 14 August, 1999 - Download the Workshop Schedule here (word document - 117K)
- Chairs - Alan Sangster & Carol Brown
Previous Workshops
Details of previous workshops organised by the SET section can be found below - click through for details:
GASB Gil Crain Grant
GASB Gil Crain Memorial Research Grant
Since its formation in 1984, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has encouraged academics and other researchers to conduct studies that would be relevant to the GASB’s standards-setting activities. Over the past 30 years, such research efforts have resulted in publishing their research in research briefs, journal articles, and occasionally in GASB research reports.
Learn MoreJournal

The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA) is the academic journal of the Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section of the American Accounting Association. The purpose of this section is to improve and facilitate the research, education, and practice of advanced information systems, cutting-edge technologies, and artificial intelligence in the fields of accounting, information technology and management advisory systems. JETA’s Mission is to encourage, support and disseminate the production of a stream of high-quality research focused on emerging technologies and artificial intelligence applied or applicable to a wide set of accounting related problems.
SET Newsletter
Hello SET Section members!
I am currently gathering items for the Summer Section Newsletter, so please let me know if you have any contributions. I would like to share information on:
- Stories and Pictures from the Midyear Meeting
- Calls for Papers
- Teaching Tips or Resources
- Member Profiles (remember I want to emphasize fun items more than CV items)
- Any other topics you think would be interesting to fellow SET members.
Please send your contributions to Jagdish Pathak at
A Special Thank You to Our Section Sponsors MMBA & Wiley!