2025 Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting: Research Conference, IMA Doctoral Colloquium, and CGMA Teaching and Practice Symposium

January 9 - 11, 2025

Austin, TX

2025 MAS Preliminary Program

Thursday, January 9, 2025

6:00 pm-7:00 pm

Welcome Reception


Friday, January 10, 2025

8:00 am-10:00 am

Welcome and Plenary

10:00 am-10:30 am

Break with Research Forum

10:30 am-12:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions

12:00 pm-1:00 pm


1:15 pm-2:30 pm

Awards and Presentation

2:30 pm-4:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions

4:00 pm-4:30 pm

Break with Research Forum

4:30 pm-6:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions

6:00 pm-7:15 pm


Saturday, January 11, 2025

8:30 am-10:00 am

Concurrent Sessions

10:00 am-10:30 am

Coffee Break

10:30 am-12:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions

12:00 pm-1:00 pm


1:15 pm-2:15 pm

Awards and Presentation

2:15 pm-3:45 pm

JMAR Forum

3:45 pm-4:15 pm


4:15 pm-5:45 pm

Concurrent Sessions