Officer Archives
2013/2014 Officers
President |
Past President |
Vice President-Academic |
Vice President-Practice |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Council Representative |
Newsletter |
Webmaster |
AAACommons |
Committee Chairpersons
Annual Meeting Program Co-Chair |
Membership Committee Co-Chair |
Annual Meeting Program Co-Chair |
Membership Committee Co-Chair |
WOW Event Committee |
Membership Committee Co-Chair |
Online Meetings Committee |
Awards (Innovations in Accounting Education/Hall of Honor) |
TLC Regional Coordinating Committee |
Faculty Development Committee |
Faculty Development Sessions |
Assessment Committee |
Faculty Development Sessions |
Historical Preservation Committee |
Strategic Relationships |
Shared Experiences Committee |
Bylaw Review Committee |
Regional Coordinators
Mid-Atlantic Co-Coordinator |
Midwest Co-Coordinator |
Mid-Atlantic Co-Coordinator |
Midwest Co-Coordinator |
Mid-Atlantic Co-Coordinator |
Southeast Co-Coordinator |
Southeast Co-Coordinator |
Northeast Coordinator |
Southeast Co-Coordinator |
Ohio Co-Coordinator |
Western Co-Coordinator |
Ohio Co-Coordinator |
Western Co-Coordinator |
Western Co-Coordinator: |
Southwest Co-Coordinator |
Southwest Co-Coordinator |
Nominating Committee
Dale L. Flesher |
Robert D. Allen |
Marsha Huber |
Charlene Spiceland |
John P. Walker |
Jane Weiss |
2012/2013 Officers
Chair |
Past Chair |
Vice Chairperson-Practice |
Vice Chairperson-Academic |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Council Representative |
Newsletter |
Webmaster |
AAACommons |
Committee Chairpersons
Annual Meeting Program Committee |
Assessment Committee |
Bylaw Review Committee |
Face-to-Face MYM Program Chair |
Faculty Development Committee |
Faculty Development Committee |
Historical Preservation Committee |
Awards (Innovations in Accounting Education/Hall of Honor) |
Membership Committee |
Online Meetings |
Nominations Committee |
TLC Regional Coordinating Committee |
Strategic Relationships |
Strategic Relationships |
WOW Event Committee |
Regional Coordinators
Mid-Atlantic Coordinator |
Midwest Coordinator |
Northeast Coordinator |
Ohio Coordinator |
Southeast Coordinator |
Southwest Coordinator |
Western Coordinator |
Nominating Committee
Dale L. Flesher |
Susan Swanger |
Michael J. Meyer |
Martha Doran |
Timothy Cairney |
2011/2012 Officers
Chair |
Past Chair Dale L. Flesher Patterson School of Accountancy University of Mississippi 200 Conner Hall University, MS 38677-1848 Phone: 662-915-7623 |
Vice Chairperson-Practice |
Vice Chairperson-Academic |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Council Representative
Susan V. Crosson |
Newsletter |
Webmaster |
AAACommons |
Committee Chairpersons
Annual Meeting Program Committee |
Assessment Committee |
Bylaw Review Committee |
Face-to-Face MYM Program Chair |
Historical Preservation Committee |
Awards (Innovations in Accounting Education/Hall of Honor) |
Membership Committee |
Mid-Year Meeting Program |
Nominations Committee |
Shared Experiences Committee |
Strategic Relationships |
WOW Event Committee |
Regional Coordinators
Mid-Atlantic Co-Coordinator |
Mid-Atlantic Co-Coordinator |
Midwest Co-Coordinator |
Midwest Co-Coordinator |
Northeast Co-Coordinator |
Northeast Co-Coordinator |
Ohio Co-Coordinator |
Ohio Co-Coordinator |
Southeast Co-Coordinator |
Southeast Co-Coordinator |
Southwest Co-Coordinator |
Southwest Co-Coordinator |
Western Co-Coordinator |
Western Co-Coordinator |
Nominating Committee |
D. Larry Crumbly (Chair) |
Louisiana State University |
Dale L. Flesher |
University of Mississippi |
M. Cathy Claiborne |
University of Colorado |
Annette Pridgen |
University of Mississippi |
David Stout |
Youngstown State University |
James Thompson |
Central Washington University |
2010/2011 Officers
Chair |
Past Chair |
Vice Chairperson-Practice |
Vice Chairperson-Academic |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Council Representatives
Robert D. Allen |
Dale L. Flesher |
Newsletter |
Webmaster |
Committee Chairpersons
AAACommons Committee |
Innovations in Accounting Education |
AAACommons Committee |
Nominations Committee |
Assessment Committee |
Strategy and Bylaw Review Committee |
Historical Preservation Committee |
Membership Committee |
Annual Meeting Program Committee |
Shared Experiences Committee |
Mid-Year Meeting Program Committee |
Regional Coordinators
Mid-Atlantic |
Midwest |
Northeast |
Ohio |
Southeast |
Southwest |
Western |
Nominating Committee |
D. Larry Crumbley (Chair) |
Louisiana State University |
Dale Flesher |
University of Mississippi |
W. David Albrecht |
Concordia College |
Thomas G. Calderon |
University of Akron |
L. Murphy Smith |
Texas A&M University |
Donald E. Wygal |
Rider University |
2009/2010 Officers
Chairperson |
Vice Chairperson-Academic |
Vice Chairperson-Practice |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Council Representatives
Dale L. Flesher |
D. Larry Crumbley |
Newsletter(The Accounting Educator) |
Webmaster |
Committee Chairpersons
Assessment Committee |
Proposed Journal Guidelines Committee |
Innovations in Accounting Education |
By-Law Review Strategic Committee |
Measuring Accounting Learning Monograph |
Measuring Accounting Learning Monograph |
Membership Committee |
Membership Committee |
Nominations Committee |
Historical Preservation Committee |
Shared Experiences Committee |
Program Committee |
Research Award & Hall of Honors Committee |
Officer & Regional Reps Manual Development Committee |
Mid-Year Meeting Committee |
Officer & Regional Reps Manual Development Committee |
Regional Coordinators
Mid-Atlantic |
Midwest |
Northeast |
Ohio |
Southeastern |
Southwestern |
Western |
2008/2009 Officers
Chairperson |
Vice Chairperson-Academic |
Vice Chairperson-Practice |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Council Representatives
Dale L. Flesher |
D. Larry Crumbley |
Newsletter |
Webmaster |
Committee Chairpersons
Assessment Committee |
Proposed Journal Guidelines Committee |
Innovations in Accounting Education |
By-Law Review Strategic Committee |
Paul H. Mihalek,Co-Chair | |
Measuring Accounting Learning Monograph |
Measuring Accounting Learning Monograph |
Membership Committee |
Membership Committee |
Nominations Committee |
Historical Preservation Committee |
Shared Experiences Committee |
Program Committee |
Educational Research Award & Hall of Honors |
Officer & Regional Reps Manual Development Committee |
Regional Coordinators
Mid-Atlantic |
Brian P. Green |
Yvette Lazdowski |
Sandra Richtermeyer |
Southeastern |
Southwestern |
Western |
2007/2008 Officers
Chairperson |
Vice Chairperson-Academic |
Vice Chairperson-Practice |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Council Representatives
D. Larry Crumbley |
Alan Reinstein |
Newsletter (The Accounting Educator) |
Webmaster |
Committee Chairpersons
Assessment |
Journal of Accounting Teaching & Learning |
Measuring Accounting Learning Monograph |
Continuous Learning & the Learning Value Chain |
Innovations in Accounting Education |
Membership Acquisition and Retention |
Nominating |
Service Learning |
Shared Experiences |
Program (Chair) |
Historical Preservation and Reflections |
Research Award |
Bylaw Review |
Future Strategies Ad Hoc Committee |
Regional Coordinators
Mid-Atlantic - Director |
Midwest-Director |
Northeast-Directors |
Ohio-Director |
Southeast-Director |
Southwest-Director |
Western-Director |
Europe/Africa Ad Hoc Director |
2006/2007 Officers
Chairperson |
Vice Chairperson-Academic |
Vice Chairperson-Practice |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Council Representatives
Alan Reinstein |
Timoth J. Fogarty |
Newsletter (The Accounting Educator) |
Webmaster |
Committee Chairpersons
Assessment |
Accounting Advisory Boards |
Reflections on the Domain of Accounting Education |
Continuous Learning & the Learning Value Chain |
Innovations in Accounting Education |
Membership Acquisition and Retention |
Nominating |
Service Learning |
Shared Experiences |
Program (Chair) |
Program (Associate Chairs) |
Mary L. Fischer |
Jefferson P. Jones |
Research Award |
Bylaw Review (Co-Chairs) |
Dasaratha V. Rama |
Regional Coordinators
Mid-Atlantic-Director |
Mid-Atlantic-Associate Director |
Midwest-Director |
Midwest-Associate Director |
Northeast-Directors |
Northeast-Associate Director |
Ohio-Director |
Ohio-Associate Director |
Southeast-Director |
Southeast-Associate Director |
Southwest-Director |
Southwest-Associate Director |
Western-Director |
Western-Associate Director |
Europe/Africa Ad Hoc Director |
2020 Award Winners
TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting Award
Mahendra Gujarathi
“Diamond Foods, Inc: A Comprehensive Case in Financial Analysis and Valuation”
TLC Leadership & Service Award
Claire K. Latham – Secretary – 2017-2020
TLC Leadership & Service Award
Karen Osterheld – Vice President – Academic – 2018-2020
TLC Leadership, Initiative & Service Award
Cassy Budd – President – 2018-2020
2019 Award Winners
TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award
David E. Stout
“Further Things I Have Learned…Selected Reflections about Publishing in Accounting Education”
TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting Award
A Faye Borthick and Gary P. Schneider
“Minimizing Cognitive Load in Representing Processes in a Business Process Diagram: Capturing the Process and Making Inferences About It.”
TLC Hall of Honor Award 2019
Gail Hoover King
TLC Leadership & Service Award
Cynthia E. Bolt – Treasurer 2017-2019
2018 Award Winners
TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award
Raef Lawson, Karen Pincus, James Sorensen, Kevin Stocks and David Stout
“Forces for Change in Higher Education and Implications for the Accounting Academy”
TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting Award
Gary Pan and Poh-Sun Seow
“Using Online Tutorial to Teach REA Data Modeling in Accounting Information System Courses”
Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting
Melissa P. Larson, Troy K. Lewis, and Brian C. Spilker
“A Case Integrating Financial and Tax Accounting Using the Balance Sheet Approach to Account for Income Taxes”
TLC Hall of Honor Award 2017
Tim Fogarty
TLC Leadership & Service Award
Cassy Budd – Vice President-Academic 2016-2018
TLC Leadership & Service Award
Natalie T. Churyk - President 2016-2018
2017 Award Winners
TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award 2017
Anne Christensen, Jane Cote, and Claire Kamm Latham
"Developing Ethical Confidence: The Impact of Action-Oriented Ethics Instruction in an Accounting Curriculum"
TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2017
Katherine Campbell and Duane Helleloid
"Starbucks: Social responsibility and tax avoidance”
Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2017
John Geekie, Mark A. Holtzblatt, and Norbert Tschakert
"Should US and Global Regulators Take a Bigger Tax Bite Out of Technology Companies? A Case on Apple’s International Tax Minimization and Reporting Strategies"
TLC Hall of Honor Award 2017
Alan Reinstein
TLC Leadership, Initiative and Service Award 2017
Cindy Bolt-Lee - Secretary
TLC Leadership and Service Award 2017
Tracie Miller-Nobles - Treasurer
TLC Leadership and Service Award 2017
Kathleen E. Shoztic, VP - Practice (2015-2017)
2016 Award Winners
TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award 2016
David E. Stout and Donald E. Wygal
“Shining a Light on Effective Teaching Best Practices: Survey Findings from Award-Winning Accounting Educators”
TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2016
Stacy A. Mastrolia and Curtis M. Nicholls
“Second Chance Homeless Shelter: A Fraud Exercise in Introductory and Survey Courses in Accounting”
TLC Hall of Honor Award 2016
E. Kent St. Pierre
TLC Leadership, Initiative and Service Award 2016
Gail Hoover King
President 2014-2016
TLC Leadership and Service Award – 2014-2016 VP Academic
Natalie Churyk
2015 Award Winners
TLC Hall of Honor Award 2015
Susan Crosson
TLC Leadership & Service Award 2015 - VP Practice
John DeMelis
TLC Leadership & Service Award 2015 - Treasurer
Bambi Hora
TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award 2015
Mark Holtzblatt and Norbert Tschakert
"Baker Hughes: Greasing the Wheels in Kazakhstan (FCPA violations and implementation of a corporate ethics and anti-corruption compliance program)"
2014 Award Winners
TLC 2014 Hall of Honor Award
Cathleen Burns, University of Colorado-Boulder
TLC 2014 Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award
Carol Springer Sargent, Middle Georgia State College
"Find It, Fix It, and Thrive: The Impact of Insisting on Proficiency in Prerequisite Knowledge in Intermediate Accounting"
David E. Stout, Youngstown StateUniversity
"Pack-and-Go Delivery Service: A Multi-Component Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Learning Resource"
The Accounting Educator
Newsletter of the Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section
- Volume XXIX, Number 5 [Winter 2021]
- Volume XXIX, Number 3 [Spring 2020]
- Volume XXIX, Number 3 [Winter 2020]
- Volume XXIX, Number 1 [Fall 2019]
- Volume XXVIII, Number 4 [Summer 2019]
- Volume XXVIII, Number 3 [Spring 2019]
- Volume XXVIII, Number 2 [Winter 2018]
- Volume XXVIII, Number 1 [Fall 2018]
- Volume XXVII, Number 4 [Summer 2018]
- Volume XXVII, Number 3 [Spring 2018]
- Volume XXVII, Number 2 [Winter 2018]
- Volume XXVII, Number 1 [Fall 2017]
- Volume XXVI, Number 4 [Summer 2017]
- Volume XXVI, Number 3 [Spring 2017]
- Volume XXVI, Number 2 [Winter 2017]
- Volume XXVI, Number 1 [Fall 2016]
- Volume XXV, Number 4 [Summer 2016]
- Volume XXV, Number 3 [Spring 2016]
- Volume XXV, Number 2 [Winter 2016]
- Volume XXV, Number 1 [Fall 2015]
- Volume XXIV, Number 4 [Summer 2015]
- Volume XXIV, Number 3 [Spring 2015]
- Volume XXIV, Number 2 [Winter 2015]
- Volume XXIV, Number 1 [Fall 2014]
- Volume XXIII, Number 4 [Summer 2014]
- Volume XXIII, Number 3 [Spring 2014]
- Volume XXIII, Number 2 [Winter, 2014]
- Volume XXIII, Number 1 [Fall, 2013]
- Volume XXII, Number 4 [Summer, 2013]
- Volume XXII, Number 3 [Spring, 2013]
- Volume XXII, Number 2 [Winter, 2013]
- Volume XXII, Number 1 [Fall, 2012]
- Volume XXI, Number 4 [Summer, 2012]
- Volume XXI, Number 3 [Spring, 2012]
- Volume XXI, Number 2 [Winter, 2012]
- Volume XXI, Number 1 [Fall, 2011]
- Volume XX, Number 4 [Summer, 2011]
- Volume XX, Number 3 [Spring, 2011]
- Volume XX, Number 2 [Winter, 2011]
- Volume XX, Number 1 [Fall, 2010]
- Volume XIX, Number 4 [Summer, 2010]
- Volume XIX, Number 3 [Spring, 2010]
- Volume XIX, Number 2 [Winter, 2010]
- Volume XIX, Number 1 [Fall, 2009]
- Volume XVIII, Number 4 [Summer, 2009]
- Volume XVIII, Number 3 [Spring, 2009]
- Volume XVIII, Number 2 [Winter, 2009]
- Volume XVIII, Number 1 [Fall, 2008]
- Volume XVII, Number 4 [Summer, 2008]
- Volume XVII, Number 3 [Spring, 2008]
- Volume XVII, Number 2 [Winter, 2008]
- Volume XVII, Number 1 [Fall, 2007]
- Volume XVI, Number 2 [Spring, 2007]
- Volume XVI, Number 1 [Winter, 2007]
- Volume XV Number 1 [Winter, 2006]
- Volume XIV Number 4 [Summer, 2005]
- Volume XIV Number 3 [Special Issue, May 2005]
- Volume XIV Number 2 [Spring, 2005]
- Volume XIV Number 1 [Fall, 2004]
- Volume XIII Number 1 [Summer, 2004]
- Volume XII Number 4 [Summer, 2003]
- Volume XII Number 3 [Spring, 2003]
- Volume XII Number 2 [Winter, 2003]
- Volume XII Number 1 [Fall, 2002]
- Volume XI Number 3 [Summer, 2002]
- Volume XI Number 2 [Spring, 2002]
- Volume XI Number 1 [Winter, 2002]
- Volume X Number 4 [Summer, 2001]
- Volume X Number 3 [Spring, 2001]
- Volume X Number 2 [Winter, 2001]
- Volume X Number 1 [Fall, 2000]
- Volume IX Number 4 [Summer, 2000]
- Volume IX Number 3 [Spring, 2000]
- Volume IX Number 2 [Winter, 2000]
- Volume IX Number 1 [Fall, 1999]
- Volume VIII Number 3 [Summer, 1999]
- Volume VIII Number 2 [Spring, 1999]
- Volume VIII Number 1 [Fall, 1998]
- Volume VII Number 2 [Summer, 1998]
- Volume VII Number 1 [Fall, 1997]
- Volume VI Number 2 [Spring, 1997]
- Volume VI Number 1 [Fall, 1996]
- Volume V Number 2 [Winter, 1996]
- Volume V Number 1 [Fall, 1995]