Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is there a submission fee for JIS?
A: Yes. The submission fee is $50 for members of the AIS section, and $75 for others.
Q: I publish primarily in the MIS discipline. I see several references to AIS research and the link to the accounting and auditing domain. Does that mean you do not welcome MIS (or computer science) research?
A: All the papers in JIS must contribute to AIS, accounting and auditing research. This contribution may be direct, by working with settings in AIS, accounting or auditing. Equally importantly, the contribution may be indirect, by bringing to AIS, accounting, and auditing the benefits and implications of research in management information systems, management science, computer science, psychology, sociology or other business fields. Evidence of this contribution may be highlighted by drawing from theories and evidence in the AIS, accounting or auditing literature. It may also be made by drawing conclusions in the paper for research and practice in AIS, accounting or auditing. It is the author's responsibility to ensure these contributions are apparent.
Q: Will you look at my early draft?
A: Yes! The senior editors strongly encourage a dialog with authors as ideas are built and drafts are generated. The editors can provide guidance on the fit with the JIS mission as well as on the paper itself.
Q: Will the senior editors be open to reviewing a research idea or an early draft of a paper?
A: Yes, we encourage this! Please communicate your ideas or early drafts with the senior editors.
Q: How many theme issues will JIS have?
A: We plan on one theme issue per annum. Check the “Current Calls” section of the following page for the most up-to-date information: http://aaahq.org/AIS/Journal
Q: How does a theme issue differ from a special issue?
A: A theme issue takes up part of a regular issue. A special issue is a one-off issue. JIS publishes only theme issues, not special issues
Q: Will there be more JIS conferences?
A: Yes. We are planning that JISC will be an ongoing series of JIS conferences.
Q: When did JIS transition to three issues per annum?
A: 2015.
Q: What is the quality ranking of JIS compared to other journals?
A: This varies depending upon the ranking source. Among many sources and universities, JIS is considered an A or A- journal, while it is not currently ranked at all by other sources and some universities. We are actively working to make the journal known to all parties who rank and rate journals so that your publications will receive the widest possible recognition.
Q: I am organizing a conference. Might JIS join as a sponsor?
A: We are happy to consider sponsorship and participation in a range of conferences. Please email the senior editors at JIS@aaahq.org.
Please email your questions to JIS@aaahq.org
Journal of Information Systems
The Journal of Information Systems (JIS) is the academic journal of the Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Section of the American Accounting Association. Its goal is to support, promote, and advance Accounting Information Systems knowledge. The primary criterion for publication in JIS is contribution to the accounting information systems (AIS), accounting and auditing domains by the application or understanding of information technology theory and practice.
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