Journal of Information Systems

Advancing Accounting Information Systems Knowledge

Published three times annually (beginning in 2015)

Journal of Information Systems

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The Journal of Information Systems (JIS) is the academic journal of the Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Section of the American Accounting Association. Its goal is to support, promote, and advance Accounting Information Systems knowledge. The primary criterion for publication in JIS is contribution to the accounting information systems (AIS), accounting and auditing domains by the application or understanding of information technology theory and practice. AIS research draws upon and is informed by research and practice in management information systems, computer science, accounting, auditing as well as cognate disciplines including philosophy, psychology, and management science. JIS welcomes research that employs a wide variety of research methods including qualitative, field study, case study, behavioral, experimental, archival, analytical and markets-based.

Senior Editors:
Alexander Kogan, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark
Patrick R. Wheeler, University of South Florida


Call for Papers
JISC-2019 – 4th Journal of Information Systems Research Conference
Accounting Information Systems
Conference Date: January 10-12, 2019

The Journal of Information Systems (JIS) of the American Accounting Association will hold the 4th JIS Research Conference (JISC-2019) in conjunction with the Joint Midyear Meeting of the AIS and SET Sections in San Antonio, TX on January 10-12, 2019. Both JISC-2019 and the Joint Midyear Meeting are being generously sponsored by KPMG.
Journal of Information Systems is the research journal of the Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Section of the American Accounting Association ( JIS is now in its 32nd year of publication. The journal is indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index, ESCI).

Topics and Research Methodologies
Original academic papers addressing a wide range of issues related to accounting information systems and information technology will be considered. All research methodologies are welcome, including experimental, qualitative, field study, analytical, behavioral, archival, design science, and empirical.

Paper submission
Papers to be considered for this conference should follow the JIS editorial policy and be submitted to JIS using the AAA’s manuscript management system. Full details are available at Papers accepted to JISC-2019 will also receive a strong consideration for acceptance to JIS. Research teams are expected to improve their papers following the guidance from the academic and practitioner reviewers and from the interaction at the conference. Recognition of the paper’s inclusion at the JISC-2019 will be noted if the paper ultimately reaches publication. Papers not accepted for the conference will continue to receive review by the Midyear Meeting research paper Chair. There is an option for remote teleconference presentation by international authors of accepted papers who are unable to attend the conference in person. In cases of hardship, authors may petition JIS editors for possible waiving of the JIS submission fee.

The deadlines for JISC-2019 are:

August 1, 2018: Research papers due

January 10-12, 2019: JIS Research Conference 2019

June 1, 2019: Revised papers due.

Inquiries may be made to JISC-2019 Co-Editors Rob Pinsker and Jennifer Riley  


Journal of Information Systems

Journal of Information Systems

The Journal of Information Systems (JIS) is the academic journal of the Accounting Information Systems Section of the American Accounting Association. JIS publishes academic research and practice-based reports related to the relationship between accounting, information systems, and information technology. Rapidly evolving advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) require accounting professionals (and researchers) to be attuned to the needs of digitally transformed organizations. In response, JIS seeks to support, promote, and improve research and practice regarding the linkages between accounting and systems, including how this informs risk and opportunity in today’s global society. The journal reports on current topics through a focus on: human-computer interaction (HCI) research in accounting information systems (AIS); the integration of accounting and information technology; the implications of global challenges such as climate change upon AIS; applying or understanding information technology theory and practice within AIS, accounting, and auditing; methodology; and developing theories related to information technology. JIS prints three issues a year in Spring, Summer, and Fall, and is indexed in Scopus and SSCI.

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