Accounting Information Systems Officers


Accounting Information Systems

The purpose of the Accounting Information Systems Section is to further the theory, education, and practice of information systems. To achieve this goal, the Section (1) sponsors a mid-year meeting and provides other forums for presentation and discussion of theoretical, educational, and practice developments; (2) publishes the Journal of Information Systems and a newsletter for Section members; and (3) organizes committees to work on special topics.

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Andrea Kelton
Middle Tennessee State University


Lorraine Lee
University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Past President

Kimberly Church
Missouri State University


Jacob Haislip
Texas Tech University


Diane Janvrin
Iowa State University

Council Representative

Ann Dzuranin
Northern Illinois University


JIS Editor
Michael Davern
The University of Melbourne
JIS Editor
Marc Eulerich
Universität Duisburg-Essen
JIS Editor
Graham Gal
University of Massachusetts Amherst
JIS Editor
Gregory Gerard
Florida State University
JIS Editor
Jacob Haislip
Texas Tech University
JIS Editor
Louise Hayes
University of Guelph
JIS Editor
Diane Janvrin
Iowa State University
JIS Editor
Bradley Lawson
Oklahoma State University
JIS Editor
Jee-Hae Lim
University of Hawaii-Honolulu
JIS Editor
Robert Pinsker
Florida Atlantic University - Boca
JIS Editor
Gregory Saxton
York University
JIS Special Topic Editor
Eileen Taylor
North Carolina State University
Senior Editor - Journal of Information Systems
Tawei Wang
DePaul University
JIS Special Topic Editor
Michael Werner
University of Amsterdam
JIS Editor
Bernhard Wieder
University of Technology Sydney
Senior Editor - Journal of Information Systems
Carla Wilkin
Monash University - Caulfield
JIS Editor
David Wood
Brigham Young University


Juergen Sidgman
University of Alaska-Anchorage


2025 AAA Annual Meeting Vice Chair
Hilda Carrillo
University of Louisville
2025 AAA Annual Meeting Chair
Xu Cheng
Auburn University
Nominations Committee-Chair
Kimberly Church
Missouri State University
2025 JISC Conference Co-Chair (Co-Editor)
Jacob Haislip
Texas Tech University
Education Issues Committee - Chair
Rosemary Kim
Loyola Marymount University
2025 Midyear Meeting Vice Chair
Jared Koreff
Trinity University
Research and Publications Committee - Chair
Nirmalee Raddatz
University of Memphis
2025 New Scholars Consortium Chair
Amanuel Tadesse
University of New Orleans
Education Issues Committee - Vice Chair
Surani Vincent
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
2025 Midyear Meeting Chair
Stephanie Walton
Louisiana State University
2025 JISC Conference Co-Chair (Co-Editor)
Ju-Chun Yen
National Central University
Research and Publications Committee - Vice Chair
Yiyang Zhang
Youngstown State University

Section Committee Member

Education Issues Committee
Jennifer Hamrick
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Education Issues Committee
Jose Lineros
University of North Texas
Nominations Committee
Jeffrey Pickerd
Brigham Young University
Research and Publications Committee
Gregory Saxton
York University
Nominations Committee
Antoinette Smith
Florida International University
Research and Publications Committee (Ex-Officio)
Tawei Wang
DePaul University
Research and Publications Committee (Ex-Officio)
Carla Wilkin
Monash University - Caulfield


Journal of Information Systems

Journal of Information Systems

The Journal of Information Systems (JIS) is the academic journal of the Accounting Information Systems Section of the American Accounting Association. JIS publishes academic research and practice-based reports related to the relationship between accounting, information systems, and information technology. Rapidly evolving advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) require accounting professionals (and researchers) to be attuned to the needs of digitally transformed organizations. In response, JIS seeks to support, promote, and improve research and practice regarding the linkages between accounting and systems, including how this informs risk and opportunity in today’s global society. The journal reports on current topics through a focus on: human-computer interaction (HCI) research in accounting information systems (AIS); the integration of accounting and information technology; the implications of global challenges such as climate change upon AIS; applying or understanding information technology theory and practice within AIS, accounting, and auditing; methodology; and developing theories related to information technology. JIS prints three issues a year in Spring, Summer, and Fall, and is indexed in Scopus and SSCI.

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