Academy of Accounting Historians

Brown Bag Online Sessions
If you would like to attend an upcoming session, please register with past AAH president Gary Spraakman, York University (Canada) at  All registered participants will be provided with a Zoom invite and a copy of the paper being presented.


Upcoming Session:

Brownbag Online Session
January 20, 2023, 9:00am-10:15 am
The Valuation Treadmill: How Securities Fraud Threatens the Integrity of Public Companies

Our next AAH brownbag online seminar, on January 20 from 10:00 am to 11:15 am, Eastern, features Professor James Park of the UCLA Law School. He will discuss his recent Cambridge University published book, The Valuation Treadmill: How Securities Fraud Threatens the Integrity of Public Companies, which is a history of securities fraud regulation. Jim’s presentation will emphasize the impact of the 20-year-old Sarbanes-Oxley legislation.

All AAH and AAA members are invited to attend this free online session. If you would like to attend, please register with Past AAH President Gary Spraakman, York University (Canada) at  All registered participants will be provided with a Zoom invite.

Brown Bag Series Seminar: November 18, 2022, 9:00am-10:15 am

The Principality of Hutt River (1970-2020) In Australia: Accounting for Sovereignty

Brown Bag Series Seminar Friday, June 11, 2021

Nicholas Dopuch (1929-2018): Editor, Mentor, and Harbinger of an Empirical Accounting Research Revolution
Presenters: Stephen R. Moehrle (University of Missouri-St. Louis), Martin E. Persson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), and Jennifer A. Reynolds-Moehrle (University of Missouri-St. Louis)

The First 40 Years of the Academy of Accounting Historians

Trace the evolution of The Academy of Accounting Historians in a three part series of papers from its founding in 1973 through the 40th Anniversary in 2013. The primary purpose of this series is to provide information about The Academy of Accounting Historians, the people who have contributed to its establishment and success, and to assist in planning our future role. All three papers were published in The Accounting Historians Journal and can be viewed by clicking the button below. 


Accounting Historians Journal

First volume was published in 1974. We publish twice a year. Older volumes are available online at AAA Digital Library

Overview of acceptable submissions:

  • History of profession
  • Biography
  • History of accounting change
  • Entity case studies: industries, companies, governmental or NFP entities
  • Development of accounting theory
  • Critical examinations of new or old research
  • Does not have to be old to be a part of our history

Learn More

Accounting Historians Notebook

Submissions and any other Notebook editorial matters may be sent to:

Volume 46, No. 2 is now available online!

View it here now!