FARS Distinguished Ph.D. Mentoring Award

Purpose: To recognize an individual’s distinguished efforts in teaching and mentoring doctoral students in the financial accounting research area over the course of his/her career. Candidates for this award would meet the following criteria:

A candidate need not meet each criteria to be considered for the award. The award will not simply be based on numbers of students, but rather weight will also be given to specific examples of situations in which the candidates went above-and-beyond to mentor their students.

Nature of the Award: The Award will not be given with any specific periodicity but rather when an eligible recipient is identified. Award recipient(s) will be recognized and presented with a plaque at the FARS Midyear Meeting. The presentation will be a featured part of a lunch program, with some of the recipient(s)’ former students invited to talk about the ways in which the winners had a positive impact on their careers.

Process: Any FARS member may submit nominations of candidates meeting the above criteria to the Lifetime Achievement & PhD Mentoring Awards Committee Chair Edward Li (Edward.li@baruch.cuny.edu) by September 15.  The form may include the names of multiple nominators; it is expected that at least one of the nominators will be a former student of the candidate. The committee's recommendations along with all nominations will be forwarded to the FARS Steering Board for its consideration.  A candidate must then receive the support of at least 75% of the FARS Steering Board members (11 out of 14 members) to be given the award.

  • Candidates should have a long track record of producing successful doctoral students that have been research-productive over their careers.
  • Candidates should have shown a willingness to co-author with their doctoral students and/or provide continuing feedback on their students’ work (as evidenced by being thanked for comments).
  • Candidates should exhibit some evidence of advancing their students’ long-term professional development; e.g., helping them secure conference or presentation invitations
  • Candidates should exhibit some evidence of distinguished teaching and mentoring during their students doctoral programs; e.g., high-quality doctoral seminars

FARS Distinguished Ph.D. Mentoring Award

2023 Terry Shevlin, University of California , Irvine  
2022 Linda Bamber, University of Georgia  
2021 Professor Anne Beatty, Deloitte & Touche Chair of Accounting, The Ohio State University  
2020 Professor Patricia Dechow, Robert R. Dockson Professor of Business Administration & Professor of Accounting, University of Southern California  
2019 Professor Douglas Skinner, Deputy Dean for Faculty and Eric J. Gleacher Distinguished Service Professor of Accounting, University of Chicago  
2018 Professor Russell Lundholm, Alumni Professorship in Accounting, University of British Columbia  
2017 Professor Dan Dhaliwal, Frances McClelland Endowed Chair, University of Arizona, in memoriam  
2016 Professor Daniel Collins, Henry B. Tippie Research Chair in Accounting, University of Iowa  

President's Letter

John Xuefeng Jiang
Michigan State University
2024-2025 FARS Section President

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to share some updates and recognize the volunteers for their outstanding contributions to the 2024 Annual Meeting.

1. Acknowledgements:

  • Special thanks to Atif Ellahie (Utah) and Christine Cuny (NYU) for organizing the 2024 Annual Meeting in DC.
  • We appreciate the efforts of 18 track chairs and 500 reviewers who processed 475 submissions. Special thanks to Patricia Breuer (Erasmus) for handling 78 submissions and Forester Wong (City University of Hong Kong) for handling 46 submissions.
  • We're pleased to recognize 30 reviewers with the AAA Excellence in Reviewing Awards.

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Journal of Financial Reporting

The Journal of Financial Reporting (JFR) is the academic journal of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the American Accounting Association. 

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FARS Research Objectives:

  • A. to encourage, facilitate, and publicize research in financial accounting and reporting.
  • B. to communicate interests, intentions, and actual work-in-process in the area.
  • C. to identify areas in need of research.
  • D. to provide opportunities for public exposure of research results through AAA meetings (annual, regional, and special meetings devoted solely to financial accounting and reporting) and publications (including working papers and a separate journal for financial accounting and reporting, if warranted).