Best Early Career Researcher in Management Accounting Award
Sponsored by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
Call for Nominations – AAA MAS Best Early-Career Researcher in Management Accounting Award
Purpose: The purpose of the award is to recognize and reward the early-career researcher with the best overall body of research in management accounting. The recipient is honored with a plaque and $2,000. The award is generously sponsored by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.
• Originality and innovative content
• Relevance of the body of work to management accounting theory, practice, education and/or advancement of research methods in management accounting
• Contribution to management accounting knowledge and impact on the field
• Evaluation of the likelihood that the body of work will stimulate benefits to management accounting research in the future
Eligibility: Eligible researchers were within five years of receiving their doctoral degree at the end of the last calendar year. Nominations for the award are to be submitted at or near the end of that five-year period.
Thus, for the award given in 2024, the candidate must have received his/her doctoral degree on January 1, 2019 or later. The body of research to be considered must have been published or accepted for publication between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2023.
In addition, the candidate must be a member of the Management Accounting Section of the AAA at the time of the award.
Nomination Procedures: The nomination letter must clearly identify the nominee (including contact details), the body of work to be considered and a brief statement describing how the body of work contributed to the management accounting research. Letters of support for the nomination may also be included. While there is no standard nomination form, submissions should address, at minimum, the evaluation criteria listed above. Self-nominations are allowed.
Award Committee and Submission Instructions: Nominations will be evaluated by a Committee of faculty appointed by the MAS President. Nominations must be emailed by Friday, March 1, 2024 to the Chair of the Award Committee: Gavin Cassar, INSEAD, .
Presentation of Award: The Awards will be presented during the Management Accounting Section Business Meeting and Lunch at the AAA Annual Meeting in August.
Management Accounting Section Best Early Career Researcher Award Prior Recipients
2023 | Jee-Eun Shin | |
2022 | Carolyn Deller | |
2021 | J. Henry Eyring | |
2020 | Jeremy Bentley | |
2019 | Laura Wang and Adam Presslee | |
2018 | Henry Friedman | |
2017 | Martin Holzhacker | |
2016 | Isabella Grabner | |
2015 | Willie Choi | |
2014 | Ivo Tafkov | |
2013 | David Erkens | |
2012 | Jasmijn Bol | |
2011 | Gavin Cassar | |
2010 | Michael Williamson | |
2009 | Henri Dekker | |
2008 | Kristy Towry |
MAS Awards
Dissertation Awards
JMAR Best Paper Awards
Lifetime Contribution to Management Accounting Awards
Literature Awards
Teaching Awards
Early Career Researcher Awards
Impact on Management Accounting Practice Award
A Letter from Our Section President Karen Sedatole, Emory University
Dear Management Accounting Section (MAS) Members.
Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year!
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us in Washington, DC for the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting. We had a terrific program of over 20 MAS concurrent sessions and a new reception format for our annual business meeting. Who doesn’t like a glass of wine to go along with financial and membership reports?! A huge thank you to all of you who submitted papers and to the over 100 volunteers who reviewed, discussed, and moderated for the meeting! And, of course, a special thank you to the MAS track organizers, Curtis Hall and Michael Majerczyk. For those of you who were unable to attend, here is a highlight of the awards presented to MAS members during the Annual Meeting:
Journal of Management Accounting Research
The mission of the Journal of Management Accounting Research (JMAR) is to advance the theory and practice of management accounting through publication of high-quality applied and theoretical research, using any well-executed research method. JMAR serves the global community of scholars and practitioners whose work impacts or is informed by the role that accounting information plays in decision-making and performance measurement within organizations. Settings may include profit and not-for profit organizations, service, retail and manufacturing organizations and domestic, foreign, and multinational firms. JMAR furthermore seeks to advance an understanding of management accounting in its broader context, such as issues related to the interface between internal and external reporting or taxation. New theories, topical areas, and research methods, as well as original research with novel implications to improve practice and disseminate the best managerial accounting practices are encouraged.
JMAR publishes 3 issues per year in Spring, Summer, and Fall, and is indexed in Scopus and ESCI.